So my LSV has landed!!!
Somehow i ordered SILVER but on opening the case i find a PURPLE LSV... Oh well, whatever i am not that fussy!
What i am a bit concerned with is that it may be a blemished one.
The holes are not smooth and still have metal burs on them, there are scratches in the finish and just generally a poor finish...
Oh well again... So long as it works like it should i can live with it!
First two loads blew... and in a bad way, still testing so not worried at all!
Third bowl was heavenly!!! So i turned it up a bit more, chokingly thick clouds!!! Almost smoke like that i could literally chew on! I had to check the bowl to make sure i had not combusted!!! Still green, so good to go!! Finished that off and took a break!
To recap a bit!
1st bowl was just crumbled bud
2nd bowl was slightly bigger chunks, both 1st and 2nd bowls stirred.
3rd bowl was ground bud and it worked well but made me cough.
More testing needed to be done!!
4th bowl was also ground bud, just loaded the ELB with less material.
Best tasting Afghani Headband i have ever tasted!! 20 minutes later i can still taste it!!!
Great clouds, nice thick and delicious!!!
Everyone should have one of these vapes in their arsenal!
2 minute heat up!
Awesome taste!
Big clouds!
Easy to use a WT with!
This thing just replaced a few other vapes, instantly...
A weekend of serious testing will ensue!
@biohacker I turned the nano off...

for now.