Sass Jeeves
Leaving it on should not add to the thermal load. Likely what people are experiencing is after a few heat cycles the coil is hot but it takes some time for the heat to dissipate through the housing. In turn, it feels like it is actually getting hotter after your use has paused and you pick it up again.
Really appreciate your full write-up and instructions, but this information in particular is very helpful.
Only thing I was worried about was the housing or button continually holding and building heat. If it is dissipating between applications then no sweat!
Also adjusted my goal to "most heat, least time" and now having a wild ass time with the Dani. Definitely trickier and dicier, but clearly more efficient and effective on devices that shine from convection more than conduction.
After I felt the button/housing get hot, I set it down 15-20 minutes with the power on. The housing, plate, and f-core are all cool to touch, but the button is still hot.
Could it be the LED? I'm kind of sure it's the LED.
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