Given that today is the 23rd, yeah probably.Crap......I missed this sale, didn't I?
Yeah....I know the date but was hoping for a sale extension like 420edc did.Given that today is the 23rd, yeah probably.
Try airing it out for a few days?Is there a way to remove the silicone smell of pad in the cap? Got an additional satchmo from vapefiend. Old one I guess which really smells plasticish. But even the ones I purchased recently directly from, if I open them the smell of the herb is kinda weird
Can I wash the top cap and pad with baking soda or iso?
Has anyone ever suggested a view hole in a Sachmo? I get tired of opening the wrong one....I know it would increase breakability but not by much....Just a thought and I love my Jyarz.
@MAbud or buy different colors...It seemed like a smart thing to ask at the time..
I ordered mine while a sale was on and I ended up with all 4 green Sachmos so I am constantly opening and closing to see which one I want...Label maker? your a more organized person than me....
I just bitch about it....
I do this as well! 2 rows of Scotch tape and then I write on it with a Sharpie marker if I want to change strains, I wipe it off with alcohol and then relabel.Scotch tape and a pen is my go-to.