Interesting News, Articles & Stuff


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
How many of you folks who are talking about the military and what its made of have actually been in the military?

I have and I can tell you that the majority of those who volunteered to join the military back when I did "AS AN ENLISTED PERSON" versus an officer, (Enlisted folks are the majority of the boots on the ground and the majority of the boots under the ground.) joined because there was nothing else for them. They weren't going to college, couldn't afford college and their options for making a living were pretty slim. The number of enlisted personnel I came in contact with who joined because they love America and wanted to show their love by defending it with their life was pretty low. Once you're in the military it can be a different story in terms of fighting for and with your brothers. Also nobody gave a rats ass about politics or party. Most folks weren't even 20 yet.

If there was an invasion of American soil the above would change drastically and it wouldn't make a shits worth of difference which party you align with anymore than it did in peace time.

My nephew was considering going into the military and had plenty of other options. When I asked him why the military ....... He told me he wanted to prove to himself how tough he was and he didn't want to go to college. I told him joining the military to prove he was tough just proves how immature he is and he shouldn't join unless its because of his love for America and his willingness to give his life for his country.

I joined because I got in so much trouble that my options were join the military or go to jail according to the judge. Best thing that ever happened to me because once I scrubbed that 100th toilet the light went on in my head that I should use the GI Bill to go to college.


Well-Known Member
They weren't going to college, couldn't afford college and their options for making a living were pretty slim. The number of enlisted personnel I came in contact with who joined because they love America and wanted to show their love by defending it with their life was pretty low. Once you're in the military it can be a different story in terms of fighting for and with your brothers. Also nobody gave a rats ass about politics or party. Most folks weren't even 20 yet.

I've posted this before, but it seems relevant


Babylon Drifter

Black Taoist
How many of you folks who are talking about the military and what its made of have actually been in the military?

I have and I can tell you that the majority of those who volunteered to join the military back when I did "AS AN ENLISTED PERSON" versus an officer, (Enlisted folks are the majority of the boots on the ground and the majority of the boots under the ground.) joined because there was nothing else for them. They weren't going to college, couldn't afford college and their options for making a living were pretty slim. The number of enlisted personnel I came in contact with who joined because they love America and wanted to show their love by defending it with their life was pretty low. Once you're in the military it can be a different story in terms of fighting for and with your brothers. Also nobody gave a rats ass about politics or party. Most folks weren't even 20 yet.

If there was an invasion of American soil the above would change drastically and it wouldn't make a shits worth of difference which party you align with anymore than it did in peace time.

My nephew was considering going into the military and had plenty of other options. When I asked him why the military ....... He told me he wanted to prove to himself how tough he was and he didn't want to go to college. I told him joining the military to prove he was tough just proves how immature he is and he shouldn't join unless its because of his love for America and his willingness to give his life for his country.

I joined because I got in so much trouble that my options were join the military or go to jail according to the judge. Best thing that ever happened to me because once I scrubbed that 100th toilet the light went on in my head that I should use the GI Bill to go to college.

I suspect when you served and which branch makes a huge difference in your experience. I joined to protect my country from the Russians, Muslim terrorists and Iranians in 1979. I didnt know anyone who volunteered to escape thier circumstances. No matter how bad your life was most people didnt think joining the military and potentially lying somewhere while you bled out was an improvement in living conditions. People used to understand you join the military to close with the enemy and kill them....

Reading the news today, I'm not sure it made any difference since its still the exact same 3 problems were dealing with. Maybe its because I still see the same idiots running the show from here that were running things in 1979.
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In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
I've posted this before, but it seems relevant

My recruiter literally acted like my "best friend" until the day I got sworn in.....his whole persona changed right after the swearing in ceremony ..... he came over to me with this shit eating grin, shook my hand and said "How does it feel to be the property of the Navy? Think of yourself as a pair of balls and the Navy as the hand holding them. You'll be better off if you remember the Navy can squeeze those balls whenever they feel like it". Quite the turnaround from his introductory see the world sales pitch.

@MilesHigh - Thank you for your service. I don't remember anyone having a political party affiliation. I do remember that initially the groupings were based on whether you were from the North or the South and what color your skin was. Once we got out of boot camp, completed specialist training and were given our assignments the whole North versus South thing seemed to cease. Unfortunately the color barrier itself didn't. I was stationed down south and we were all thick as thieves until we left the base and then we'd go our separate ways.

Babylon Drifter

Black Taoist
My recruiter literally acted like my "best friend" until the day I got sworn in.....his whole persona changed right after the swearing in ceremony ..... he came over to me with this shit eating grin, shook my hand and said "How does it feel to be the property of the Navy? Think of yourself as a pair of balls and the Navy as the hand holding them. You'll be better off if you remember the Navy can squeeze those balls whenever they feel like it". Quite the turnaround from his introductory see the world sales pitch.

@MilesHigh - Thank you for your service. I don't remember anyone having a political party affiliation. I do remember that initially the groupings were based on whether you were from the North or the South and what color your skin was. Once we got out of boot camp, completed specialist training and were given our assignments the whole North versus South thing seemed to cease. Unfortunately the color barrier itself didn't. I was stationed down south and we were all thick as thieves until we left the base and then we'd go our separate ways.

Gotta love the US Navy, its like a fan. If you stand behind it, it sucks, stand in front of it and it blows, stand beside it and it won't do a damn thing for you.

FTN (Fine Trustworthy and Noble) LSHMDCFO (laughing so hard my dixie cup fell off)

My recruiter was so good I forgot the Navy had boats.

I'd add domestic terrorism to your list.

Domestic terrorism wasnt so much a problem after the Lefts "Days of rage" bombing campaign was finally curbed.

There were 2,500 domestic bombings in the USA in the first 18 months of 1971-1972.

Currently? Depends on your definition of terrorism I suppose. I still consider terrorists people who use explosives and such to target people not involved in the terrorists "struggle" .

I will say I don't consider protesters that don't leave death and destruction in thier wake to be terrorists....
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Well-Known Member
Currently? Depends on your definition of terrorism I suppose.

Here is a FBI definition;

Domestic terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.

The obvious example would have been what happened in Washington on jan 6 last year.

Babylon Drifter

Black Taoist
Here is a FBI definition;

Domestic terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.

The obvious example would have been what happened in Washington on jan 6 last year.

Obviously and let's not forget the soccer moms speaking up at the school board meetings opposing teachers unions or the people who didnt wear a mask at Walmart. They were all identified as domestic terrorists as well.

The latest alert also identifies people who question election integrity or have Covid grievances" as possible domestic terrorist.

1) proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions:
For example, there is widespread online proliferation of false or misleading narratives regarding unsubstantiated widespread election fraud and COVID-19.
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Well-Known Member
Obviously and let's not forget the soccer moms speaking up at the school board meetings opposing teachers unions or the people who didnt wear a mask at Walmart.

This mask protester would qualify.



Staff member
I'm going to step in here before this thread goes any further off-topic.

We don't need to discuss mask protests or BLM marches on FC. That's what Twitter and Facebook are for.

Keep posts apolitical or they will likely get removed and could earn warning points.

Thank you.

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Westchester, NY
How many of you folks who are talking about the military and what its made of have actually been in the military?

I have and I can tell you that the majority of those who volunteered to join the military back when I did "AS AN ENLISTED PERSON" versus an officer, (Enlisted folks are the majority of the boots on the ground and the majority of the boots under the ground.) joined because there was nothing else for them. They weren't going to college, couldn't afford college and their options for making a living were pretty slim. The number of enlisted personnel I came in contact with who joined because they love America and wanted to show their love by defending it with their life was pretty low. Once you're in the military it can be a different story in terms of fighting for and with your brothers. Also nobody gave a rats ass about politics or party. Most folks weren't even 20 yet.

If there was an invasion of American soil the above would change drastically and it wouldn't make a shits worth of difference which party you align with anymore than it did in peace time.

My nephew was considering going into the military and had plenty of other options. When I asked him why the military ....... He told me he wanted to prove to himself how tough he was and he didn't want to go to college. I told him joining the military to prove he was tough just proves how immature he is and he shouldn't join unless its because of his love for America and his willingness to give his life for his country.

I joined because I got in so much trouble that my options were join the military or go to jail according to the judge. Best thing that ever happened to me because once I scrubbed that 100th toilet the light went on in my head that I should use the GI Bill to go to college.

I suspect when you served and which branch makes a huge difference in your experience. I joined to protect my country from the Russians, Muslim terrorists and Iranians in 1979. I didnt know anyone who volunteered to escape thier circumstances. No matter how bad your life was most people didnt think joining the military and potentially lying somewhere while you bled out was an improvement in living conditions. People used to understand you join the military to close with the enemy and kill them....

Reading the news today, I'm not sure it made any difference since its still the exact same 3 problems were dealing with. Maybe its because I still see the same idiots running the show from here that were running things in 1979.

I also suspect when you served and which branch makes a difference... I can say post 9/11 at least, everybody I served with, was by choice, and for love of country. I honestly cannot think of one person that said, "I joined because I had no choice."

Post 9/11 especially, I think the days of the old judge looking at you, "Son, its the military or prison, the choice is yours..." are long gone. I think that went away decades ago. Now, it's actually very difficult to get into the military with any sort of legal issues on your record.

So yes I have seen how the military has changed over the years, from the inside, which was glaringly obvious when I decided to get out years ago.

Granted I also went into the USMC and I tend to think that those looking for whatever benefits they think they'll get would with an "easier" branch so maybe its different there and you'd find more people who "didn't have a choice."

Modnote: Edited to remove political content
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In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
@BrianTL and @MilesHigh - The difference in our experiences, as you said, is due to the timing and branch.

My enlistment was 4 active, 2 inactive. The 4 active were completed mid 1976 and the 2 inactive concluded prior to the beginning of the Iran hostage crises. My entire military commitment, thankfully, occurred during peacetime.

My understanding is that the military had higher standards in the years after my enlistment. I was 17, was on my own, hadn't graduated from high school, was kicked out of high school, had trouble with the law and my grades sucked. I doubt any branch today would have welcomed the old me.

You're also spot on in terms of the branch I and many of my counterparts selected.....the situation back then may have made it necessary for me to join but I had an option and selected the "easier" branch. Actually my first choice was the Air Force but they had standards :lol:


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member


Well-Known Member

I for one am not shocked in the least. We had a meeting with our HOA's lawyer last month. There are a myriad of issues the builder still needs to correct. The lawyer said we need to get on it now, because the home building lobby owns our legislature and continues to push for reducing the number of years builders are liable for defects. And it's already one of the lowest in the country.

When people call Floriduh "The Free State", what they really mean is corporations and the wealthy are Free to push their advantage over regular working people to the maximum degree. Our Legislature is only interested in virtue signalling to people who barbeque their brain with political media all day. Not fixing the many, many real problems facing this State.


Well-Known Member
Florida has been whoring itself out to development ever since Anita Bryant said, "Come on down!"

"Come on down", but we're not going to lift a finger to improve the State's infrastructure so it can handle the new influx of people. It's at the point now where it takes me just as long to drive anywhere on weekends as it did in LA. Same amount of traffic to do shit that's half as fun.

And rent on starting apartments are about what they were when I first lived in LA. Wages are nowhere near as high though. Thank god I don't rely on this State's economy to make my money. I feel really bad for people who do. There's been multiple wake up calls over the past 20 years that building a large State's economy almost entirely on tourism and real estate grifts is a really bad idea.

The weather is great for most of the year though. And property was cheap if you got in pre-pandemic. I don't really think it's worth it now. Wait for the inevitable correction.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member

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