the latest/greatest, but I can never justify it.
I was going to get the EVO however $500 is $500.
The LSV is so powerful and gets me in the clouds (pun intented)
I need to spread my funds to maintain a stress free life.
For me to buy a CLOUD EVO is like going to the beach in a BENTLEY!
If you have the disposable income why not?
I have a small cheap low income collection.
However it gets the job done.
The VAPOLUTION is the BEST TASTING DRY VAPORIZER there is for the price. Not a center piece for the coffee table in your living room. (mine is on 24/7 in my wood shop) I can use this one and get stuff done.
SOLO'S = 24/7 easy setup for when I need a impulsive session without flame. (There are others in this category to choose from these were simple no trills units) Plus their cheap.
LVS = The most powerful unit I own! Sessions take a bit more time however the LSV gets me the most medicated.
When my projects are finished and I have time this is number one!
All my vaporizers I use at different times for various reasons.
When I'm the only one in my family who is a MEDICAL MARIJUANA patient the vaporizer needs to fit a family budget.
Instead of the latest greatest I simply strive for functionality.
Most likely I will get more vaporizers however I will not replace the LSV.
When I was a recreational consumer of cannabis I never liked BONG's because of the large gaping mouth piece. ZIG ZAGS were my means.
The new water pipes with the smaller mouth pieces I find incredible and kind of classy. The LSV works so well with a water path so if you like glass a LSV is a nice pairing. I would rather improve my glass collection rather than my vaporizers!