Interesting News, Articles & Stuff


Westchester, NY
I really do find this interesting as it was a pretty hot topic (+ I just saw Joe Rogan 2 weeks ago) the interest of neutrality I'll link a few articles, very interesting the difference in reporting, most notably the titles and what each outlet chooses to report. Naturally CNN and Fox get the most into it, the others just kind of touch on it. BTW full disclaimer... I wouldn't consider any of these articles "unbiased"

I do plan on listening to the podcast in its entirety when I have the time over the next couple of days so I wouldn't have to rely on this regurgitated info, but it will have to do for now.

Either way, CNN's Chief Medical Correspondent admits that CNN should not have said Joe Rogan was taking a horse dewormer (at least, specifically in reference to Rogan's use), and CNN lied by saying that he is, and knew it was a lie.

Video of that part:

Interesting exchanges:

"By the way, I'm glad you're better," Gupta said.

"Thank you," Rogan responded. "You're probably the only one at CNN who's glad … The rest of them are all lying about me taking horse medication."

"That bothered you," Gupta said, grinning.

"It should bother you too," Rogan shot back. "They're lying at your network about people taking human drugs versus drugs for veterinary."

"Calling it a ‘horse dewormer’ is not the most flattering thing, I get that," Gupta conceded.

"It's a lie," Rogan pushed back. "It's a lie on a news network … and it's a lie that they're conscious of. It's not a mistake. They're unfavorably framing it as veterinary medicine."

"Why would they lie and say that's horse dewormer?" Rogan asked. "I can afford people medicine motherf---er. It's ridiculous! It's just a lie! Don't you think that a lie like that is dangerous on a news network when you know that they know they're lying? … Do you think that that's a problem that your news network lies?"

"What did they say?" Gupta asked.

The podcast host first told Gupta that his ivermectin was "prescribed to me by a doctor," forciverng the CNN correspondent to say the drug "shouldn't be called" horse dewormer.

"Does it bother you that the network you work for out and out lied, just outright lied about me taking horse dewormer?" Rogan grilled Gupta.

"They shouldn't have said that," Gupta admitted.

"Why did they do that?" Rogan asked.

"I don't know," Gupta responded.

"You didn't ask? You're the medical guy over there!" Rogan exclaimed.

"I didn't ask," Gupta said. "I should've asked before coming on this podcast."

Gupta denied Rogan's claim that CNN made the claims with "such glee" before playing a clip of "OutFront" anchor Erin Burnett calling ivermectin a "livestock drug."

"I don't think Erin had glee," Gupta reacted.

"Well, it's more Brian Stelter who was the gleeful one," Rogan replied, referring to CNN's left-wing media guru. "The point is that's a lie."

"It can be used for humans! I get it," Gupta said.

"Not just could be used for humans, is often used for humans along with all the other drugs that I took. All human drugs," the podcast host said. "They know it's a human drug and they lied. It's defamatory."

"Yeah, they shouldn't have done that," Gupta reiterated. "I don't know if it's defamatory."

"I bet it is," Rogan asserted. "It's a lie."

^^ Keep in mind, this is the Chief Medical Correspondent for CNN.

Lastly, I'll just leave this one here, which basically hits the nail on the head for me...

Believe nothing you hear, and only half that you see.

"My point is you're working for a news organization. If they're lying about a comedian taking horse medication, what are they telling us about Russia? What are they telling us about Syria? Do you understand that that's why people get concerned about the veracity of the news?" Rogan pressed Gupta before the CNN correspondent, again, conceded he did not take a horse dewormer.

Articles for your reading pleasure. Sorry in advance for the shitty sources



I have said this before, anyone who believes anything *any* of the so-called 'news channels' says is really not paying attention!

It's just a game to them now, all morality, integrity, honour, decency has left the building ... long ago!

It is fundamentally 'entertainment', except most of it isn't that good, you're much better off spending your time watching fantasy and sci-fi from the likes of HBO. They make far more accurate commentary on the human condition.


Westchester, NY
It's just a game to them now, all morality, integrity, honour, decency has left the building ... long ago!

The never ending game of clickbait, fear porn, and whatever else these networks are guessing will make them the most money.

Legitimate journalism is dead.

Forget about "investigative journalism" these days. It's all regurgitated shit. There is no originality or any journalists who take the time to look into something before rushing a story to publish, based on info the government has chosen to provide, in the name of getting a view extra clicks or views or whatever.

I started to realize that when I read this book, also a lot about the flaws behind RICO investigations and the Federal court system. Highly recommend. The author was one of a kind, recently passed... but highly respected in some circles



In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
@BrianTL - I haven't verified or read through all of this yet but the up-front irony is "Brian Patrick Stelter is an American TV anchor who is the chief media correspondent for CNN and host of the CNN program Reliable Sources. :lol:

@kel - Couldn't agree more. I watch CNN and FOX to get both party's viewpoints and I long for the days of journalists like Walter Cronkite. I draw the line at sources like OAN. Right now my favorite "Journalist" is Chris Wallace.

I find it despicable that you have to ask yourself "Is the commentator an entertainer or a journalist"? Because both sides have folks who masquerade as a journalist until they are taken to task on something and then they back away from the journalistic standard.


Absolutely!! Mainstream news is a HOT MESS!

I do pay some attention to sources like

and also...

The FT because their business model is keeping business interests informed, if they started fucking about too much they would lose their serious readership - at least that's the impression I get!


Well-Known Member
I really do find this interesting as it was a pretty hot topic (+ I just saw Joe Rogan 2 weeks ago) the interest of neutrality I'll link a few articles, very interesting the difference in reporting, most notably the titles and what each outlet chooses to report. Naturally CNN and Fox get the most into it, the others just kind of touch on it. BTW full disclaimer... I wouldn't consider any of these articles "unbiased"

I do plan on listening to the podcast in its entirety when I have the time over the next couple of days so I wouldn't have to rely on this regurgitated info, but it will have to do for now.

Either way, CNN's Chief Medical Correspondent admits that CNN should not have said Joe Rogan was taking a horse dewormer (at least, specifically in reference to Rogan's use), and CNN lied by saying that he is, and knew it was a lie.

Video of that part:

Interesting exchanges:

^^ Keep in mind, this is the Chief Medical Correspondent for CNN.

Lastly, I'll just leave this one here, which basically hits the nail on the head for me...

Believe nothing you hear, and only half that you see.

Articles for your reading pleasure. Sorry in advance for the shitty sources

I've listened to Rogan for about 10 years. But the show is becoming unlistenable. He's constantly whining about COVID shit and tries to shoehorn it into every episode.

I totally agree that CNN was being dishonest when they say Joe Rogan personally is taking horse dewormer. But Joe is rich as fuck. The vast majority of Americans cannot afford to pay out of pocket for a private doctor to prescribe drugs for off-label use. Especially when the AMA specifically says NOT to do that with Ivermectin. That's why there were people shopping for COVID drugs at feed stores.

If CNN felt the need to cover this story at all, here's the honest and helpful way to do it. Say Rogan is taking a cocktail of drugs, including ivermectin. These drugs were all prescribed by his physician. If you are infected with COVID, seek a physician's advice. Only take drugs prescribed by them. That's good advice.

Believe nothing you hear, and only half that you see.

Agreed. But that unfortunately includes Rogan. Yes, CNN spread fake news when they said Joe was literally taking drugs bought from a feed store. But I saw the JRE episode after all this popped off. Joe's response was claiming that the ivermectin "worked" on him.

That's also spreading fake news. The motherfucker took like 20 drugs. He has no fucking clue that Ivermectin did anything for him. And one of those drugs was monoclonal antibodies. An approved drug we know works against COVID. If anything in his "kitchen sink" approach helped, it was almost certainly the antibodies. Not ivermectin, a drug that the best evidence suggests is ineffective for COVID patients.

Joey needs to have 'ol Billy Burr back on to ground him again...



Westchester, NY
I've listened to Rogan for about 10 years. But the show is becoming unlistenable. He's constantly whining about COVID shit and tries to shoehorn it into every episode.

Honestly I stopped listening to his podcasts when he switched to spotify. I dont use spotify and didn't care that much to download it just to listen to Joe Rogan. I forget if that was early covid state or pre covid when he switched, so thankfully I've missed all of that. I used to enjoy the spectrum of guests he would have though, felt like I would get good info from people I would never listen to otherwise. Which is the reason I am going to try to make an effort to get around to listening to this one in its entirety, even though I haven't watched/listened in forever.

I totally agree that CNN was being dishonest when they say Joe Rogan personally is taking horse dewormer. But Joe is rich as fuck. The vast majority of Americans cannot afford to pay out of pocket for a private doctor to prescribe drugs for off-label use. Especially when the AMA specifically says NOT to do that with Ivermectin. That's why there were people shopping for COVID drugs at feed stores.

Right you are. He even makes no qualms about it. I have no idea what the associated costs are to find yourself a doc to get prescribed Ivermectin, never looked into it, probably never will... when I go to my doc I pretty much listen to him, I dont look for ways to circumvent his advice and try to out-doctor a doctor.

If CNN felt the need to cover this story at all, here's the honest and helpful way to do it. Say Rogan is taking a cocktail of drugs, including ivermectin. These drugs were all prescribed by his physician. If you are infected with COVID, seek a physician's advice. Only take drugs prescribed by them. That's good advice.

Also agreed - thats exactly how it should have been presented, if at all. Not sure why it was even in the headlines at all, other than an attempt to discredit Rogan for whatever reason.

Agreed. But that unfortunately includes Rogan. Yes, CNN spread fake news when they said Joe was literally taking drugs bought from a feed store. But I saw the JRE episode after all this popped off. Joe's response was claiming that the ivermectin "worked" on him.

That's also spreading fake news. The motherfucker took like 20 drugs. He has no fucking clue that Ivermectin did anything for him. And one of those drugs was monoclonal antibodies. An approved drug we know works against COVID. If anything in his "kitchen sink" approach helped, it was almost certainly the antibodies. Not ivermectin, a drug that the best evidence suggests is ineffective for COVID patients.

Also fair, Joe should have and could have done more to specify it was a cocktail of drugs rather than just highlighting ivermectin - The only issue I have with that is CNN "started it" (like we're on the grade school playground) and went after him with the Ivermectin /horse drug comments, and not like Joe went around advising all of these people to take horse drugs etc etc.

I alsoooo want to just point out I didn't post this as a Ivermectin/No Ivermectin thing. I still have no real reason to believe it does anything for a person with Covid. Literally, no reason at all.... including Joe Rogan's experiences/comments. I also have zero idea what drugs were in his little cocktail, how they interact with eachother, and what the resulting effects are.

I guess it would have been better off suited in the Fake News thread, because that's what I was really getting at. The whole "These drugs are strictly horse pills and not meant for human consumption," but then you have the Chief Medical guy at that news source admitting that it's wrong, and he doesn't know why "his" news company would make that statement.

As you pointed out though, both parties in this instance are contributing to fake news.

Joey needs to have 'ol Billy Burr back on to ground him again...

I love Bill Burr. He's great!


believes in Dog
FDA authorizes an e-cigarette for first time, saying benefit for smokers outweighs risk to youths
This was the plan all along. Destroy the existing market and supply chain through government legislation. Pass rules that no one can totally comply too. Give the tobacco giants a pass because why not they have contributed so much to our campaign funds err I mean society.

Kids saved, big tobacco saved we are golden.
There is no thievery like legal thievery.
{insert dancing penguins here}

p.s Joe Rogan can kiss me where the sun don't shine.


Well-Known Member
There is no thievery like legal thievery.

The legal theft committed by our corporate elite puts petty criminals to shame. I have to laugh when I see people crying about shoplifting at Walgreens.

p.s Joe Rogan can kiss me where the sun don't shine.

He'll need to stand on his tippy toes.


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Oh No! Mr macbill!!
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I do not share his politics and ideas, but no one deserves to go out like this, awful :(

The political projection in this so soon after the poor guy died is repulsive, I hesitate to say anything as I am in some way lowering myself to their level, but meh... this opportunism is a perfect example of why I despise the BBC.
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He's right... the rhetoric, the memes, the jokes etc. are pretty much just low level bullying at this point, and this heavy handed censoring can only end one way. It's definitely not healthy.

Yes, there's a conflict between having the vaccine or not and being in contact with others and respecting them, but using bullying and censoring tactics to try and change that is probably a bit crass at the very best. In fact it's more likely to make people dig their heels in and become even more resistant to it, not to mention the highly flammable fuel it throws on the conspiracy fires!

Which reminds me, I saw a big anti-vaccination demonstration in town the other day, it's a small town so I know some of these people, and there is no way they are going to respond positively to bullying, ridicule or anyone telling them they are thick, stupid idiots, or anything even remotely like science, death rates, statistics etc. Easy enough to do sat behind a computer remotely, but they will give you a run for your money if you try face to face, they have their own science, statistics, etc, some of them pretty reasonable. The one that I can't shake is the limited liability granted to the companies that make these things, if the meds happen to kill you, they get to walk away scott free without a trial. I checked this and it's seems to be true. Here's the full fact article:

Which is to say, if the government and the pharmaceutical industry are genuinely serious about changing the minds of people who are worried about this vaccine, and even some anti-vaxxers (they are not the same thing) then a truly excellent step to take would be to stand wholly and honourably behind their word that the vaccine is safe and accept 100% liability. I am fairly certain that would go a long way to changing the minds of a lot of people and easily eliminate one of the strongest arguments that anti-vaxxers cite as their reason for not taking it.

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Semi shaved ape


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
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Well-Known Member
Vaccines aren't like an antibiotic. They're also not magic. All vaccines do is give your immune system exposure to a virus so it "knows" how to fight the real thing. That's it. And that's never gonna be a perfect process.

The way I looked at the vax was, it's training for my immune system. I'm gonna get exposed to COVID sooner or later. Do I want my immune system to have experience fighting this disease before someone coughs a big 'ol viral load in my face, or do I wanna roll the dice? If you're older or have a compromised immune system, that "training" probably wouldn't work as well as it does for me. But it's still almost certainly better than going into a COVID infection cold.

I also sort of doubt our measles or polio vaccines would be looking so hot if those diseases were in the air as much as COVID is right now.

Most of the vaxxed people who are dying are older. While the vax decreases your risk of hospitalization/death, it can't reduce it to the level of an unvaxxed 20 year old. So maybe a better approach is just making all the old people young again...

New young blood plasma research creates a stir

This guy used factors in young blood to cut the age of lab rats in half. Maybe the vampires were right all along? I believe his lab is putting together human studies next year.


Semi shaved ape

Vaccines aren't like an antibiotic. They're also not magic. All vaccines do is give your immune system exposure to a virus so it "knows" how to fight the real thing. That's it. And that's never gonna be a perfect process.

The way I looked at the vax was, it's training for my immune system. I'm gonna get exposed to COVID sooner or later. Do I want my immune system to have experience fighting this disease before someone coughs a big 'ol viral load in my face, or do I wanna roll the dice? If you're older or have a compromised immune system, that "training" probably wouldn't work as well as it does for me. But it's still almost certainly better than going into a COVID infection cold.

I also sort of doubt our measles or polio vaccines would be looking so hot if those diseases were in the air as much as COVID is right now.

Most of the vaxxed people who are dying are older. While the vax decreases your risk of hospitalization/death, it can't reduce it to the level of an unvaxxed 20 year old. So maybe a better approach is just making all the old people young again...

New young blood plasma research creates a stir

This guy used factors in young blood to cut the age of lab rats in half. Maybe the vampires were right all along? I believe his lab is putting together human studies next year.
0 cases of polio originated in America since 1979.
0 cases of smallpox since 1980.


Semi shaved ape
Doesn't the CDC attribute that to the success of the vaccine? Maybe, in 20 or so, years we might be able to say the same about COVID :shrug:
I can't find where anyone caught polio after being vaccinated.
I do see a lot of people caught it from bad vaccines though.
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Well-Known Member
Doesn't the CDC attribute that to the success of the vaccine? Maybe, in 20 or so, years we might be able to say the same about COVID :shrug:

92% of Americans are still vaccinated against polio. About the same for Measles/Mumps/Rubella. They stopped vaccinating against smallpox in the US 40+ years ago because it was eliminated. All of this is from the BillGates CDC though so...

Anybody remember the Disneyland Measles outbreak?

Vaccination status is known for 34 of the California patients. State officials say that 28 were not vaccinated at all, one was partially vaccinated and five were fully vaccinated. Six of the unvaccinated were babies, too young to be vaccinated.

So the measles vaccine isn't perfect either. The reason you probably have never met someone who's had measles is that everywhere you go, 90+% of people are vaccinated against it. Except Disneyland in 2014.


Well-Known Member
Earlier this year, the feds signed an agreement letting Boeing execs off the hook for the 737 crashes, which killed 346 people.

Then, the lead prosecutor resigned and took a job with Boeing's law firm.





Just think of all that cheese you could have been eating over the last few decades and how much healthier your heart would be, science changes it's mind again, this week, wonder what the story will be next week? 🤔

* I don't have to because I knew the idea that saturated fat was bad for you was a load of pseudoscientificbollockscrapmarketingbarf anyway because all our ancestors did it in moderation and were on the whole just absolutely fine!
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