Well-Known Member
Thought I'd post a hot sauce talk thread to discuss all things hot sauce. I'm a spicy food and hot sauce fan, who else is? I look forward to talk of what hot sauces/peppers members here have, like and what is currently being enjoyed. Lots of internet bottle options, plus all the home growers and homemade recipes.
Since I just posted this elsewhere on FC, I'll start by mentioning Da Bomb - Beyond Insanity hot sauce. I initially picked it up because it was an upper heat bottle usually seen on Hot Ones, the YouTube (YT) "hot wings with even hotter questions" series which interviews celebrities and is pretty viral now. I hadn't checked this sauce in much detail when I first bought, and upon recent research it turns out to be a killer
. The Scoville Heat Units (SHU) @135,000 are not showing the crazy heat from the pepper extract in this sauce (people have found this sauce hotter than a number of others in the 1-3M SHU range. Many many Hot Ones shows and celebrities later, there's highlight reels, bits on The Tonight Show and Late Night, etc. And there are sooo many YouTube videos and short entertaining video clips out there from people trying Da Bomb - Beyond Insanity, here's a bunch of my favorite that stood out from hundreds, enjoy
Highlights of Da Bomb - Beyond Insanity on Hot Ones on YT, with various personalities
There is some overlap/repetition in the above Hot Ones video links, fwiw.
Some YT videos from the public, much lol at the first two links.
Who else here knows about the Hot Ones YT interviews? Who else here is enjoying hot sauce and what is it?
Have a great weekend.

Since I just posted this elsewhere on FC, I'll start by mentioning Da Bomb - Beyond Insanity hot sauce. I initially picked it up because it was an upper heat bottle usually seen on Hot Ones, the YouTube (YT) "hot wings with even hotter questions" series which interviews celebrities and is pretty viral now. I hadn't checked this sauce in much detail when I first bought, and upon recent research it turns out to be a killer

Highlights of Da Bomb - Beyond Insanity on Hot Ones on YT, with various personalities
There is some overlap/repetition in the above Hot Ones video links, fwiw.
Some YT videos from the public, much lol at the first two links.
Who else here knows about the Hot Ones YT interviews? Who else here is enjoying hot sauce and what is it?
Have a great weekend.