Pax, the maintenance is not as bad as people make it out to be (I was one of those people in the beginning). The vapor quality is much better, you get thick and rich vapors, perfect vapor to air ratio. I hit it like a cigar, little puffs = lots of vapor.. Cant say the same for my current XP. Its as portable I've used both vapes in many different situations and settings.
Arizer solo, you seem like you love lower temps, so why not use a Solo where you can get the most out of your herbs flavors?? Little puffs = lots of vapors, but you can turn it down and get wispy hits too, still the vapor to air ratio is much better than the XPs. It is not as portable but great unit to use at home or settings that would allow you to (in your car, office, camping ect).
Both these vapes can be easier to travel with also because we can clean them with ISO, I couldn't imagine bringing an XP on an air plane because it wouldn't ever be 100% clean.. I still have a hard time getting that chamber screen out.

I thought there was supposed to be a tool for that? I gave up trying because I dont want to risk breaking the vape, it seems very delicate opposed to the Pax and Solo where you can literally clean/scrub them with wire brushes and ISO.
Maybe you can try the pinnacle pro out too? The reviews seem positive, it just released and it hasn't had a bunch of missteps or snags .. Looks like a future unit for me for sure. Will be sure to leave a review when I get it in my hands.
Lots of experience with the pax, and it's great but I can't deal with the 30min per week maintenance, which some would find a non-issue. Also, I have to pull harder unless I've just cleaned it. You mentioned earlier you fill it and pack it down tight. Maybe try a looser packing? I find thickest vapor with very fine & dry material about 3 quarters full (loose), but not what I'm after all the time. Perfect vapor to air ratio is very subjective, so for me, the XP has the perfect ratio, but to each their own preference.
I also have used Solos for years (still do) and it's the winner for best taste for sure, but not for portability (bigger, heavier, and glass can break). I also think the XP wins for charging flexibility and battery life. You need a charger stand for the pax, and solo has a proprietary adapter. XP uses ANY usb charger anywhere.
For traveling, I just change the bottom screen and iso the chamber, and it's clean like new. I've had mine over a month with heavy daily use and want to put up a pic to show you how nice and clean it still is when time allows. The white is still totally white. I neglected capsule cleaning on my older one which made my chamber hard to clean to perfection, so now I just ensure only clean capsules are used and am amazed at how perfect it still looks.
Vapor density aside, I find XP extracts better than pax & solo as it does not require stirring to ensure max extraction, and feeling medicated is more important to me than whatever I see blowing out of my mouth. Like I said, I get amaazing clouds when it's -15c. The unit remains off and empty, but huge clouds of condensation (winter breath) can be seen. humidity, atmosphere temp, material potency, fineness of grind, and dryness of material all affect vapour, so we can try, but never successfully compare apples to apples.
Thanks for the suggestions though...very much appreciated.
Pls do tell on the pinnacle when you know as I've been interested in that one too and it sounds pretty decent. In terms of mis steps/snags, I'm sure it has some as all new products do, they may just not be coming out and disclosing them like Inhalater has been doing. about aura....wholly are you on the payroll Batman or what.....listen I loved this vape well my Q2 anomaly anyway and yes I am more than just a bit frustrated with them and also add to all that being with out it only amplifies my frustration.....
I wish to be clear about said frustration and its primary source......them telling me it was all about the temp {much like you are trying again to suggest} and I'm sorry it just simply was NOT true......
again I had them side by side with digital thermometer in the mouth of the cap.....
Device "A" was set to #3 light flashes almost right away and vapor was less hot feeling more velvety smooth and so rich you could see plenty of it upon exhale......Device "A" was our Q2 anomalies
Device "B" was set to #6 {manf told me to go to it} noticed it didn't flash for quite sometime in fact I started to really have to pull on for it to begin flashing.....the vapor was hotter and bothered the back of my throat....then the vapor upon exhale was wispy and thin and didn't last as long......
Yet as you so plainly stated the "method" of production has not changed......but I'm so very sorry to report....something did in fact change that I was able to see first hand.....the units behavior and performance was greatly affected by whatever it was....
For the record I liked it at lower temps also, which I understand I should find around 5 or 6 but I do like the higher temp to know without a doubt the cap is done.....
Also for the record my replacement was the 1st Q3 were the entire temp range was lowered Max as well... but really the number doesn't really matter.....I had a digital meter telling me what I was getting at the mouth....and it was clear to see which unit was able to maintain its heat for the longest.....
I think the only thing left to do is to....imagine there is a world or better yet dimension were they moved the damn sensor back and that was all it took to restore it's ability to better extract that rich smooth vapor....I now find myself dreaming about.....ah the good old days...
...and I feel for the frustration, believe me, I get it. been there, done that.
There's a time that we just need to let it go. Even if Q2 was better for you, it's gone plans to return. This is what we have now. I try to compare the XP to other vapes as that's the criteria I used to get it, not comparing it to past models as the rule of thumb is future models are better. This is not always true, but generally it is. I bet the next inhalater will be better than mine, and if not, maybe the next model after that will be.
Years ago, when I compared it to everything else, the old inhalater was my choice. In light of the new model differences, the changes (negative OR positive) from past models doesn't change my opinion that this still better than another brand (for my purposes).
Sorry to rub anyone the wrong way, but it just seemed like recently there's been a lot of over bashing on minor things like "...I don't like the box shape it came in, or sticker colors.
It seems to me, these lesser relevant points are being used just to increase the list of perceived deficiencies of the xp when they are legit ones of course, so let's just focus on that then. I mean do we care more about stickers than getting nice and medicated? Pettiness aside, and let's focus on what matters. Do clouds matter, I guess so, so I now need to understand why. IMO, extraction levels are not indicated by vapor density, so I need to understand the factual science behind this as I can deal with facts better than I can bias opinions.