Part 2: When I actually fucked combustion.
Now that the intro is out of the way
Fast-forward again to November 2013. Halfway through my senior year in highschool, I'm smoking every day, for pretty much the last 2 years with only a couple of 3-7 day breaks when I travelled. To counter the effects smoking would have on me, I made sure to run a lot (often on the weed

) for cardio. But, even then I'm coughing up some black stuff now and then, and generally feel shorter of breathe. The way I smoked, I power hit bongs. So almost always upwards of 30 second hits. I'd maybe only take 1-3 bowls a day though, so I wasn't overdoing it too much. I started using hemp wick, and saw the Grasshopper vaporizer on Indiegogo. It looked amazing and perfect. It was going to be my first vaporizer, I just knew.
Later that month, I back the Grasshopper vape on November 23rd, 2013.
I tell a lot of my close friends about it, none of them are really interested in the idea of vapes. Ahhh batteries, not instant etc bullshit. It's also our last year, and the ETA for the Grasshopper was February of '14 so at most they'd get to try it over the summer (heh). In college, I found a good group of stoners who were just trying to be on the DL and get their shit done. Smoke mad bowlz, son. Right? Yeah...
As you probably know, college is not easy like high school usually is. No more time for me to be running around parks. Study, sleep, eat, try and clean, all while studying.

No, I'm whacking my face on the floor.
Halfway through freshman year, I get kind worried about the black stuff I'm coughing up. I changed my habits to smoke less, and try and never use lighters (hemp wick) when possible. There was a point where I was only smoking keif as well, which actually helped a lot. But, I still knew that I should stop. By this time, I had forgotten about the Grasshopper because of how busy I was. I didn't even see some of the updates for a while. Freshman year ends, and over the summer, the 3 elementary amigos get their medical cards together. Legal weed, holy fuck. My MMJ doctor asked about habits and uses. I have insomnia, which stems from major joint pain in my knees, elbows, and hands (yay technological millennials...). He suggests smoking with some melatonin and bits of edible, and if I can to stop smoking over time.
My sophomore year I was still stupid and combusted the whole year. I'm pretty sure I developed bronchial infections from smoking a lot, and was getting sick often. And it wasn't all the weed, but for sure it was not helping. And when I was sick, I didn't really want to not smoke... cause you know... get high right? It helps everything.

Over the final term, I took mushrooms and LSD (separately).
When the semester ended, I had a pretty life changing experience. It's very personal, but essentially I could never look at the world the same way. The drugs helped that, but really it was the event.
Over the summer, I made a point to smoke a lot less. I couldn't start vaping because how can I justify spending another $100 when I have the Grasshopper coming in months? Well. At the end of the summer, my girlfriend bought me a FMV5.0S. One day I just found it in my mail.
Charge it, clean it, try it.
5 sessions in a row and I was amazed... and choking

I went to my buddies house, and he wasn't too sure about it. We knew that we should be vaping, as getting our cards renewed the doctor suggested that we really should. I told him I had one on the way (well I did haha). Few weeks later, I get that surprise gift.
But, some of you may know that FM are good starters, but not exactly... top notch in a few ways. Well, those few ways really bugged my friend, and granted were downsides for me too. Strong draw resistance, heavy cleaning necessary often. It's better now since I also know how to use it (though, haven't in a number of weeks). My buddies are still combusting... Which I don't actually want to do... or even like.. The smell of smoked weed is gross now, and the taste... meh why! In a way, switching to vaping sucked because of how it makes your body view smoke after (personally). I don't know it's to the point where if I vape out of a smoked from bong, I can tell it's been smoked from. I'm sure many of you know what that's like. I try and jerry rig it to a couple of my pieces, but it doesn't really work out (yet ;P).
I brought my glass and vape back to school with me, and vaped only occasionally smoking because literally nobody around me wanted or liked vaping

I eventually said screw 'em, and would say no I'm not going to smoke, I've stopped. Many of my friends respected my choice, and would vape with me instead of smoke.
One person in particular, who at many points mooched from us and was often disrespectful to women around us... But it's "okay because he's gay". He essentially came to hang out, talk trash, and smoke my weed. Or vape it, he didn't care as long as he was using my stash and not his. After many conversations amongst the girls, and many awful interactions they had with him, I made a clear point to send him a message. Our building was having a rather large party, and our floor was hosting. He came, and stalked (I wish I were kidding), 2 of my friends and myself at this kissing party (college

). The night before, he asked my girlfriend if "He would be able to make out with her tomorrow at the party, because he's made out with all of his other straight girlfriends". She was appalled, disgusted, and genuinely felt unsafe and uncomfortable around him.
The moment he saw her, he shouted her name and spread his arms out for a hug. I stepped in front of her, put my hand on his chest, to which he replied, "Oh fuck off, I just want a hug."
I said, "No. She doesn't want a hug. She is not your "girlfriend" and you are not going to come around any of us anymore. Fuck off."

It was about damn time I manned up.
Since that night, I haven't combusted marijuana. I don't plan to either. My good friend from home has lots of glass, but wanted to stop smoking for a few reasons. I told him all of the benefits, downsides (charging, not instant), and which ones I think he would really like (also ones I wanted hehe). Just yesterday, he told me it was between the Rise and the Evo. I told him do NOT get the Rise (sorry) and go with the Evo. They're also having a holiday sale, which has the hydratube for free for the standard package.
He's been unlucky with the Grasshopper, as it broke 2 days before he showed up, visiting literally to try it. So that was unfortunate, but he understands the health benefits to it.
I have fucked combustion, and gotten a couple of others to do the same as well
Edit: Sorry for the double post, I know it isn't appreciated. But, there's a 10000 character limit...