I am back and because I finally received my JyARz. A few of you may already know I have really wanted some of these little gems for some time. So ...... it was an added bonus to a already great day. Thanks JyARz and Mr. Mailman.
I was pleased that they arrived intact and in a reasonable amount of time. My first impressions of the JyARz were surprise and happily pleased. Those were evoked when I arrived home and picked up the package that was sitting on my bed. I picked up the package and was surprised by the weight of my 2 ordered Classic JyARz. I had to crack into the shipping packaging to see them first hand!
Once open I was pleased and impressed to see the packaging that the actual JyARz are in. I know packaging is not all that exciting but if you know anything about it or have worked in the industry at all you would be able to appreciate the small containers that the JyARz are held in.

They are just the standard brown cardboard with a nice JyARz logo inked on. However the design of them is great because they kept mine safe, show off your newly purchased item a bit and add protection while being shipped. Sweet!
Now, onto the containers themselves. I really like how the Classic feels while in my hands. It has that memories of a Milk Jug brought back to a new life feel. I like the fact that there is history and a cause behind JyARs. This added to the overall value for me personally.
I really liked how when I opened a Classic for the first time. You could tell the tops fit on nice and tight and kept all things nice and safe inside. Then when I went to slide out the glass insert. I was delighted by the vacuum effect that delayed and slowed the exit of the glass out of it's recycled plastic home. Even more fun, was watching it slowly descend later back into it's plastic shell while full of some pre-ground goodness.
I was a tiny bit disappointed when I noticed that both of my classic glass inserts did not have the small JyARz logo as depicted in the pictures on the website. This was later forgotten when I reached back into the shipping package and discovered a extra little box. To my amazement it was a free, robustly Orange colored Chico. I was stoked and impressed all over again with the quality and how cool these little things really are. I now have a Halloween vibe going on with my black classics and orange Chico, pretty cool!
Now, because I have been tempted by JyARz and thoroughly and happily impressed I plan on ordering 2 more Classics another Chico and 2 Satchmo's. Now my only issue is deciding on the next color to pick out. You have a lifetime customer, thanks JyARz!!!