Antagonistic much? 
I don't know about the Incognito, but the MW glass is all custom made, including the wand itself. I know there's the wand, dual screen piece for the incognito, and I guess bag blowing for the MW would require it as well, but these pieces could be easily made to order by HiPi or any other manufacturer if they wanted.
What bong? I can't find it on the site, but he should be selling glass. He's obviously plugged into glassblowers in order to produce his bowls, as well as the entire enclosure for the Magickwand itself, and there's nothing wrong with Hipi passing on some presumably high quality glass using his established website. His glassblowers obviously have been doing him a huge service in collaborating so much, as he has done in giving them so much business. This coming from someone who used to blow glass and misses it like a amputee missing his leg... Ug.
As for donations, I don't know about that. But walk the Berkeley area and you'll quickly see the homeless. Not the bummy, scummy, lazy 20-somethings with nothing wrong with them who beg for your money or bud, I mean the crazy and/or addicted homeless who are rampant in Oakland/SF/Berkeley. The People's Park he mentions is mostly nothing but a homeless camp, literally. Hopefully these are the people Hipi is trying to address. Those people need your help whether you give it to the government, Hipi, or you put it in their own hands. I really don't think, having met the dude, that Hipi is trying to fund his Naan N' Curry expeditions, he's more likely trying to help people.

I don't know about the Incognito, but the MW glass is all custom made, including the wand itself. I know there's the wand, dual screen piece for the incognito, and I guess bag blowing for the MW would require it as well, but these pieces could be easily made to order by HiPi or any other manufacturer if they wanted.
What bong? I can't find it on the site, but he should be selling glass. He's obviously plugged into glassblowers in order to produce his bowls, as well as the entire enclosure for the Magickwand itself, and there's nothing wrong with Hipi passing on some presumably high quality glass using his established website. His glassblowers obviously have been doing him a huge service in collaborating so much, as he has done in giving them so much business. This coming from someone who used to blow glass and misses it like a amputee missing his leg... Ug.
As for donations, I don't know about that. But walk the Berkeley area and you'll quickly see the homeless. Not the bummy, scummy, lazy 20-somethings with nothing wrong with them who beg for your money or bud, I mean the crazy and/or addicted homeless who are rampant in Oakland/SF/Berkeley. The People's Park he mentions is mostly nothing but a homeless camp, literally. Hopefully these are the people Hipi is trying to address. Those people need your help whether you give it to the government, Hipi, or you put it in their own hands. I really don't think, having met the dude, that Hipi is trying to fund his Naan N' Curry expeditions, he's more likely trying to help people.