JCat you are one cool dude! Good for the community!
@JCat is one of the best. Like an underrated vaporizer that just keeps performing rock solidly in the background, never making a fuss, a consistent solid performer with absolutely nothing bad to say or not to like. A real FC geezer for sure and its so cool to see you reaching out to everybody like this Jcat.
I wonder what project will come to life next? I can see you ending up with quite a few threads, maybe even a separate "Jcat DIY" one day? Good work bro. Btw I just bought a new vape totally spontaneously and unplanned. Noone knows yet, very tired atm so no hurry to spill, but I'll give you a clue. You have one, you may be seeing me in another thread sooner or later, (that's if you haven't already moved on to bigger, and better things by then.)
I totally wasnt supposed to make this unplanned purchase. In waiting for the Digital Herbo any day. Seb has been killing me over it. Supposed to be by April. Then he promised BEFORE end of May, of his own volition! NOT just to keep me happy.
But I got no dough for it now hehe! Gotta move some rubicks, Im still on it just a slight shuffling of plans which ultimately should work out for the best me hoping.