@ElPic How are the inhalator 05s! I'm dying to know!
Sorry for taking so much time
@Vape Dr. , I'm pretty busy this weekend.
For the INH05, I can't compare with the XP or the original 04 because I never own or even try one of this unit but I love this one.
I use it with the dial at 7 and the aerocapsule that came with the unit (a regular one with a hole drill on the side) and the taste is very good, and the extraction is amazing.
The unit don't smell like the ascent when on use and the taste is superior too all of the vape I usually use on the go. For me, the FF as superior taste but the 05 is so stealthy that you can use it every where, and the extraction of the 05 is amazing.
The 05 hit hard

nothing left in the ABV after a session. Gregg tell me that is crew use the unit at 9 with the aero for max extraction, but for me, the vape is too hot at that level and remind me the taste of the wispr 2, but my friend that pretty new too vape love it that way too.
The two 05 I brought have the same issue, when full charge the light don't go off, but this is not a big problem. I simply put my unit on charge all night and it is ready in the morning.
I love my 05, it's stealthy, it have superior taste that most of the unit on the market right now, it's easy to use, no particular technique to master like with the FF and it extract like a champ!
The glass capsule where not available for the moment, but i hope to put my hand on one soon to see difference in the taste, but it's already pretty good with the aero that came with the unit!
I'm sure lot of review, by member with a better english then mine, will come soon!!