Slightly Medicated
(SliM) Iron Lungs
everything you put in it will fee like a sativa given the low temps!
Damn you beat me to it. I was writing this response earlier today but had to leave the house before I could finish writing it.
I was going to say with a temp range like that they should have called it the Sativa because you are going to get those low temp high.

Sadly I can tell from the get go this will not be a good option for me. I like the form factor allot. Always like the classic zippo style... I wonder if you could do zippo tricks with the Indica Vaporizer?
It is pretty much a requirement for me if I am going to use the device. Anything below around 400F makes the conditions I am trying to treat worse. Only at the higher temps do I get pain relief and enough sedative effect to stop my symptoms.I am surprised everyone likes such a high temp. I never take my Q past 385. I think low on the pax is too low and medium is too high.