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they say im crazy but i have a good time
s-l1200.webp or them... fuck em, we shall survive...
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I'm starting to understand why the Democrats are willing to risk sticking with a deeply unpopular corpse in their epic battle for the future of democracy next year.

LOL. We're like months away from Republicans begging their Supreme Court to reinstate Roe v. Wade.


These are catastrophic numbers for the GOP. Keep in mind, this is Ohio. The Midwest's Florida.

LOL. We now have multiple elections worth of data on this. Americans find the entire social conservative agenda to be repulsive. Yet they refuse to shut the fuck up about gay and trans people. Personally, I find both their social AND economic agendas to be repulsive so I say...keep it up, fellas!

Jack Nicholson Yes GIF
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Albert Einstein warned of Israeli Fascism in 1948 and Menachen Begin went on to form Likud. Not much has changed.

On April 9, terrorist bands attacked this peaceful village, which was not a military objective in the fighting, killed most of its inhabitants (240 men, women, and children) and kept a few of them alive to parade as captives through the streets of Jerusalem. Most of the Jewish community was horrified at the deed, and the Jewish Agency sent a telegram of apology to King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan. But the terrorists, far from being ashamed of their act, were proud of this massacre, publicized it widely, and invited all the foreign correspondents present in the country to view the heaped corpses and the general havoc at Deir Yassin.

Well what do ya know. Ol' Albert is describing the Nakba ("catastrophe"). A horrific incident that was memoryholed. I didn't hear about it until recent events.

Like MLK, Einstein has been totally whitewashed by history. For example, smartest guy who's ever lived was a radical socialist.


The most interesting part of this quote is Albert describing how capitalist subjects are natural bootlickers. A slave or a medieval serf probably knew it was bullshit that their master or lord had so much power over their lives. But a modern poor person will fall all over themselves to tell you how their boss or billionaires deserve to lord power over others.

Radwin Bodnic

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A slave or a medieval serf probably knew it was bullshit that their master or lord had so much power over their lives.

Medieval serfs believed in god to their bones and the king was supposedly designed by god to rule over people. It was fairly common to kill and torture in the name of god (e.g. Spanish inquisition).
I'm pretty sure that people actually believed the right of the kings and popes to hold power on their lives.

This only changed after the Renaissance and the emergence of the humanist philosophy. Humanism allowed people to focus on themselves (thus their own power on their lives) instead of god and later to cut off the king and lords heads during the French Revolution.


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“This is the most I’ve ever seen people unified behind an issue and actively calling,” one staff member said.

Their office is one of many where staffers say calls for a cease-fire outnumber support for aid to Israel many times over. “This is very unprecedented,” the staffer said. “The phone doesn’t stop ringing at any point in the day.”

Ain't democracy grand?

“This building is not listening,” said one Democratic aide. “I’ve never seen such a disconnect between where voters and constituents are and where Congress is, and that’s saying something because there’s always a disconnect.”

LOL. I like that people who work in the Capitol building understand that this government in no way represents the people even on a GOOD day.

“They weren’t going to vote for me anyway,” one lawmaker said breezily when a staff member told him about voters’ threats to stop supporting him, according to the staffer.

This is the very typical Demonrat attitude I find so infuriating. The basic message is "what are you gonna do, dummy? Vote for the Republicans? LOL, fuck off! :lol:"

And the sad part? They're right! They do have you by the balls! Because here's what the Republicans are saying on the issue:

By the way, that woman, Angie Nixon, is one of the bravest people in the Free State. Not just on this issue either. She has continuously stood up to the DeStinky Regime.
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