very sorry 4 the small delay over weekend to everyone who was a expecting to get order in --- (every order that went through and sent a confirmation went through - and will be shipped today ! we had to pull down site after a hack prank it seems - (explained below)
we r all safe - no worries -- just a friendly competitor trying to push @ us by using an old hacking technique -----

-- ALL GD -
but honestly running this with so few currently has been tougher than I thought - especially with my weekend gigs and my son of course ... and my unfortunate dam knee disease - but all good --
I'm thinking we will be able to hire at least s helper to assist with shipping / online chat . sales -- very soon

and the product IS completely ready ready -- yes yes yes

excitement n air -- the stainless steal model will always be available yet the glass option if wanted will become available next week but I honestly think going away from dirty glass may b way to go ! -

- im kinda sick of looking at yellow glass --
but I will say - when using the cap and added filter features -- you will no longer have to worry about splash or oil where it shouldn't be
we already approving the secondary product n new elements 2 be used -- pics posted n full info later -- gotta stay ahead as crazy as it feels and sounds ! we have some interesting ideas I cannot wait to hear your ideas about ! I'm gunsa start video taping all our tests so we can compare and discuss !
I came here to give announcement about why it (website)wasn't up on friday and when we will be up -- we will still start shipping the second batch today ! (orders from the hours it was open / online site up during SAT afternoon eastern time from 1pm - 6pm ) will be back up within 48 hours tops !
plz contact me through PM on here just for next couple days if u need anything at all ! I thk u again for patience and I will make it worth your while !
delay reasons --- now fixed --- just testing site now ....
I thought the o rings were just too tight as I boxed them up -- -- so I luckily found a nice local company who helped us get new o rings quick over wknd to keep the tube nice and snug but not as tight as it was --- I'm sure it will break in with use of oil rubbed in or vasaline helps but i want everyone super super happy as soon as box is opened & put together ! no added steps !
things are never easy and some peeps are not too kind

-- within 6 hours of the site being up one wize azz (IM LOOKING 4) @@#@@@ decided to play a NOT funny hacking game with us -- no problem with our billing info and it will always be safe and triple encoded and private -- kept on
separate server on purpose --
for your respect and privacy ! - this will always be TOP PRIORITY TO US !!!
Our customers and friends mean the world to us !
-- but they were able to do a simple or sum type of photo/ link hack -- where they went in the front page and directed items to thur companies products checkout !

nice try !!!! .. -- not pointing fingers n i won't even say the products it was sent to -- cause I have class! but yet another example how cutthroat n i will say its a tough industry --
I'm glad we do and always will do all open and honest here @ kindmdvapes--
********and we will always share our technology -- its for the good of the medicine - the movement and health in general !
Thank you Micheal for quickly noticing this issue --- we should be safely back up tmro but r running full tests now !
I was hoping to release both the cartridge and the battery as close as possible -- and it will be ready in 2 more days !

this is everything I have been looking for within our battery --- I tried putting everyones ideas together the best we could while keeping price sweet n low --
thk u all 4 the amazing ideas ! I think we only left the temp part out but r ready to add in future if needed-- --
****THIS WILL BECOME EVER MORE IMPORTANT FOR CLOUD CHASERS AND TERPENE LOVERS WHO UNDERSTAND THE MEDICAL BENEFITS OF THOSE TASTES (don't be surprised that you taste more than you see -- that can be the best dose o the batch !!!!!!!!)**** I say this is important because the head is specially made to heat up just enough & take time 2 do so - and cool down super qwik .. so it is so gr8 to be able to run past 10 seconds --- it may sound weird but its at a low temp -- and keeps all in tact -- you can always go higher -- you cannot go lower once u burn and ruin your meds!
()- the premium future / fall cartridge will run at 3.7 / 6v and 7.4v depending on setup -- this will also use your preference to how it heats up and the length you will need the button pressed !
()- I'm excited about the battery -- because even with the Stainless Steal MD-72 SLIM model we just released it is a different type of system that I feel needs its own battery or a battery that @ least you can adjust and keep on 4 a drop or
"titrate" buttons very well !

()- yes it has very similar pieces we r all familiar with -- but we focused on temperature to keep our medicine in tact n protected during initial hits -- and then we were lucky enough to find this special airstone that holds the oil inside without burning -- as long as kept at 3.7 volts -- perfect temp to keep taste and effects in tact --
()- then you may find yourself slowly increase the voltage you use -- most will start creeping up to 4.3v to get full huge clouds - still having the nice taste but now the focus is around the cloud size --- you can now continue to finish cup till the end around 4.3v -- others will take up higher to about 4.7 to get every drop of oil out instead of leaving oil behind / although another nice technique called
"stacking" IMO i will explain in more detail in the actual cartridge instructions -- and future discussions
it will depend on your cleaning method --- wet method or after many tests we now find dry - frequent cleans to be the best especially with the perfect new MD-72 cleaning tool--- I'm not even trying to sell but its ideal for every cartridge I know out thur -u will be amazed as I was ! - except not 2 be used on super delicate thin titanium2 or fake / low quality alloy --
again another huge key to these new cartridges are the strength of the 32 gauge titanium2 - think about the titanium u have that has popped on u ????

-- its titanium with huge strength ... should it really be popping so easy --- NO of course not ! I'm sure a huge reason ours never ever pop or even move is because of the purity and strength -- the fact we use extra so we have zero need to solder EVER - usually the best place for a pop -- (we were actually thinking deep about giving or to actually offer a warranty on the coils as we will offer a warranty with every other product we make) but after many discussions we r afraid of abuse with people sending coil in when they r just simply ready 4 a new one (i want to trust everyone ??? ) --
-- it worked out good anyway instead we decided to cut the prices and make it so if you buy 3 it is just worth it any way u twist it !
- also like i already mentioned the coil heads have no soldering - and of course zero glue --
all brings more safety and also strength overall ---
the 32 gauge type of titanium we use is so very strong as opposed to the Tit2 alloys or the thinner versions - they can be touched and cleaned very well --
** I just pulled a new one (kind coil) out last night for fun after months of just swapping 2 coils back n forth as I clean them (instructions will show all cleaning methods in gr8 detail as well as filter options to use using included Stanless Steal streamer filters for the cap and the drip tip included in all kits but optional to use ) ) --
I just wanted to see after all this time how much of a difference a brand new coil would make -- and o my surprise not much at all --- I was using new medicine -- and incredible taste from old and new ! the new one had a drop more airflow but once heated up they both ran equal ! amazing from my experience !
I was also interested because I have been testing so many new ideas for heating --- I will show you some hopefuls and the graveyard pics soon as all