How did you arrive at your FC Handle


Zillacon is just some stupid pseudonym I picked up as a kid.

For the avatar well, you see, that's where things get a little odd. Kingcobrajfs is the person I give credit to for giving me the ambition to follow a path of working closely with the Autistic population. If you don't know who he is Google him


Microbe minion
Great thread! 😁

My last name inspired my nickname as a youth cazza. A famous footballer, Paul Gascoigne, had a similar nickname, gazza. Gazza was in the news when I first needed an internet pseudonym. He was misbehaving with his friend "five bellies" and often in the tabloid newspapers. I thought, I like cheebas, several of them, so I became "fivecheebs" or cheebs, or cheebsy etc....


I am the beetle in a box that only you can see
Sweatpantism in the US. I've had bouts myself.

"Fuck it, man, let's go bowling." Not a very dark philosophy, but it's all I had the energy for.
I believe the Cohen Brothers were slyly referencing Oblomov but never seen this theory elsewhere

Darth Gram Gram

Well-Known Member
Same one I have had for years on multiple accounts.

It started with the original release of the game Star Wars Battlefront II, and when Darth Vader would swing his lightsaber, it was animated like an old lady beating someone with an umbrella in my opinion. I would go online in heroes vs villains, and shout over the mic that I was "Darth Gram Gram! I will destroy you with my nursing home coalition!"

Had it since then.


Well-Known Member
Same one I have had for years on multiple accounts.

It started with the original release of the game Star Wars Battlefront II, and when Darth Vader would swing his lightsaber, it was animated like an old lady beating someone with an umbrella in my opinion. I would go online in heroes vs villains, and shout over the mic that I was "Darth Gram Gram! I will destroy you with my nursing home coalition!"

Had it since then.
What a great game, i still miss it.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm very fond of cannabis and bicycles. I'm pretty sure most of you were aware of the cannabis part. The bicycle part is both work and play. I run a non-profit, community bike shop, I'm a devoted bicycle commuter, and my main passion in cycling is mountain biking. I love both the beauty of the forest and the thrills provided by gravity.

You might say it's a little confusing, that you usually associate "biker" with people who are larger and louder. I also used to believe that I was a cyclist, and they were bikers. But for years I lived in a popular mountain bike destination in a very redneck state, where I had some non-cycling friends.

One day, one of my more conservative friends was going off about something that bothered him about "them bikers".

"We prefer to be called cyclists," I sniffed.

"Oh really," he responded quickly. "And what kind of cyclist are you?"

"You know that, I'm a mountain bik...oh, shit--I am a biker."

I've been a biker since.

My avatar is a shot taken on July 14, 2015, the first official day of legalization in Oregon. I loaded up a few healthy starts into my bicycle trailer and proudly towed them across town. When I stopped at our local coop for some groceries, a small crowd gathered around taking pictures. It was a wonderful day.
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Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
My avatar matches my pseudonym.

It's a character from a niche graphic novel. The storyline borrows to the fantastique, dark romanticism and surrealism literary genres. The black and white drawing is executed with quill and lead pencil while hatching gives volumes and shades. The graphic style reminds of gravures from the XIXe century.

I can't help myself, I have to share a few frames with you… Paper has turned yellow over time, printing is 40 years old.





No thoughts, head empty
I have 2 I alternate between, Vinyl and Octavia, based on a pair of reoccurring background characters that would appear together (and were generally assumed to be a couple) in a show I loved when I was younger. Generally my older accounts use Vinyl and my newer ones use Octavia since Vinyl was portrayed as more brash and impulsive while Octavia was portrayed as more aloof and organised.

Also I fell out of my record collecting phase after college so the second meaning of Vinyl doesn’t fit as well nowadays and Octavia is just a more elegant name IMO.


(zombie) Woof.
Our digger, Rocky, is my current avatar, and recently changed from the cover of 'Discipline' by King Crimson. On another now defunct vaping forum I was "Rockytogg" (see, stoopid) and used the same pic u see now the whole time, whilst always being Bologna here and VA, for simplicity sake, cuz MOST members there are also members here and of course didn't realize at first how incestuous or small this whole scene really is... We adopted Rocky in 2015 (he was around 1.5yo) and even though I bought a MFLB many years ago (2010? 2012? earlier even?) cuz a Colorado weed head on a music forum I was very active on recommended them and piqued my interest, so I got one and eventually learned how to make it provide, but at the time I always hungout with lots of friends (think Patriots, Red Sox, Celtics, Bruins) and that thing is a total PITA with newbs so I kinda gave up going "full-in" until I pre-ordered the MV-1.... and that's when things got "serious".

edit: not to be pedantic :rolleyes:, buuuuuut :
Well, I'm very fond of cannabis and bicycles. I'm pretty sure most of you were aware of the cannabis part. The bicycle part is both work and play. I run a non-profit, community bike shop, I'm a devoted bicycle commuter, and my main passion in cycling is mountain biking. I love both the beauty of the forest and the thrills provided by gravity.

You might say it's a little confusing, that you usually associate "biker" with people who are larger and louder. I also used to believe that I was a cyclist, and they were bikers. But for years I lived in a popular mountain bike destination in a very redneck state, where I had some non-cycling friends.

One day, one of my more conservative friends was going off about something that bothered him about "them bikers".

"We prefer to be called cyclists," I sniffed.

"Oh really," he responded quickly. "And what kind of cyclist are you?"

"You know that, I'm a mountain bik...oh, shit--I am a biker."

I've been a biker since.

My avatar is a shot taken on July 14, 2015, the first official day of legalization in Oregon. I loaded up a few healthy starts into my bicycle trailer and proudly towed them across town. When I stopped at our local coop for some groceries, a small crowd gathered around taking pictures. It was a wonderful day.

Is "bicyclist", not a word, too.....:razz::p;)

Btw, I was pretty big into Mountain biking (note "biking" not "bicycling") when it first hit the scene around here in the late 80's... Still have my (Ishiwata chro-mo, Suntour XC) Bridgestone MB-2, in fact, and still love riding it (now and then) and even had a few buddies that raced NORBA back then... :tup::peace:
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Big and Bouncy
My avatar matches my pseudonym.

It's a character from a niche graphic novel. The storyline borrows to the fantastique, dark romanticism and surrealism literary genres. The black and white drawing is executed with quill and lead pencil while hatching gives volumes and shades. The graphic style reminds of gravures from the XIXe century.

I can't help myself, I have to share a few frames with you… Paper has turned yellow over time, printing is 40 years old.



I love graphic novels and that drawing style looks fantastic.

Canna Chameleon

Muted by mods. Run off by rudeness.
What, you clowns think I haven't read my share of unrelenting, extremely dark Russian philosophy, or something...? Jeeeeez

(I keeeed, of course, and was said with total sarcasm)

Edit: I usually waaay over-think (often stupid) shit.... but over the years, with literally all forum handles, I won't allow myself to do this for some reason and just pick the first thing that comes to mind.... and pretty much always end up regretting it...
I bet it was more like this



Almost there...
Oh, aside from my infatuation with female secondary sex characteristics, I forgot to say a few words on my avatar. That is Anthony Michael Hall smoking up at school from The Breakfast Club circa '84, 85?

"De cheeks can't hold de smoke! Dats what it is!"

I have to admit that I have always read your username as Big Ole Titties!
I have slight dyslexia and the first time I read it, that is what my brain said and it stuck...
It just rolls off the tongue so sweetly!
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