Hello all,
I am posting because I feel badly that I use/like the I-inhale sooo much and have written sooo little about it

Part of the reason why I have written soo little is because it is fairly intuitive and there is nothing much to say (which is also part of what I like so much about the unit

Another part of the reason that I have written so little is that I didn't want my first post about a unit as novel, portable, functional, discreet, and interesting as the Iolite to be unfairly negative

. In particular, some owners have had issues with their units malfunctioning (some after a very short period of ownership), and I wanted to see how everything played out before posting. In the end, it is a shame that those individuals had issues with their units (IMO), but is impressive how professionally and fairly O&B handles returns/repairs (from what I have heard).
The clincher that brought me here to finally post something is that all of the people who experienced problems (and some of those who have not had any problems) have been wondering if they had/are doing anything that has/may hurt their Iolite. As a matter of fact, I tried to compile a list of things people had been asking from memory, and had intended to post it here. Instead, however, I have decided that it may not be as easy to find and reply to questions scattered throughout this thread, and have made a thread called "Can I _____ with my Iolite?" in the general vaporizer section of FC (in hopes that the representative from Iolite will have some time to answer questions and help ensure people can maintain their units properly

So, overall I love the Iolite for its portability, novelty, and ease-of-use

. A significant amount of those I know have reported having their unit malfunction

, but (IMO) that is to be expected with such novel technology (and O&B seems to really take care of those who return their units for repair/replacement

). I may personally prefer a slightly lower temperature for cleaner vapor, but recognize that many (most?) appreciate that it leaves the herbs deeply browned but not blackened

Please feel free to stop by
http://www.fuckcombustion.com/viewtopic.php?pid=20865#p20865 and add any question hay has not yet been covered (PLEASE READ/RESPECT THE REQUESTS THAT I HAVE TAKEN THE TIME TO COMPOSE--IN THE FIRST POST OF THE THREAD).