Old School
I use a normal cheap 3 chamber grinder and it works just fine.....very nice clouds....Oh wow that may explain things. Doesn't it go through the screen when it's that fine?
Did you try letting it have a break in between draws..... think of it as allowing the unit to ramp up for your cloud casing draw......
I too would think coffee grind would be way too fine..... most I have seen almost make powder....

I noticed you made a comment about packing it down..... that might be an issue..... loose is better...in fact others have sworn by this method....theorizing that the herb mixes inside while draw our inhalation.... regardless you are purposefully avoiding 50% of the possible conduction area by packing it down....if thats what you did do.....I have been sucking it up too, than packing it down.
Had another session .. Enough bud for about half the capsule packed down. I put it on 5 no clouds out it on 6 no clouds put it on 8 minimal clouds. Session was over I took the capsule out the bud was barely brown. It doesn't make sense ?
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