I just thought I could start a new thread about my last vaporizing device . I had the personal goal to make a full borosilicat glass vaporizer when I start to blow glass about 2 years ago as it was looking like something easy to do but than after few try I just put this project on the shelf and stop really working on it .The main idea was to make something that work with a simple cigaret lighter but my first prototypes was pretty ugly , way to big and not super efficiant (cause it was making dark spot or to thin vapor) . There is about 3 month ago I finaly found how to creat an evenly heat mass from a flame . Since I have been working on the look and how to make it more ergonomic / user friendly . Keep in mind that it can be add to any water pipe or can be made on a ''sherlock'' shape so it can fit in your pocket .I know I'm not the only one to make those kind of flame filter , I have seen many shape and idea about those but like some of you already know , it is all about how the heat move throught the herb , about the heat mass , the shape and size of the bowl and what temperature is reach inside the bowl .Now my friends are all adicted to it and all want one ......LOL
With this thread I'm not trying to sell it but I really want to share what I came up with as I'm so happy to finaly came up with something that I'm proud to show
.For now it is not for sale as it will be test soon by some Fc members and also keep in mind that I'm only a glass blower working in my own lil shop on many many project at the times to keep my shop alive , so I dont think I will mass produce this , it might be only for the members this nice forum who will be interest in it . The one I use in my video is my personal prototype on a straight 50mm tube (with no downstem as you can see cause I fill like it thin out the vaper some times when it is over filtered and also cause I was hoping to show the best vapor possible). no special light as been use , it is the morning here and the sun is pretty shinning .
Here is the best video I came up with just 2 minutes ago with about .2 of normal herb , well dry and finely crush .Also I used a normal bic lighter just to show that it work well with it but I preffer using a small torch as it make a ''cleaner flame'' .I also creat this new thread just to keep my glass thread for talking about glass
hope you'll enjoye !!

With this thread I'm not trying to sell it but I really want to share what I came up with as I'm so happy to finaly came up with something that I'm proud to show

Here is the best video I came up with just 2 minutes ago with about .2 of normal herb , well dry and finely crush .Also I used a normal bic lighter just to show that it work well with it but I preffer using a small torch as it make a ''cleaner flame'' .I also creat this new thread just to keep my glass thread for talking about glass
