I can't stand the taste of combustion however I miss the strong hit from time to time!
What's your take?
I have strong opinions about this. I think the Volcano has the 'purest' flavors, due to the rock solid temp regulation.
I think that 7th Floors vapes have the 'best' flavors, due to
lack of temp regulation. Clearly, just my personal opinion, but let me explain why I feel this way.
Pure vapors taste wonderful to me. But with 7th Floors vapes, there is no way to guarantee that you are 'only' vaping, without a little bit of 'near combustion' mixed in. Think about the process on their vapes: Prior to you inserting your wand, whip, or whatever, the element is in there, just getting that air
HOT. And you first inhale, that air is waaaaaay too hot. But...since the herbs absorb some of that, and its instantly followed by air that is closer to, if not perfectly on, actual vaping temperatures, that initial moment of 'way too much heat' only lasts for a millisecond. My opinion, is during that millisecond(s), the flavor notes that are produced are not pure vapor, and therefore altering the taste.
Additionally, since with 7th Floors vapes we have to control the heat based on our rate of draw, if that personal draw rate wavers, even slightly, you will effect the taste. Slow down for just a moment, or as you naturally slow as your lungs get full, and you will alter the process. This wavering, sometimes above vape temps, and sometimes below, will alter the flavors, IMO, greatly. (7th Floors vapes are not alone in this regard.)
It is this reason, that I enjoy the taste of 7th Floor's vapes. Maybe its my lingering desire to still smoke being ever so slightly satiated. So...Volcano... I feel is the purest. When I get a new flavor, I put it in the Volcano immediately, so I KNOW what it is supposed to taste like. And I really enjoy that. Then, I load it up immediately in my LSV or SSV or DBV, and I
love that.
The MFLB is not a vaporizer that I use for any other reason than stealth and convenience. I find the taste to be...meh. Good, not great. When I am at home, its
plug-in all the way. I REALLY enjoy taste from the Vapolution, but find that its just too small of a load and the glass is so fragile and under developed, so I don't use it. Again, just my $0.02.
Admittedly, my LSV only comes out when I am using a water piece. That's at least once a day! 30 vapes and counting, and I still rely on 7th Floor and S&B. My two co-pilots.