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Big and Bouncy
I hate to break it to our local Canadian Trumpist (lol), but these people are absolutely fascists.

Before there has been any investigation whatsoever, Trump and his cronies are blaming the DC plane crash on the Blacks, and the Gays, and the Immigrants. This isn't just fucking retarded, it's fascist. Blame every single problem on the minority groups you hate. That's Nazi shit.

I also think this is going to eventually get very old, even for people who don't hate Trump. Taking zero responsibility for anything that happens on your watch. What an "Alpha Male". Simply blaming everything bad that happens on DEI. Pathetic.
Truly pathetic. If his base wasn't dumber than he is they would've tired of the ludicrous fascist "explanations" a long time ago. They were actively dying from Covid at his super-spreader rallies while he was forcibly vaccinated by doctors who know what's up so there isn't much hope for them figuring things out.

If the world was remotely fair he would've died from Covid while telling the public it's all a hoax. I imagine even if that happened and all his lies were laid bare for everyone to see, there'd still be conspiracy theorists claiming foul play.


Active Member
Trump is using the same tactics Hitler has used, so anyone seeing him not as a fascist?

Die Aufnahmefähigkeit der großen Masse ist nur sehr beschränkt, das Verständnis klein, dafür jedoch die Vergeßlichkeit groß.
Aus diesen Tatsachen heraus hat sich jede wirkungsvolle Propaganda auf nur sehr wenige Punkte zu beschränken und diese schlagwortartig so lange zu verwerten, bis auch bestimmt der Letzte unter einem solchen Wort das Gewollte sich vorzustellen vermag. - A. Hitler

In english

The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their understanding is limited, but their forgetfulness is great.
In view of these facts, any effective propaganda must be limited to very few points and these must be used as catchwords until even the last person is able to imagine what is meant by such a word. - A. Hitler


Well-Known Member
If the world was remotely fair he would've died from Covid while telling the public it's all a hoax.

That literally almost happened.

The doctors around him lied to the public about the severity of his case. Trump, upon his release, said his survival was proof COVID was no big deal. This despite only surviving because he was airlifted to the emergency room (a several hundred thousand dollar service for non-Presidents). And being treated with Regeneron, a medication that was not widely available for regular citizens.

That having been said, severe COVID causes permanent vascular damage. I think his father survived into his 90's, but I'm praying this means he'll stroke out ahead of schedule.



Big and Bouncy
That having been said, severe COVID causes permanent vascular damage. I think his father survived into his 90's, but I'm praying this means he'll stroke out ahead of schedule.
I'm right there with you. I remember that moment in time when he was diagnosed with covid because it was the first time in my life that I wished death on another human in a serious manner. Not proud of it but it is what it is.

He's no doubt responsible for thousands of deaths but it all happens in a "white collar" way. It's still mass murder in my eyes.


Active Member
I would like to say something else, even if I always target fascists here, it doesn't matter, every dictator, everyone would like dictator (I'm looking at you Erdogan) uses the same methods. Even in the relegion they use them, even the "good guys" use them to make you hear what they want you to hear. Yes, almost everyone uses these methods to some extent. It doesn't matter whether they are radical left or radical right, neither of them is good and only fights for their convictions. You sometimes only choose the lesser of two evils.

With a two-party system like in the USA, I sometimes only see the choice between plague and cholera. Sorry USA...
And like in Russia, North Korea, there is none of a choice...


Big and Bouncy
I will never forget Trump's actions during the pandemic.

Here is a man (and I use that term loosely) that had lung infiltrates and blood oxygen levels in the 80s after getting infected. He was immediately put on an experimental antiviral and was on the cusp of being put on a ventilator. He had access to the best medical care in the country that probably saved his miserable existence.

What does he do with his new lease on life? What message does he take away from this intense life-changing experience? Does he think "hey, I almost just died from this thing.... maybe this is a sign and I should re-think this?"

No, he decides that this would be a good time to capitalize on his image as a tough guy and a leader.

Trump, who repeatedly undermined and downplayed the severity of the pandemic and its soaring death toll, at times suggested that his own recovery was proof that the virus was not as big a threat as public health officials made it out to be.

Upon returning to the White House after his illness, Trump told supporters: “You’re going to beat it [coronavirus] … As your leader, I had to do that. I knew there’s danger to it, but I had to do it. I stood out front, and led.”

This is his advice to the American public.... Don't be a pussy, Covid isn't a big deal. I'm tough and I'm a leader. Let's not forget that this occurred *after* nearly half a million Americans had already died from it.

I submit to you good denizens of FC that someone who clutches at power in this way, with such a total and utter disregard for human life is not only a fascist but a psychopath as well.


Well-Known Member

Erdogan is a fascist. He might virtue as a religious guy, but he's a plain Right Wing ultranationalist.

Russia, North Korea

Putin is also a Far Right Winger. Only North Korea could plausibly be called "Far Left" and that seems to be more aesthetic than descriptive. They created a hereditary monarchy and religion around the Dear Leader. Though it's hard to get reliable information about them that isn't filtered through US State Department propaganda.

But I don't think it's accurate to say the Far Left and Far Right pose a comparable threat globally. And certainly not in the United States. There's never been a Far Left here.

With a two-party system like in the USA, I sometimes only see the choice between plague and cholera. Sorry USA...

Completely agree here. Which brings me to...

I submit to you good denizens of FC that someone who clutches at power in this way, with such a total and utter disregard for human life is not only a fascist but a psychopath as well.

I agree with everything you're saying, TigoleBitties. But how pathetic is it that the Democrats lost to this guy, twice? In fact... I'm almost certain he would've won in 2020 if he wasn't hospitalized DURING early voting.

He's a billionaire scam artist who was born with a silver spoon up his asshole. And it never occurred to anyone in that decrepit party to run a populist, anti-billionaire campaign? It's madness.


Big and Bouncy
Fascists are psychopaths. Give me one fascist movement that hasn't tortured and killed. And liked to do so.

Fascism prioritizes the nation or race above the individual but maybe only a psychopath would prioritize (leading) the nation over his own life? He definitely gambled with it. Maybe that's more narcissism or delusions of grandeur?

Or maybe he's just really, really dumb.

I agree with everything you're saying, TigoleBitties. But how pathetic is it that the Democrats lost to this guy, twice? In fact... I'm almost certain he would've won in 2020 if he wasn't hospitalized DURING early voting.

He's a billionaire scam artist who was born with a silver spoon up his asshole. And it never occurred to anyone in that decrepit party to run a populist, anti-billionaire campaign? It's madness.
Truly it is madness that they continue to lose. It still doesn't change just how vile this guy is. He is a cancer.


Well-Known Member
This morning, Vice President JD Vance implied that even if the Air Traffic Controllers last night were white and straight, they were still unable to properly do their jobs because, in the back of their minds, they were still worried about DEI and wokeness attacking the beautiful white race.


In reality, ATC's are unable to properly do their jobs because they're underpaid and overworked. This same thing is also happening across the country.

Fair warning to anyone flying in or out of San Francisco. There is now an airport in SFO airspace running without air traffic control.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Fascism prioritizes the nation or race above the individual but maybe only a psychopath would prioritize (leading) the nation over his own life? He definitely gambled with it. Maybe that's more narcissism or delusions of grandeur?
Again, all fascists leaders are narcissistic and develop a cult of personality.

That's because they are very insecure. Fascisme is based on xenophobia, literally the fear of those who are different. How can't they be insecure ?

Every drop of power à fascist get, he uses it to secure his self.
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