Author, Teaming Series of Organic Grow Books
Indica mouthpiece mod
Hello FC
As you all probably know, I am a HUGE believer of drilling out the mouth piece on the Indica. It is the first thing I do to the Indica when I get it.
Although the hole in the beta Indicas are larger and do make a huge improvement, I like to match the MP hole with the ID of the air tube.
I have PMd many people to see if they have tried this mod. Surprisingly few have. I don't know if it's because they are afraid of ruining the mouthpiece, or if they are just plain happy with how wonderful the Indica works in its stock form.
I have had many Indicas and I have drilled out the mouthpiece on every one. IMO you get much less draw restriction, better taste, and better vapor.
I have tested the heat to temp to make sure that was not an issue and it was not.
When doing this mod, you also still retain the inner horn inside the mouthpiece that keeps herb from being sucked through into your mouth if you go screenless (I personally recommend NO SCREEN), but that's my opinion.
First I will show you how simple drilling the mouthpiece is to do.
Second I will show those of you with the black beta units how to enlarge the silicone tips hole.
This post is for instructional purposes only! Do so at your own risk. If you are concerned this may void your warranty, I'm pretty sure it won't because the MP is detachable and is not a permanent part of the unit, the unit itself would be the only thing to have the possibility of a malfunction. But if you are unsure if it will void your warranty PLEASE CHECK WITH MIKE AT INDICA FIRST!
I TAKE NO RESPONSABILITY FOR ANYONE DAMAGING THEIR MOUTHPIECE due to lack of skill, carelessness, or random mishaps.
What you will need:
Your Indica
A drill with a drill bit slightly larger than the stock MP hole, a 2/32nds, and a 3/32nds bit and your mouthpiece.
A good torch. any kind will do.
A larger diameter poker, or a coat hanger works too. just make sure to get the proper diameter.
Unfortunately I had already drilled the MP out before I decided to take pics, so I will use the MP tip as a size comparison as they are roughly the same.
Drilled out MP on left. Stock size on the right (the MP tip)
I suggest first taking the MP off, the drilling it out in slightly larger steps on a block of wood.
I also suggest wearing gloves and safety glasses as a precaution.
I did this by myself so I don't have the drilling process pics. I'm sure you know how to drill, here is the final result.
As you can see, drilling the MP out does not affect the horn on the inside of the MP.
Now for the silicone tip
To make it go from this size...
To this size
Heat up your poking device
Simply poke through the existing MP tips hole
So now your silicone tip should be about the size of your MP hole
Upside down pic with the silicone tip on showing the horn is fully functional
Final result
As you can see, you can enlarge the MP & the tip quite a bit allow less draw resistance, and the horn in the MP remains to keep your mouth free of debris!
This is a great mod if you choose to do it. I would say the draw restriction is 30% less at a guess, you will notice a huge difference for sure!
It definitely makes the Indica even more enjoyable!
I wasn't able to blow clouds like this on setting #2 prior to doin this mod
Sorry for such a long post my friends. I really do love this mod and wanted to show all of you how easy it really is, and if you have a beta unit, enlarging the tip definitely helps out a ton!
I also highly recommend soaking the silicone tip in coconut milk and you will not have any unpleasant taste.
Whether you choose to do this mod or not, the how to information is here for you now.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this long post my friends! If anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to PM me!
I took the horn out as well while doing this mod. Works fine even without a screen!.. Great suggestion Dr. vape!