No bottom piece. At least mine did not. Just the top piece that screws onto the satchmo
Hey @JyARz I was browsing your site today and noticed what I guess is a spelling mistake ?
thought I let you know
was thinking about emailing it but I was already online on FcForum
Dropped my Jyarz classic on the ground by accident and broke the glass.Luckely there are replacements available!
+1Still hoping for Classics in orange at least.
Hahah you made me do it!Sometimes I just open one of my full Jyarz and take a deep sniff and then smile.
Are there any EU vendors who carry the white Jyarz? Or some other than black blue and puky green?
Jyarz are great by the way. But thanks to Jyarz screaming H E R B all over their homepage, they are no-go for direcct order. Even while legal, it's a stupid move. Just sayin.
You wish.customs isn't going to look up websites of stuff getting shipped.