Technically Q2 had 185 to 235 Celsius. Give or take because sensor position.
So, I was able to mod my unit some. I am obviously aiming towards my own needs, and others may have different needs.
1st, I wrapped a grommet/sleeve (like what went around the metal stem to glass connection in an old school bong - cut down a little) around the upper portion of the capsule - where oven meets air. This completely seals that opening. Next, I wrapped a piece of electrical tape around 2-3 of the 4 air intake holes (still playing w/ configuration). That's it.
Containing any heat loss and restricting air flow helps a lot. Not massive visible vape, but definitely better quality/more substantial for me. Was less harsh at higher temps also. I can definitely feel a heat increase up top (from outside the unit) w/ the new seal. The heat doesn't seem to extend into the batt compartment though. Not sure if this will decrease life of the unit, but it makes it a lot more functional for me. Luckily I have the black unit so it doesn't really stand out - the upper seal just looks like another, smaller ring.
When this was happening to me my XP eventually died, this might be the case here. I forget, do you guys have Q3 units?
Sorry bro.
I try to avoid 2 word posts, but it seems weird 'liking' a statement like this. We need something like a bummer radio button.
Sorry bro.
I try to avoid 2 word posts, but it seems weird 'liking' a statement like this. We need something like a bummer radio button.
So, I was able to mod my unit some. I am obviously aiming towards my own needs, and others may have different needs.
1st, I wrapped a grommet/sleeve (like what went around the metal stem to glass connection in an old school bong - cut down a little) around the upper portion of the capsule - where oven meets air. This completely seals that opening. Next, I wrapped a piece of electrical tape around 2-3 of the 4 air intake holes (still playing w/ configuration). That's it.
Containing any heat loss and restricting air flow helps a lot. Not massive visible vape, but definitely better quality/more substantial for me. Was less harsh at higher temps also. I can definitely feel a heat increase up top (from outside the unit) w/ the new seal. The heat doesn't seem to extend into the batt compartment though. Not sure if this will decrease life of the unit, but it makes it a lot more functional for me. Luckily I have the black unit so it doesn't really stand out - the upper seal just looks like another, smaller ring.
Dude I just realized my Inhalater has only 2 intake holes. You said yours has 4? Maybe this is the difference that is producing less vapor in yours than some other seem to report?
When I do as you suggest, and cover both intake holes, I do see a larger amount of vapor at setting 4. I am going to experiment with this more and see whats up. Thanks for the insight.![]()
Here are a couple of pics showing the seal up top, the electrical tape wrap (still a work in progress) and what I am doing w/ the vape today. I apologize for the crappy photos, my camera sucks.
I think everyone's idea of 'best in class' is really subjective. Two of my friends who are INH owners tried my Pinnacle Pro this weekend (with phenominal grade herb) and were blown away by the difference in build quality, vapor quality and portablility over the INH. They both ordered the PNP yesterday. In their opinion, it is 'best in class' least for what they have tried. Personally, my Solo is the 'best in class' for me.Wow, that's frustration! I totally understand about waiting (I'm still waiting too). We need to be able to separate the company's operations and service apart from the actual unit. I know it all contributes to the overall experience but let's try to break it down.
I think we need to accept the Q2 was an anomaly, a brief design phase that eventually changed to accommodate what most vaporists want, which is vapour, not anything close to smoke. From the sounds of it, I would HATE a vaporizer that was too hot at 3. and if I was a manu, I would also obviously cater to the masses. They did what they felt was an 'improvement', which not everyone may agree on, but most probably do IMO.
Sorry your feelings may be bruised by not being 'believed', but I do believe you, just don't agree that a Q2 is better (for me) than my current model. You all do have legit complaints about service, some can tolerate more than others and I won't let frustration with any vendor change my opinion of their product. I mean, if you love your car model, and the dealership screws you up somehow, is your car all of the sudden not as good?
I just don't understand what you're wanting them to do, make the vape so hot so most of us can't pass setting #2? I want finer control at low temps, rather than higher temps as that's what medicinal users want IMO.
The 'method' of vapour production has not changed, even if sensor location and other internals do. It's still wires that heat up the outside of capsules, along with hot air being pulled through...that's basically it. If your new XP doesn't heat up as much as your gf's, the why not just turn it up higher? or are you saying the max setting is still not enough for you? Besides temp, there is no other operational difference so unless this is frustration over service disguised as a witch hunt on design flaws, I dunno what else to tell you.
Like I said, I've had 5 iterations of Inhalaters, and the current one is the best I've had yet, and all my friends agree and have placed orders.
Is there a vape out there that is better for it's portability, ease of maintenance and vapour quality? I mean anyone can bash whatever is best of class, but do you have something better in mind? If so, let's hear it. If not, then this vape is still on top IMO, and still is improving with subsequent models. Sure they may have more snags along the way, but that's how it goes with new things.
You don't like the it.
Yes, I believe the tighter usb port is an improvement to address the issues in previous models.
You didn't know about needing the tubes? This is still one of the stealthiest vapes out there, and your issue is with a 3" tube? Is this your first inhalater?
The capsule design you describe with the overlapping part sounds like the same it's always been, even for older models. If you ran an ounce through it, did you clean it during? I've heard of the odd defective one, but have never experienced it myself. Shocking you had 2 unravel. and the thinner they are the better heat transfer.
In terms of the draw, it takes experimenting to learn what you like. If the best vapor is on slow draws, then just draw slow...simple. The way you've described everything has a very subjective & pessimistic aura about it. Are you sure you don't have an axe to grind over being made to wait?
I find it hard to believe we're talking about the same unit here. I wish you could try it with my material and might change your mind.
Do you have a better unit in mind?
I second everything Meghan said. Excellent little unit that exceeded my expectations. They did have an issue with their mouthpieces/PonGs but got it all squared away quickly. Exceptional service.I ended up buying a Pinnacle Pro after being scared away from the XP due to customer service concerns and the user reviews I found on this thread. All I can say is that I love it. I've never tried an XP (or even the original Inhalater), so I can't speak to comparison at all. However, having tried the iolite, Solo, Firewood, Da Vinci, and Pax, I can easily say that the Pinnacle Pro ties the Solo as my favorite portable vape, with the Pinnacle Pro being my absolute favorite for using out of the house. I even choose to use the Pinnacle Pro over the Solo in the house sometimes, which is big for me.
The Pinnacle Pro has 5 heat settings (setting 5 is for oils/wax). I consider myself a "cloud chaser" in the sense that I need to see a fair amount of visible vapor before I feel like I'm getting a real, satisfactory hit. Whether this is because I'm an ex-smoker or because I'm a very high tolerance user and hits with more vapor = more potency, I'm not sure. At any rate, I use the PnP at level 2 for direct draw, level 3 through water. Level 2 produces very visible vapor on par with my Solo at level 4 or 5. I load my bullets at least 3/4 full, and pack lightly. One bullet easily lasts me two sessions.
I love that the PnP has stainless steel bullets. I have no worries about them falling apart.
Honestly, I'm very, very happy with my choice. And I admit, every time I read a comment on here in which someone touts the XP as the clear winner in the portable category, I can't help but wonder if they've tried a Pinnacle Pro yet.I'm not saying the battery life is better (but you can use the PnP while charging), or that the taste is better (no idea...all I know is that the PnP tastes better than the iolite, Pax, or Da Vinci), or that the vape itself is better than the XP in any way. I just know that I love my unit, so far it's totally reliable, and the Pinnacle Pro thread is not full of dissatisfied customers.
All this said, I've love to try an Inhalater someday if I can get to a point where I'm not scared to potentially throw $250 at one.
First XP's had 4 holes... Most of us had issues with very low vapor production. Then they changed it to two holes again.
First XP's had 4 holes... Most of us had issues with very low vapor production. Then they changed it to two holes again.
My sn is over 1300 and my unit has 4 holes. W/ 3 holes blocked, I can hit it hard enough to make it whistle w/o the light flickering.
edit: so did they send me an old or recycled unit? It had a cheap sn sticker on it w/ an xpb prefix, not xpq.
I can say my 4 hole XP from April gets massive vapor production and is still going strong. knock of wood. (remember I have been through 4) but this one has lasted and I still think its better than the original INH in a few aspects and unchanged in others. I get more vapor with the XP, with shorter warmup time and easier draw than the original. Everything else remains unchanged. So yes it totally sucked for me that my defective original took 2 replacements before it worked. Based on all thats going on can't say I can recommend them to my friends but its still my favorite portable herb vape.
Really sorry to hear of all the continued troubles from customers. Its also disheartening to hear of people having so much trouble with vapor production. One of my big criteria is ease of use and like the Solo I feel MY units hit hat nail squarely on the head. The only vape I can think of thats easier to use than the solo or my INH's in the globe/nail. I really feel for all those who were let down.
I've wanted the Inhalator portable since 004. The size, form factor, and vapor production all appealed. (The made in Canada aspect was a bonus too). However, the issues kept me away.I for one thank you for your kind words as I am one of those extremely disheartened customers who bought 2 of them so GF and I could both quit smoking. We both loved them and didn't smoke again until they began to fail.....
I in fact went around and shared my new discovery and have several friends lined up ready to buy one and like you said based on all thats going on...I worry that they might fall into the same stuff.....
I was very confident in the past that in the end I would at least be satisfied.....however from my recent communications with Greg it doesn't look as though that will happen.....
After reading Wildchild's post I've decided to give PNP Pro a look....when I looked at the original PNP I didn't think it was anywhere near the vapor producer the XP was but now this new PNP Pro sounds like it might be...... so I'm out for a bit maybe I'll check back on yall from time to time...
Good Luck to all.....I hope someday the "Beast" will be reborn.... I have enjoyed reading all of the creative ways in which the customers are trying to improve vapor production.....