Discontinued Inhalater INH05/5S/6


Ya seen that it get dim and you can see it arcing in the led build does flash vape take the same batteries so in mean time I found a way around the thermal issue hold it in my hand in the deep cold out side On my way! to green house it internls get to chill a bit the fire it up in the hot house seem to last quiet a bit longer X2 batt model culd be their more expensive modle with s mods Wonder if a longer heat path. With the a pre heat elament that is 1/2 or lil more and wee don't want it changing to get back to max temp and not so much it maintain that high temp the whole time but to give an extra pop of heat so main elament does not take a drastic dive in temp and concentrate on the load chamber might lvl out hot spots too as you can draw faster and spred the heat deeper into the material but I'm no thermal eng not sure if power consumption vs. benifit would be worth it its small but even if it was bigger it would still be portable
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But I like it!
So I've been mainly using the one cap over the hols - a regular one over the aero cap. I've been experimenting, quite successfully, with lower temps. The downside was a lot of buildup that I didn't clean. Over the past couple of days the cartridge seemed to be sticking, and this morning the tip came off but left the cartridge of abv inside. My bad. I have 99% ISO in the car ($4/litre on sale) but I was holding out for the Everclear, which is 8.5 hours away at home.

So keep your tips clean! If you like them gummy start with a session on 3, bump to 4 part way through. My daily blend is like licking lemon-flavoured velvet at low temp! Then one round on auto, and a final on 7-8.

What a great experimental Christmas break :)
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Vape 514 out of stock now only had 2 when they email me at this morn I got up at 2pm only the 1 I got left so out stock now so I seen the screen don't stay in too goo I'm a remedy it dre ell grill grand bit ruff that area up a lil bit unless it's one of the new ones Those I gess are going to be 4inch love a longer cam maybe with a silicone of sum thing shock cushion blown glass pretty strong unless in realy thin glass in the heat chamber on on my casuals I put ecig shop silicone tester tips on the end no more hot lips. Ya taaaaa!!!
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Volute of Vapor
Any news about glass capsules?.....it was planned for x-mas if I remenber well!

They contacted me before x-mas to ask me my adress, they told me they ship out 1 glass capsule....here I asked why only one? it was not a pack of 3?......still not any answer.....maybe they would to be nice and send me one before they release it....and my answer hurted them......but more I follow this thread more I understand the complains about the very poor communication they got!

Somebody else get a awaiting shipment IG glass capsule perk or it's only me? (payed more than 6 months ago!)
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That's prob the new ones their 4 inch long I was told why where the original ones stopped too hot. Pole not letting um cool befor pulling out can't be any hotter than the plastic one gets Got to inhale the right way or get real hot on the inside lip putting silicone on helps too Sheilad heat not sure what issues their was with the glass but I think their going to be longer not sure
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Slow Draw McGraw

Well-Known Member
Company Rep
These glass capsules, as you can tell, were an after thought. So it doesn't always run smoothly when you do things backwards. Just do the opposite of Pharmacor, and be patient. I'd rather have the right capsule in the long run than the wrong capsule now.
Slow Draw McGraw,
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think they got dam hot on the mouth glass tends to burn a lil easier than plastics unless molten plastic out of an ingestion machine had sum land on a pant let owch


But I like it!
exciting news :). @Inhalater will there be a new cap available for the longer stem? Or maybe some sort of container to put it in for storage?

Edit - will there be any shorter glass pieces available that fit in the regular cap? I've been travelling with the cap on, and using a short piece of silicone whip for use at higher temps.


I skied the same thing Friday nope. But it you take 2 caps cut top off one and glue together I bet it would be long enought. Clip thencap on the bottom and bring a pre ground stash in it
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But I like it!
Those tennis ball launchers are the shit. Beautiful companion you've got! Do you ever accidentally turn on your inh in your pocket?

Thanks - he's a fun pooch. He's been keeping me company for about 5 years now. And fetch is his favourite thing of all time! The chucker did manage to toss a ball into the lake the day before this pic was taken - I was chatting with the 85 year old neighbor lady, using the INH, and tossed the ball in the wrong direction, but pooch was persistent, climbed down the boulder breakwater, and retrieved :)

@cornwalis I've been known to share ;)

The Inhalater temp & on/off switch is a combo dial on the bottom. I usually carry it in either front trouser pocket with car keys, or in chest pocket of a jacket. I've never had an accidental on. @Old School mentioned that he always turns his S off, even if it's timed out, so I'm trying to get into that habit as well.


But I like it!
@killick Got to say: what a beautifull setting.
No cap is planned for the long glass. But a pack to carry them around is quite feasible.

Funny, but I was thinking about modifying one, as well. Maybe a carbon fibre wrap of some sort. But then I have a vague recollection of a flashlight or multi-tool holder that has a second small pouch beside the larger pouch. Something like that might be the cats pyjamas for carrying the glass around.... I might havta start digging through things to see if it actually exists outside my head...

I forgot to mention, but we left home and went East across the Rocky Mountains for Christmas, and now the road back is all avalanche control, heavy snowfall warnings, and road closures. I packed about 20g of meds, and have been filling up twice a day, and still have 9 or so left. ABV is accumulating, and Inhalater has been my daily driver since the 23rd. It's working wonderfully! If I could complain about anything it would be the long reheat time between draws, but it is -25c and windy out there, so I cut it some slack.

@Inhalater - thanks! :clap:

Edit - my biggest complaint is only bringing two strains... One for daytime and one for sleeping. I've been doing some frankenmixes, but can't replicate the good ones. I should write these things down, but I'm on vaycay.

One more edit - and other complaint, was watching my capsule get sticky till it got stuck and broke. My bad, just didn't want to run a big clean cycle at MILs house.
I have three aircaps. Silicone whip is slightly longer on one side so that is covering the hole at low temp, and then opened a bit at higher temps. Kinda like the adjustable air cap, but less graceful.
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Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
exciting news :). @Inhalater will there be a new cap available for the longer stem? Or maybe some sort of container to put it in for storage?

Edit - will there be any shorter glass pieces available that fit in the regular cap? I've been travelling with the cap on, and using a short piece of silicone whip for use at higher temps.
I bet that the WPA will cover the glass capsule (4in) and all you would need would be a little rubber plug of some sort for the top to keep it sealed. The unit looks pretty cool with the WPA on it anyway and it covers my current glass capsules(old style) just fine. Really excited for the new glass! I just tried the INH05 set right to 9 with the 10 arm bubbler I just got from Inhalater and WOW! :clap: Most POWERFUL vapor hit to date!:tup:


Well-Known Member
Is the taste from the inh5/inh5s as good as the solo?what about cloud production?


Volute of Vapor
I never tried the solo but the taste of the 05 is nice for the first draws but quickly degrades, clouds production is big at 6+ but before 6 there is nothing except if you wait a lot between hits, I prefer the Xp which heat the load more gradually and gave me more consistent low temp hits.

I expect the glass capsules will fixes the taste issue.

Where the 05 shines is the convenience of use on the go and the high quality components! but it got a lot of of good competitors now....

Edward Hyde

Well-Known Member
Inhalater please check your email a friend of mine has send you an email (Stamatis@vioral.com his adress) about a broken unit and noone has answered to him for more than a week. Thanks in advance.
Edward Hyde,
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