above will be dropping this week my friends -- for use with our newest "slim" base !
It is an amazing tool to add to the collection or the ideal spot to start !
I do not want to jump too far ahead as well --- but we already are finalizing ...the next generation / .... dropping @ end of summer - these items will actually be wider as opposed to the "slim" so the load amount will depend on the size of the cartridge by the end of summer -the client will have a nice selection of choices and preferences !

- but currently we use our standard or small cartridge to fit the slim .... I cannot believe I'm calling these small ! lol -- i never thought I would due to large size already ....
- but yes -- there will be larger ones for our 2nd model release ! (dont let it hold you up due to the fact that it will always fit all our devices / cartridges -- and we will be offering an unheard of Kind MD / FC program that will save on the 2nd device upon release --- getting it to our fans for nothing but cost ! ) more on that as the week & sale moves forward !
- although I say it is our "small " cartridge / head it is larger and most important deeper than any others I see out and about in the marketplace --- this will be a client preference and will depend on the material used and the type ---
lets assume we are starting with our single airstone titanium head --- It can hold a lot due to how deep it goes and the extra cap

-but -- please remember the airstone REALLY REALLY ACTS LIKE A TRUE WICK & holds the liquid (a nice amount) at a nice temperature ! -- and we just sourced a brand new airstone that is larger than anything out there -- its a special white airstone after the kiln burn with an amazing diameter and more room to hold the pure parts of the oil --keeping anything else away
You will notice when the oil gets to the even point of the wick --- it starts pumping out clouds like crazy -- and goes on n on n on -- even when you would swear it was almost gone 10 hits or more ago by appearance --
But the fact that the suction pulls the oil from inside the airstone to touch the titanium 2 is amazing once you get used to it and think about the science of it --- and at this point amazing clouds, performance and boy does it conserve !!!!! and it makes so much sense with the wicking material !

back to ceramic 4 a moment -getting into it deeper it makes sense how the ceramic donut eats up the oil -I love the ceramic and will FINALLY master the cartridge for our industry ! but a few things we r trying to solve in a perfect way --
-- not only due to hot hot temps -- but no wicking to hold it in place as well so it just pools up n gets hot ! -- its either super hot n vaping up or its sitting on the heat and losing properties as it disappears ---
(*yes I love the fact it cleans itself to a degree and leaves nothing behind ???? but yes no gunk left ??? but where did the gunk go ?? I'm looking more and lore into some new concepts -- exciting methods ! amazing tools ! -- a lot thanks to you all for telling us exactly what you want -- and what you would love to see ! -- I just find we need a few extra steps with the ceramic disc and I'm very very close -- but the coils -- they are at an incredible point in technology ! )
** news ** From tests and the last year and half of developing the MD-72 top selling glacier wicks that got us started in the actual medical industry ! It really educated us and showed us the road ! and new announcement --- after a new product being finalized -- the MD-72 has now been picked up by a SEEGO company and will soon be available exclusively in some SEEGO products !

I loved reading about your current set-up --- I have been doing ceramic tests for the last 8 months -- we have tried so many combinations / types / ohm's / shape & setup - and our newest and most successful method .....shhhhhhhhhh (ill be announcing soon) - I can put a photo up of our basic one which is the same cup as the single coil rod but has the donut inside instead ) still needs some adjustments 4 our friends !

- as far as the ceramic in general--- its super for many reasons -- (OUR NEW ONES BASICALLY SELF CLEAN -- I PUMP IT UP TO 5VOLTS AND THE DARKNESS TURNS BACK TO THE BLEACHED WHITE ORIGiNAL COLOR ! -- i really really dig this part n will find a way to make this a standard once we get it right !
It is a tough one for portability due to the true hot hot heat from most ! certainly need special insulation which we will have as part of our ceramic cartridge -- and please do not forget

-- it will fit in the same spot as all our other heads -- so you will be able to jump from a single titaium2 coil air stone or ceramic wick -- swap to the ceramic cartridge --
then to the dual coil "super airstone" (this new airstone soaks almost 30 percent more material than the ones currently out on the market --- these are made special 4 Kind MD

They use these materials -- the new airstone as well as the ceramic heating elements for many purposes in the Medical / Surgical Manufacturer industry ---- my brother based in Germany have helped so much ! thx -- They have a new look on things and it has brought some great ideas to the table and Im so excited to share at the right time ...
back to the ceramic again -- we have been trying to perfect it due to the initial taste being so nice -- during the first 2 hits or so of course --- yet unfortunately the heat gets too high too quick and does not dissipate on these units - they stay hot/dangerously hot 4 too long and because of this ...... all terpenes / flavor disappear very fast and at times due to high temps even the thc/medicine have been ruined/ burnt off- no longer reclaim

We have been working hard hand in hand with Germany with the OHM changes and a totally different design in many ways -- using different fixes for the extra heat and the other issues --- we have come up with some very successful solutions---
the one issue we are still trying to work out is using the ceramic heating units for large amounts --- due to the heat damaging the taste and the thc types / or levels after the 1st / 2nd pull ......we need to either accept the ceramic heating device has a beautiful taste but maybe should just be for small go n load situations! no .3 or .5 --(.1 . .2 ) - unless wasting half of the oil taste IMO huge sacrifice IMO ( I happen to really like the taste of my medicines ) so this is high up on my list --
we are solving this problem with different solutions from extra air flow for cool down -- to so much in between --- hush hush stuff 4 now

I feel very strongly about this technology being incredible for this purpose and you will see a very similar application for one of our main medical "Home Kind MD devices" -- but that uses cooling functions and other items we have room to do this indoors box

But we currently have load n go ready .3 currently (ceramic heating) but we will not be selling these yet --------- another example of how we will NOT ever be using the market as a test ---
we will get everything as perfect as we can and then push a product out from thur ---
- we will have a thermal cover for these high heat situations--- but honestly want a more scientific solution and we almost thur !
Ill put a photo up later of the current ceramic disc -- but it will be just like many on the market since it is just another test unit

My bad to go onto other items we still working on --- (i never realized I would have to focus at so much st once -- instead of step by step ---

******************** we just decided to use FC as a place we can document as we move ahead into the future !
Kinda like a journal with our g00d friends throwing out kind props n incredible ideas !
thank you --- huge updates about to drop ---- and anyone still awaiting answers that I started touching on -- I will get to everyone / and item by the end of weekend !
peace n respect
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