Hello I-I !
Thank you, again for your response. The information you provided about the inner-workings of the I-I (and, more importantly, your willingness to discuss safety issues and how they are addressed in the design of the I-I) have brought me closer to my personal point of purchase (as the I-I is impressively portable, yet would not be worth using at the expense of my health--even if the damage were due to user error/ignorance).
I also appreciate your preference not to discuss return rates/rejections/etc. However, I was mainly interested in issues people have had (due to user error or not) to provide a better idea of how to best care for my I-I (once I work through my paranoia

). Do you have
any insight that may help?
Also, I have included a couple of questions you may have missed in the previous post (below in the boxes):
P - What I was asking about particularly is byproducts of the heavy metal catalyst (and what catalyst the I-I uses?), as well as potential byproducts created in sub-optimal conditions such as a lack of enough oxygen/presence of other gasses & contaminants (maybe even suggestions on how to ensure that the air/gas mixture is "correct"). Does the unit contain a 'scrubber' that eventually needs to be replaced, etc.?
P - if one were to grossly overfill a unit (butane running down the sides) what problems (if any) could this pose, and is there anything the owner can do to remedy problems (if any exist)--what would I-I recommend (as I have heard of this type of user error numerous times)?
P - Was there supposed to be an answer#3 or was that just a typo?
Finally, if you were willing to post a copy of the owner's manual with the specific instructions & warranty stipulations, it would be greatly appreciated (and could help reduce the inquiries and skepticism of potential I-I owners).
As stated, the I-I is a very impressive (IME) and intriguing (IMO) device. The greatest obstacles to my personal ownership of one seems to be a lack of familiarity/comfort with how the the unit functions internally and how the users safety is ensured--as well as my personal paranoia

(I also have some concerns about how durable I-I will be in the long run as well, but time will tell that one, right?

Thank you again for toking the time to come here and discuss the I-I (I whole-heartedly hope that such efforts benefit yourself and the rest of the people at I-I/O&B, as I imagine they will

PS: SS, I was so enlightened by all of the useful I-I info and questions you shared in that last post (JK)

-- it was sadistically funny though

edit: Thank you (to the I-I rep for answering
ALL of the--difficult?--questions I posed above). *I submitted a more detailed 'thank you' via e-mail.