I find the divide between recreational and medical to be quite real. imho, I find as a "medical" user I am medicating to "enable" me to do something rather than disable. It might be trying to peel myself off the toilet, get out of bed, or tolerating the pain of my daily existence. I am also as a "medical" user very picky about what goes in my body. I see recreational users willing to put just about anything in their bodies, just look at cup videos with all the random dabs and hits, with no regard to strain, how it was grown, by whom, with what etc . . . then we move on to concentrates, which imho, just like high fructose corn syrup not being the same thing as sugar, they just are not the same as doing flowers. The terps and other water solubles are lost in the process and in my opinion this is why concentrates feel "unnatural" to me. I will ocassionally do ice water or "bubble" hash but thats as far as I go now . . .
"Medicating" just to peel yourself off the toilet and get out of bed? Wow, t-dub! I love ya man, but that's getting high, not medicating! Pain relief, I can see and happy it works for ya, but pot has never worked much for me as a pain reliever. Seems stretching it a bit with those other examples, that's just the typical shit we all have to do every day till we die, and yeah I agree it sucks, and I'm old and all that sucks now more than ever, but I say it's why I get high, not why I "medicate." Maybe we're just using different terms, t-dub, I'm riffin' on ya not rattlin' ya.

I get high to feel good, and I believe that in itself is medicinally therapeutic. Hedonistic though it may be even to me (as evidenced every time I masturbate), the mind-body connection is not some crystal-kissing-sissy metaphysics. Sure, if my soul were in perfect working order, so would my body, and one might think what need have I for strong drink or smoke with such a perfect balance of gut and ghost? Why, for FUN! Drinking and smoking are fun! And fun will keep you alive longer than any medication.
Getting back to reality here, a Buddhist monk probably has no need to smoke pot to feel good, but not all of us are monks, or Mother Teresa, or Jesus. Half of us are like Cheech, the other half are like Chong, for the most part. And cannabis is one of the safest, most natural, helpful in many ways, fun plant to ingest, whether smoked or vaped or eaten or stuck up your ass. As long as you're not cramming a kilo dildo of hash up there, or making an extraction with Grandpa's old can of turpentine, you're gonna be okay.
I know people who used to "get high" but now "medicate" and from my point of view they aren't doing a damn thing differently, but good for them.
Pot, my medicine, is fun. Pot, my fun, is medicine. Some people just can't fathom that. Look at the "medicines" most people take, the side effects, the horrid bullshit glorified bathtub pharmaceutical drugs, the fucking suit-and-tie crack dealers, the tv commercials -- some people who have to take those drugs hate pot and pot users because pot is a fun medicine and a medicine that is fun. They don't get it at all. And billions, and billions, and billions, are spent to keep it that way.
Please, we must all remember: Imagine how cheap pot would be if it were truly legal. As Lennon said, Imagine.... Way cheaper than cigarettes. Cheaper than beer. Remember, totally legal means anyone can grow it (and when it is legal, everyone will and prices will crash), and it is relatively easy to grow -- again, when it is totally legal.
Imagine. How cheap.
I mean, really cheap. like fucking lettuce or broccoli, yes, that cheap. There is absolutely no reason you should pay $400 an oz. for good pot when it costs about as much to grow good lettuce and broccoli. It is fucking insane.