Crohn's Warrior
This is the 3rd (or possibly the 4th...I've lost count) time in about 5 years that a medical marijuana bill will come up for a vote in the Illinois Legislature. It looks like the present bill, Illinois HB 1, may come up for a vote within the next week. Illinois Governor Quinn has previously stated that he would sign a medical marijuana bill. If it passes, it would be the strictest medical marijuana law in the nation. I have Crohn's Disease and since it's specifically mentioned in the bill, I've been watching the progress of this bill with particular interest. 
Once again, the media have been reporting that the bill is likely to pass "this time." I'm not so optimistic. The bill's chief sponsor, Rep. Lou Lang, has fought valiantly for the bill's passage. Every time the bill has previously come up for a vote, he was assured by those on the fence that they would vote for the bill and that it would have enough votes for passage. And every time, "Lucy" pulled the football out from under "Charlie Brown" at the last minute. The one ray of hope are the results of the 2012 elections in Illinois. Theoretically, this group should be more favorable to such a bill. Keep your fingers crossed.

Once again, the media have been reporting that the bill is likely to pass "this time." I'm not so optimistic. The bill's chief sponsor, Rep. Lou Lang, has fought valiantly for the bill's passage. Every time the bill has previously come up for a vote, he was assured by those on the fence that they would vote for the bill and that it would have enough votes for passage. And every time, "Lucy" pulled the football out from under "Charlie Brown" at the last minute. The one ray of hope are the results of the 2012 elections in Illinois. Theoretically, this group should be more favorable to such a bill. Keep your fingers crossed.