Interesting News, Articles & Stuff


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I laughed my ass off when I heard his name on the radio. So I am glad someone else noticed.

LOL now every time I hear his name I start humming Come out ye Black and Tans

Also fun fact, Ford CEO Jim Farley is Chris Farley's brother.




Well-Known Member
The great and all mighty Wikipedia says they are just cousins. So do you have secret knowledge of something nefariousness that happened with the 2 elder Farley brothers and their wife’s?

No it looks like I'm remembering their relationship wrong. In my defense they very much look alike.


Apologies to the FC community, but I have a plan to improve my memory:



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I hope you enjoy getting pop up ads in your field of vision, unless of course you pay 8 dollars a month 🤣

As a society we have to decide if we want the future to be Star Trek or Cyberpunk. Almost a quarter of the way into the 21st century, it's pretty clear we're choosing the latter.

My guess is after brain chips become as ubiquitous as smart phones, any time you try and access a memory of your mother or something there will be ads inserted into the memory. Like, she'll try and sell you on a reverse mortgage.


they say im crazy but i have a good time when do people take responsibility for their actions? cant really blame the GPS, it was not controlling the vehicle :2c:


Well-Known Member when do people take responsibility for their actions?

You could try letting the driver know that, but he's dead. I agree though. Google, a nearly 2 trillion dollar company, should take responsibility for their actions.

“It was a dark and rainy night and he was following his GPS which led him down a concrete road to a bridge that dropped off into a river,”

It's not like it was a sunny day and he stupidly drove off a bridge because the GPS told him to.

Lawyers for the Paxsons allege that several people have tried to flag the washed-out bridge to Google and have included email correspondence between a Hickory resident who tried to use the “suggest an edit” feature in 2020 to get the company to address the issue. Google never responded to the suggestion, allege attorneys.

Is Google 100% responsible? Probably not. But trillion dollar companies should bear some responsibility for putting out deadly products.


they say im crazy but i have a good time
You could try letting the driver know that, but he's dead. I agree though. Google, a nearly 2 trillion dollar company, should take responsibility for their actions.

... wouldnt this be more on the roads department?

... and regardless of conditions, driver needs to still be in control and paying attention... if it was that "difficult" to see there was no bridge or whatever, it should have been marked better which has nothing to do with the GPS.

It's not like it was a sunny day and he stupidly drove off a bridge because the GPS told him to.

...thats exactly what happened, but on a rainy night... and just guessing here, he probably missed a sign indicating road or bridge closed... *just a hunch*


Well-Known Member
... wouldnt this be more on the roads department?

I don't think Google is 100% responsible. Neither does the family...

In addition to Google, the Paxson family’s lawsuit names a number of private property management companies who were responsible for the land where the crash happened and for surrounding plots, according to the Associated Press.

...thats exactly what happened, but on a rainy night

Rainy nighttime conditions aren't exactly the same as clear daytime conditions though. There's less visibility. Roads are slick. You can't stop as fast. And drivers generally don't assume the road in front of them is about to disappear into the void. Especially if they're using a map from a trillion dollar company.

and just guessing here, he probably missed a sign indicating road or bridge closed... *just a hunch*

In the article, the family alleges there was no signage. Apparently there is also evidence Google was told to fix this prior to the incident.


they say im crazy but i have a good time
In the article, the family alleges there was no signage. Apparently there is also evidence Google was told to fix this prior to the incident.

...the family "alleges" lol.... even so, i still find it hard to believe there was no signage indicating no bridge, especially if there was "evidence" that google was told to fix on their end (virtually, this happened in the real world)... still IMO has nothing to do with google but all on the road department... road closures etc aren't indicated on paper maps...

...if there was no warnings this is a case closed road department/township/whomever is 100% at fault no questions asked...

Rainy nighttime conditions aren't exactly the same as clear daytime conditions though. There's less visibility. Roads are slick. You can't stop as fast. And drivers generally don't assume the road in front of them is about to disappear into the void. Especially if they're using a map from a trillion dollar company.

.... kinda have to drive according to conditions... but... theres ALWAYS someone or something else to blame... and heck, if you can score "free" money while doing so have at er


Putin is a War Criminal
...the family "alleges" lol.... even so, i still find it hard to believe there was no signage indicating no bridge, especially if there was "evidence" that google was told to fix on their end (virtually, this happened in the real world)... still IMO has nothing to do with google but all on the road department... road closures etc aren't indicated on paper maps...
This is not primarily Google's fault or responsibility, but if the bridge really collapsed nearly a decade before, and especially if Google had been notified that the route was no longer valid or safe, Google DOES, in my view, have some responsibility for the accident. I have been confused occasionally when driving around the country, relying primarily on GPS for my directions and especially when construction is taking place. There is no way that Google can be completely up to date on construction. But in this case, there was a bridge that was out for many years. This is not GPS that comes off of A CD. It is GPS that is coming over the Internet and the cellular network, so it can be updated even on a daily basis. And I think, to some extent, Google has to be required to update their maps to help prevent exactly this kind of situation. Obviously, the county and the city near the bridge has the most responsibility to make it clear that it is no longer a possible route with lots of warning signs and probably even some lights. But to suggest Google has absolutely no responsibility is unreasonable.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I Googled (lol) this and it and part of the problem is the British press has to worry more about being sued than the American press does.

It's not just the family who "alleges" there was no signage. The cops who arrived at the scene also said this. No signs. No barriers.

And I don't know if this has anything much to do with the State/local gubernment either. A private company was responsible for this bridge and road. It doesn't sound like any drivers should've been there.

Google absolutely was told about this error before the crash. There are receipts that they received the error report. They didn't update their Maps service.

So it sure looks to me like Google directed a driver on to private property, and a cliff, in the middle of a storm.


they say im crazy but i have a good time
But in this case, there was a bridge that was out for many years. This is not GPS that comes off of A CD. It is GPS that is coming over the Internet and the cellular network, so it can be updated even on a daily basis. And I think, to some extent, Google has to be required to update their maps to help prevent exactly this kind of situation.

... ok, if this bridge has been out for 'many years' than the fault still isnt on the gps, its in the physical space...

... if a GPS told you to turn into a lake would you blindly follow its directions?
... how far do we go to point the finger?

It's not just the family who "alleges" there was no signage. The cops who arrived at the scene also said this. No signs. No barriers.

... so this is still googles fault how?

So it sure looks to me like Google directed a driver on to private property, and a cliff, in the middle of a storm.

... and still the driver is at zero fault of his own? so we can only assume then if he wasnt using the GPS then this would have never happened.

... as much as i detest giant corporations... im struggling to understand how this is the fault of google, or any gps company or product, fully or partially... everything point to the fact there was no signs or barriers therefore its fault of whoever is responsible for the road and/or the construction company doing this work... but everyones fixated on the gps giving wrong directions and overseeing obvious things that would have prevented this... and really isnt that what this is about- preventing this from happening again?
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Grass Yes

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I'm always amazed when people want to jump to the defense of corporations. It's a weird impulse. It reminds me of all the stuff about tort reform that people would talk about when I was a custodian back in the 90s. Even then I was like, why are you worried about McDonald's over an old woman?

Not replying to a specific message just the entire preceding exchange.


they say im crazy but i have a good time
... not defending any corporation or anyone, but rather pointing out where blame should be directed... but i guess that's not how this works...

Canna Chameleon

Muted by mods. Run off by rudeness.
Well blame in this country has become what you can prove beyond a reasonable doubt, how much liability insurance you have, and how many lawyers you can afford.

The term ‘legally defensible’ wasn’t created by the guy driving over the cliff.
Canna Chameleon,


they say im crazy but i have a good time
Well blame in this country has become what you can prove beyond a reasonable doubt, how much liability insurance you have, and how many lawyers you can afford.

...yes! its become a business to not take responsibility.... this is why we need to blame other parties, to fuel this machine that we all pretend to be against... and we know who the real winners are here- the insurance companies and lawyers...
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but rather pointing out where blame should be directed...

....and SOME of that blame should be directed at the trillion dollar company that knowingly released a dangerous product to the public.

That's not to say the driver or the property owners are blameless. They both share some blame. The driver already paid with his life though.

But Google was told "hey guys, stop sending drivers to this Death Bridge on private property". They didn't. And then a father in the middle of a rainstorm wasn't able to slam on his brakes fast enough when he realized a trillion dollar company sent him on a bridge to nowhere....and now he's dead.

preventing this from happening again?

Yeah part of that is making Google pay a price for putting out a dangerous GPS product. Incentivizes them not to make the same mistake again. Personal responsibility, right? My guess is this isn't the only death trap in America.

Canna Chameleon

Muted by mods. Run off by rudeness.
The good news is no matter what we do, in half a million years this planet still won’t give a crap about whether we survived or not.

and I’m sure Google missed this place too.



Well-Known Member
The good news is no matter what we do, in half a million years this planet still won’t give a crap about whether we survived or not.

and I’m sure Google missed this place too.

500,000 years is almost twice as old as the oldest Homo Sapien remains. This is blowing my mind.

Whenever I get violently high, I often wonder about this: humans with the same exact brains as you and I existed on this planet for 300,000 years (or I guess longer, now). Civilization is only like 6,000 years old. I find it very hard to believe they were just sitting around and vibing for hundreds of thousands of years.

Archaeologists have shot down the idea of some previously undiscovered ancient civilization saying, "where is the evidence?", but maybe this discovery changes things a bit?

Canna Chameleon

Muted by mods. Run off by rudeness.
Civilization is only like 6,000 years old.
Well i think that’s the point. The Old Testament is only like 6,000 years old. Clearly thats just the oldest recorded history that we have found, or survived.

But the evidence of civilization is much older.

Consider this as well. How do we define civilization?

One day a student asked anthropologist Margaret Mead what was the first sign of civilization in a given culture. The student expected Mead to tell him about a hook, a pottery or a grindstone. But Mead replied that the first sign of civilization in an ancient culture was a thigh bone that had been broken and then healed. She explained that in the animal kingdom, when an individual breaks its leg, it dies. It can no longer escape danger, neither go to the river to drink water, nor seek food. It becomes an easy prey for the beasts on the alert. No animal can survive with a broken leg, the time it takes till the bone is tied again. A healed thigh bone is the proof that someone spent time to stay with the patient, tied his wound, transported him to a safe place and helped him. Margaret Mead said that the starting point of a civilization was the help to someone in difficulty, the first sign of solidarity.

And ironically.



Well-Known Member
LOL Jesus Christ

The indictment alleged that Menendez and his wife, Nadine, received “hundreds of thousands of dollars” in bribes and used the senator’s influence to enrich several businessmen from New Jersey, as well as the Egyptian government.

Why did the Dummycrats make a guy who just got acquitted on a technicality during a previous corruption trial the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations committee?

Although people are giving Senator John Fetterman shit for dressing like a dirtbag, but that's just him accurately representing the people of the Keystone State. Similarly, being cartoonishly corrupt is part of New Jersey culture.

UAW President Sean Fein continues to be cool. Also a good reminder that the "moderate" Republicans are arguably scummier than Trump.
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