Unfortunately, Globull warming is a hoax created by the Communist Chinese to destroy America.
Some GloBULLists will point out that simple chemistry tells us Co2 in an atmosphere causes heat retention. They'll say stuff like Mercury is cooler than Venus, despite being closer to the sun. Because Venus's atmosphere is 96% Co2.
According to chemistry and physics (both Chinese hoaxes), Venus's Co2 rich atmosphere traps an insane amount of heat energy from the Sun, causing surface temps of over 800
A severe climate change event on Venus may have transformed an Earth-like climate to the current uninhabitable-to-humans state.
If you doubt that there's a Commie Hoax afoot, allow me to blow your mind.... The only country to ever land probes on the surface of Venus: the fucking SOVIET UNION!
This slideshow shows every successful Venus mission in history, according to information from NASA.
For all we know, the surface of Venus is a pleasant 70
°F! So I say.... drill baby drill! Let's see how high we can push Earth's Co2 levels. Do we really want Venus (a Commie planet) to beat us?
Also... Globullists fail to understand that Carbon Dioxide is literally plant food! This is a cannabis forum. Cannabis requires Co2 to survive. Folks, the Globullists are trying to suffocate our weed!