I just got my Pockety a few days ago and it is my first e-rig also even though I have been a
"head" since high school in the mid-late 70's. Closest I ever came to anything like dabbing was with Lebanese blond hash using the good 'ol hot knife method using two butter-knives heated up on an electric stove. So just outside my radar as I've always been happy with weed. But got curious after discovering this forum a few months ago and having a tollerance issue that has gotten annoying. It seemed obvious that adding a different ingestion method other than TM2, DynaVap B, edibles would be a good idea. Hance dabs and e-rigs.
And it gets me really, really high. I mean, amazingly high. So clearly using a new method of ingestion is working. A big part of it hitting so hard for me is I am a noob at it after all, but I am hopeful that if i do periodically bounce around between weed, edibles, concentrates, etc., that should help me btain a pleasant buzz when I want/medically need one.
y haven't I written a review yet? Mainly because by the time I have gotten off work and have free time and could even THINK about writing a re I've been too stoned to do so...

And it's been a minute since the last time I felt that way. This thing is fantastic. It just feels solid and well-made but I still really do not like the phallically shaped glass, but the lighting effects pretty cool and everything else about it is really great. My set-up is AIN insert and two 4mm pearls.
How Is It To Use?: I found it a relatively short learning curve with the pearl-spinning, which temps, when to carb, etc., but and it quickly became pretty intuitive. Very rich clouds and stony effects and I am AMAZED at how far a little bit of concentrate goes. I know I shouldn't be since it is, after all,
CONCENTRATED but I'm just used to how long it takes to get through weed.