@710 -- thank you so much 4 stopping by n your interest my friend --
We have been looking into this for a while ( and we will continue these tests and will share as many open ones as possible) ....At first from a medical standpoint and then a basic / construction angle ....
and that was before even thinking about the use of it with wax / vaping .....
But ... regardless
Titanium alloys are metals that contain a mixture of
titanium and other chemical elements...

- Titanium Alloys are AMAZING FOR BUILDING AND SUPPORT ! ( so far from what we need yet we do want durability ) good use / pure oils/wax / and our warranty when needed will all help the NON-ALLOY issue

- the good form (
"knowing the alloy is simply just a mixture of what could be many things ? "
-- the first obstacle we hit was "what other mixtures and even what other chemicals" and I would really want to see the "mixture" as some will call it --- "hmmmm????"
We have found copper to be a very very common & yes strong mix which allows manufacturers to mix with softer very cheap titanium (if even) of course --- I would want to see the actual ALLOY tests from the companies -- we will all be surprised when we see what is being used by too many ---- most will not send me the real report of ingredients of course -- ( again a good reason I'm lucky my brother has these crazy departments & machines at his medical/science lab ) a plus for our entire community !
It has been a long road for us all @ Kind MD Vapes --"in the beginning" .... "there was house & house had a groove

but a test we did back then through our lab with one sample that we had actually made by a past manufacturer (thinking we were kinda??? happy (the taste wasn't what I expected ??? ) the product we still tested each piece after I ripped apart --- I guess I was not too surprised to find it was 12% Titanium1 (the softest titanium) 82% copper and 6% Unkown ...hmmmmmm ??? didn't like this "advertised titanium2 like most of course !!!!!!!!!!!) - and yes this was a major manufacturer who makes for many other companies and they of course claim titanium2 --- if pushed they will then say titanium alloy ! We sent all 3000 pieces back !
the 2nd company we had do a run for us with our first MD-72's

-- well those tests came back almost (90% SS and just 9 % titanium2) so it is certainly a joke to some of them --
(but I understand because the cost truly is high) and instead they use a certain common wire (from what I hear) it is used in many other industries/applications around the world so it comes very very inexpensive (almost free) to them ! and the most important part to remember is this allows them to install/make very very easy --- I am not looking to make their job easier !!!!
We r looking to make the best and truly healthy products for us who need them !
- I imagine the reason most will not even use our own Titanium2 pure when we have delivered right to their door ????? (they are making too much money just using the titanium alloy on hand due to cheap worker cost and high manufacturing of real Titanium2 regardless)
- I will certainly admit one thing though-- you are correct
@710 IMO -- using a heavy copper coil or steal coil mixed with any Titanium
could make the coil stronger and you will notice it usually does at times -- BUT you are then IMO without ANY doubt dumping the taste factor if not immediately after the fist cleaning of alloy -- since
-- and another issue is because of the mystery metal used -- corrosion of alloy can become a serious issue under heat or in certain solutions even used for cleaning ! ---- and my friend I won't jump in on the health because the verdict is still out -- but as soon as some "new" reports about copper and other metals are in I will post immediately of course! I will keep you post brother!
the bottom line is simply one thing --- and a perfect example is the actual differences can be huge -as a company we watched it step by step with our MD-72 aftermarkets --- the main companies went to the international market using basic coils and silica (yuk)
that made us start making our MD-72's for a better experience for all ! ...... We started making because the original kits and replacements were about 85% copper and to most -- yuck-- the taste showed -that was without thinking about the wick -- which we then learned was a technology game changer and still is ---
( new ones will arrive ! )

but we started by selling a titanium2 alloy with ceramic as our very first MD-72's but as much as the wicks made it taste very "nice" -- it wasn't "nice" batch to batch - the reason was because the copper IMO was giving that burnt weird taste -- and they still use till this day in the main kit -- (if its not broke don't fix ???? NOT WITH KIND MD )
so we continued with the MD-72 aftermarket and quickly changed to titanium 2 TRUE wire with ceramic wick -- and ohhhh boy --- it made such a huge huge difference is that taste ! I'm talking incredible --
then / now we going with titanium 2 TRUE (non - alloy) and airstone with our MD-72 and I feel like kid in candy store --

yum yum yum

---- such a difference - night n day

-- n more ! so I must go by experience and our local east coast testing and Washington State multiple Oil corporation testings
I will also say when it comes to a coil being more durable regardless of what it is made of -- please do yourself a favor and clean OFTEN--- especially with the airstone since they have pours n cleans so well -
- no more expanding due to impurities !
Looking forward to incredible weeks ahead my friends
Please I ask -- we are a very open company here to work with customers / idea makers and other companies for the better of the entire industry !

we are not above anyone and look for further info from anyone with facts or even just ideas ! we love working hand n hand and love the support and closeness we share with our friends !
any titanium2 or any other ideas -- hit me up ? --

thank you in advance
peace to you all enjoy the weekend !