I had a cool nickname in France that my friends found for me... I used it at first on Fc.
but as it didn't render anything in English, and I wanted to avoid making links with other sites I changed...
I'm bad at coming up with a nickname...
I thought of Treebeard from Lords of the Rings but it was already taken... so as Fangorn is the other name of this entity... here I am!
I think a lot before expressing myself... like Ents, I can stay still in the same position much longer than average... and I like contemplation... and when I get angry... Sarouman can tremble...

I thought it fit well.
A significant other called me "the sphinx"...but that sounded a bit pretentious
So this is it...
and for the avatar, it has long been my "open museum" but I think you don't see anything... and neither do I!
Currently, my avatar is a soul that expressed itself in an Okin coal... but that will change
ah... and I just changed "well-known member" to "self-proclaimed luckiest unicorn hunter"... because I was very lucky this year in my quest... which is now over! I wanted to put “pretentiously self-proclaimed” but it was too long...
(nice topic to learn more about each one, thank you!)