I really.. really recommend you to install the tubomyevic for Imp/cog devices.
have a PC and micro-USB transferable cable and then ->
google for NFE Tools, install it.
visit here:
https://shop.lamart.ch/index.php?route=product/category&path=72 download the file
then go inside NFE Tools -> enter NToolbox.exe then Firmware Upgrade then load the .bin file from lamart website...
then: setting up the mod > power+down > coils > manage > you see your TUBO resistance. it's like 0.208 or so? so just lock it..make sure you see the lock... set 'Check' to NO .
menu> interface> clicks -> set 4 to 'Edit'
The tubo will be in wattage mode maybe? so:
main menu ... 4 clicks then change from Wattage to TCR easily...like step with 'down' button and when you step on the right place do 'up' then you are in TCR.
***if you don't like TCR 185 and want to go 195 (Ipe recommendation)
menu> tubo set > M2 change to 195
then main screen> 4 clicks > move to M2, instead of M1. (in the latest firmware of tubomyevic, you can't change the M1 to 195)
if you still not satisfied raise the resistance (menu>coils>manage>locked+0.005)
thanks Ipe