Well-Known Member
I'm kind of worried it'll just make my weight bench and yoga mat really, really comfortable....

I'm kind of worried it'll just make my weight bench and yoga mat really, really comfortable....
I've been contemplating a little vaping first thing in the morning to see if it makes my AM workout less agonizing, but I'm kind of worried it'll just make my weight bench and yoga mat really, really comfortable.... My anti-depressants have made getting motivated really difficult, but a morning vape-me-up might be just the thing to make it suck less.
Doing yoga high is one of my favorite things in the whole wide world, so I highly recommend giving it a shot, @Eschient
Well, maybe the less demanding yoga is a good idea. Just relaxation and unwinding.
in other words, my actions/the state of tangible objects/the way things are done will somehow affect some unconnected person/object.
My wife is a yoga fanatic, and wannabe instructor. When my back/shoulder/neck/knees are up to it she tries to coach me through some of the 'less demanding' poses. It's all good til there is a pop. I've not tried it vaped tho - usually using concentrates after the pop, but before might be just the thing! One can learn a lot in the forums![]()
I find that doing my yoga while vaped allows me to actually focus on form, feeling, breathing, etc., and I'm LESS likely to hurt myself while MORE likely to perform each move/pose correctly.
I'm also better at kettlebell swings while toked up
On a psychological level, I was having a few "deep stoner thoughts"... if you read lists of "what weed does to you", one of the things mentioned is "magical thinking".
Well, my dear friends, first off, who DOESN'T engage in "magical thinking"? Every single sports fan who wore a jersey during the past few weeks (and who will continue to do so...)... well, THAT is magical thinking. Stuff like that. Plus, believing in faeries, dragons, werewolves, etc., as I understand it, is indicative of "magical thinking". Divination, too.
Anyway, I generally have a healthy (unhealthy?) dose of "magical thinking" in my "normal, sober" state. I think OCD is definitely a symptom of the same root that expresses "magical thinking"... in other words, my actions/the state of tangible objects/the way things are done will somehow affect some unconnected person/object.
If I don't say, "drive carefully, be safe!" as my hubby goes out the door, he might have an accident. I MUST say these words to protect him.
So, back to cannabis. When I use cannabis, it STOPS magical thinking. I recognize it. It amuses me, sure... but I can see it, and I can push it aside, and NOT do "incantations" to "protect" everyone/thing. I have more logic in my thinking, with a lot less distractions. I wander down the magical path a bit less, and I'm more aware when I hit that path.
It could be due to neuro-diverseness, ASD, whatever... but for me, if using "heavy" means frequency, then yes, I'm almost always using. If it means how MUCH you use, I use very little, micro dabs, tiny flower hits, all through the day, to keep my mind clear/sharp, and my pain at bay.
Anyhow, I have a Shit-ton of inflammation today, all the way up into my sinuses... so, I'm really toasted... and I'm having another fucking hotflash... so, back to the vape!
... my doc just bumped my scrip to 3.5g/day,
My wife thinks I'm a big-ass stoner (truthfully everyone else thinks that too) and it takes me ten days to use more than 3 grams.
I must admit I got over excited that I found an online anti-combustion/ vaporizing community!![]()
Killick - Please be careful if the possibility of getting hurt (the pop) is higher for you than normal folk. Getting vaped before exercise allows me to relax into it but it will also mask some of the pain/soreness. The benefit of relaxing into it for me means my breathing may be nicely synchronized and the extra relaxation will allow me to stretch easier and not tense up. But the other side of that is you may feel so good that you go to far. Please start off slowly. Your wife may view your relaxation as a sign she should help bend you into the Yoganidrasana/Yoga Sleep Pose![]()
Perhaps on the sliding scale established in this thread we need something beyond "big-ass stoner". Like maybe "Kardashian-ass stoner".
Wear that one proudly, @killick. You're welcome.![]()