Interesting News, Articles & Stuff


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I'll say this, it must be nice to have leaders who aren't 5,000 years old.

Here's the President of Chile:


The Prime Minister of Finland:


Here's the head of America's Federal Legislature meeting JFK as a grown ass woman:


I've often wondered how many world problems are due to the fact the most powerful people on earth were sucking in leaded gasoline fumes until at least their 40th birthdays.


Putin is a War Criminal
When you get a little older you may come to understand that age need only be a disqualifier with people who decay faster. I know plenty of folk in their 80s who are in better mental shape than people I know in their 60s. That doesn't mean that age CAN'T contribute to the analysis of competence, but it really isn't the age but the level of decay.
That being said, age can be a factor, but it surely isn't the most important.
I'm not naming any names here...


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
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Off the top of my head, Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, and the Walton Family.

parks and recreation two funerals GIF

Ohhhhhh. Wait, no. It's just for Russian oligarchs and kleptocrats. Oh well.

This is particularly galling because if it weren't for Soviets like Yuri, humanity probably would've never had a reason to go to space at all.


Active Member
"I W A N T A B E E R"

A completely paralysed man, who was left unable to communicate for months after losing the ability to even move his eyes, has used a brain implant to ask his caregivers for a beer.

Composing sentences at a rate of just one character per minute, the man also asked to listen to the band Tool “loud”, requested a head massage from his mother, and ordered a curry – all through the power of thought.

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Well-Known Member
Oil industry executives aren't the only people excited about high gas prices. A leaked email from an Applebee's executive says high gas prices will also allow them to offer lower wages as their potential worker base becomes more desperate. This scumbag is excited that the "wage war" is coming to an end. No more of this $15 an hour nonsense. The serfs will work for whatever we choose to give them.

You can say, "well don't eat with your dollars", the Applebee's exec has an answer for that as well. He said smaller mom and pop restaurants who may offer slightly higher wages won't be able to make ends meet. When they inevitably go under, Applebee's will now be able to hire their old workers at a reduced wage.



Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member

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President Joe Biden's proposed fiscal year 2023 Pentagon budget includes $813 billion in spending for national defense, a 4% increase of $31 billion from the spending package signed into law earlier this month.



Live image of the Raytheon Shareholders Meeting:

Hot Tub Party GIF


Well-Known Member
LOL listening to these workers shove this Google Union Buster's shit back in was very satisfying.

The Google rep absolutely violated the law by threatening to shut down the operation if a Union is formed. But it doesn't really matter. Our laws are so fucked that companies are basically encouraged to get the first union election thrown out. Because they know the company almost always wins on a second ballot, as momentum gets sucked out of the union drive. Maybe that would change if CEO's or major shareholders faced prion for illegally disrupting an election.

Look, I don't in general like judging how people make ends meet in this world. But in my opinion, some of the deepest pits of Gehenna are reserved for union busters. Hope that 200k a year was worth his immortal soul.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah.

Amazon spent years and millions of dollars fighting this. They lied, cheated, broke the law. And still ultimately failed.

Here's Chris Smalls, the young man behind this effort, celebrating outside the NLRB office.


He was fired by Amazon, almost 2 years ago to the day, for trying to organize the warehouse. Amazon then spent a lot of energy sliming him in the media by referring to him as "dumb" and "inarticulate" (wink, wink). I don't know about all that. He was smart and articulate enough to pull off one of the biggest Labor victories in recent memory.

Prayers up for Bezos though🙏. Gotta be a rough time for him.

Edit: oh shit. Hoes mad!


Corporate tears are the most delicious tears.

Marine Life Reaction GIF by pikaole
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Long Island, NY
Amazon then spent a lot of energy sliming him in the media by referring to him as "dumb" and "inarticulate" (wink, wink). I don't know about all that.
You made this statement so please link to where he was referred to as dumb & inarticulate.


Well-Known Member
You made this statement so please link to where he was referred to as dumb & inarticulate.

“He’s not smart, or articulate, and to the extent the press wants to focus on us versus him, we will be in a much stronger PR position than simply explaining for the umpteenth time how we’re trying to protect workers,” wrote Amazon General Counsel David Zapolsky in notes from the meeting forwarded widely in the company.

Bezos was sitting in on the meeting. I guess my question is, if he spent 4.2 million dollars to try and defeat a dumb, inarticulate guy and STILL got his ass cheeks clapped.... what does that make him?

Another fun fact, the O'Bungler's old Press Secretary Jay Carney was in the meeting as well. Yep, they're real friends of the working man. Getting a job at the scummiest employer in the country after leaving office.

I'm a pretty bland, conservative person. But if I hand a kink, it would be watching corporations and corporate whores crying because workers have decided to collectively bargain. Corporate whores like this alcoholic,

Yeah, dumbass. That's sort of the point. Workers should have at least a little bit of say on when they work and their working conditions. You know, since they're the ones actually generating Amazon's obscene profits. Not executives getting chauffeured from their comped $1,000 lunch to their comped $2,000 dinner.


Well-Known Member
Oil industry executives aren't the only people excited about high gas prices. A leaked email from an Applebee's executive says high gas prices will also allow them to offer lower wages as their potential worker base becomes more desperate. This scumbag is excited that the "wage war" is coming to an end. No more of this $15 an hour nonsense. The serfs will work for whatever we choose to give them.

You can say, "well don't eat with your dollars", the Applebee's exec has an answer for that as well. He said smaller mom and pop restaurants who may offer slightly higher wages won't be able to make ends meet. When they inevitably go under, Applebee's will now be able to hire their old workers at a reduced wage.


When Holcomb read the note, he quit on the spot. Before he left, however, he printed out about two dozen stacks of the email, showed them to his co-workers, and put them up all over the store—on the tables, the bar tops, the host stand, the doors, even the computer terminals.
“I gave everyone in the restaurant their food for free. We didn’t even close the store,” Holcomb, 23, told VICE News.

thats GIF
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