Discontinued HomeGrownLogs


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Looks really nice @scottg402 I can see now what @RastaVapa meant when he told me how pretty it had turned out. I would have loved to see it 'pop' when the finish was first applied.
I forgot to mention the other day that all the logs I've turned have had the same set of internals fitted. It looks brutal taking them out and even tho I'm now on body number 4, I'm getting the same results.
Tiny loads, plenty of vapor, flavor and effect.
This is an olive wood bowl and MP re-purposed from my mushy. 0.025g load dry hit.
I wish I lived somewhere that I didn't need to hide round the corner when doing videos.

HD Springer

Well-Known Member
Looks really nice @scottg402 I can see now what @RastaVapa meant when he told me how pretty it had turned out. I would have loved to see it 'pop' when the finish was first applied.
I forgot to mention the other day that all the logs I've turned have had the same set of internals fitted. It looks brutal taking them out and even tho I'm now on body number 4, I'm getting the same results.
Tiny loads, plenty of vapor, flavor and effect.
This is an olive wood bowl and MP re-purposed from my mushy. 0.025g load dry hit.
I wish I lived somewhere that I didn't need to hide round the corner when doing videos.

Nice video phatts. So how's the flavor signature with the wood bowl. Did it need to be "seasoned" a little. Also if I'm not mistaken what your saying is that youve fitted each log with the exact same heater configuration and all. And they all perform the same also? That's cool and even more importantly great freaking job dude.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@HD Springer The first few times I used it there was a slight flavor change but it's not noticeable now. Olive smells when it's turned and when I've run a bowl the heat warms it thru and the same smell is there. Its not unpleasant and now you've brought it up I'm going to have to turn a licorice bowl.

Your correct I've basically turned the wood to the same spec. as RV does and fitted the internals. I use a different method to terminate the cables so I can change stuff out easily.
Then taken a steel drift and a hammer and 'persuaded' the insides out then pressed it into the new body. I've wanted to see if there is any differences between species, body shape and wall thickness and of course performance.
If there is I'm not really noticing it. I load a bowl and place it on the heater and it delivers. There will be differences in heat retention and dissipation from one timber to the next but so far it's worked well no matter what wood.
I've deliberately turned the last one a small diameter to see how 'hot' in the hand it got.
I don't find it uncomfortable, others may, the top and bottom of the body are always cool and it's on at least 10 hours a day, every day. It's far too convenient.:)
I was a bit wary doing it the first time but @RastaVapa's internal set up is taking the abuse. Abuse that one would never see in normal use. The sumac is next and it's getting the hot set up. I like the current signature a lot really nice flavor and clouds but I want that extra bit.


Well-Known Member
So how's everyone getting on with there HGL been a bit quiet here recently so I think it deserves a bump or two :). Been eyeing up my next vape purchase along with HGL I'm interested in a Sublimator but the price puts me off (I've tried one along with the evo, preferred the single hitter the sub provides) along with the constant attention a device like this needs being a ton of heated metal.

How does the HGL do at big single hitters? Can it be done dry or will a small water tool help immensely, found one stuffed in the back of the draw a 14mm mini bubbler, think it could work a dream with a log vape :D

Can someone quantify the taste there getting off the SS, flavour is key for me clouds are fun as well but I love trying to pick out the flavours and need a vape which can deliver the most potent and tasty vapours going.


HomeGrownLogs UK log maker
So how's everyone getting on with there HGL been a bit quiet here recently so I think it deserves a bump or two :). Been eyeing up my next vape purchase along with HGL I'm interested in a Sublimator but the price puts me off (I've tried one along with the evo, preferred the single hitter the sub provides) along with the constant attention a device like this needs being a ton of heated metal.

How does the HGL do at big single hitters? Can it be done dry or will a small water tool help immensely, found one stuffed in the back of the draw a 14mm mini bubbler, think it could work a dream with a log vape :D

Can someone quantify the taste there getting off the SS, flavour is key for me clouds are fun as well but I love trying to pick out the flavours and need a vape which can deliver the most potent and tasty vapours going.

It can def do single hitters no problem I do believe I did a video showing it earlier in thread, it can be done dry but i prefer through water for big hits . I cant comment on flavour compared to the two vapes you mention as i have never used them yet ,hopefully someone here can chime in with some good comparisons ......

New pics and vvps pics coming soon been busy ......


Homage to the Deepsea Dwellers
Thank you for giving me another excuse to express my love for the HGL. At home it is the only vape that sees the action.

By now I only use it thru water and it is bliss. I wouldn't know what a single hitter is and how much of a hit you get. But the feeling of hitting it thru water is so sweet that I only want to hit it that way.


Well-Known Member
I remember seeing that @RastaVapa butbthankypu for reminding me of it I'll have another look once more for sheer logging pleasure :D. Only reason I prefer dry big hits is for that taste nothing against a little water action however and I think my micro bubbler will work very well with your log. Currently I use either my omni vap or Milaana of a evening live them both to bits they both perform well and have certain pros and cons I think a log would make for a interesting comparison especially for the price.

As you've been busy is there any news on the heating dimmer you mentioned at all? As well as that if I were to order one with you (however you go about doing that?) any idea how long a wait it would be? Obliviously I've got vape's to use in the mean time so there's little rush.

Gray Area

Well-Known Member
Very nice @PPN that's looking great, I've gone for a similar shape myself.

I think :shrug: that I was pretty close after you to place an order... so fingers crossed mine won't be too long after.

No rush, though it's nice to see some more activity on the thread, and pictures are even better :nod:


Homage to the Deepsea Dwellers
I think I got a crack in my extension cord, somehow the HGL isnt getting warm when I use it. When I use it without it does. If I want to get a new cord where should I be looking?

Wow, look who's running just a little bit hotter without the extension cord :) It rips even harder now.
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Homage to the Deepsea Dwellers
I would still prefer to use it with an extension cord. What kind of connectors are used on the HGL? Does anyone knows?
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Melting Pot

Sick & Twisted
I confirm it's a 2.1 mm connector
RastaVapa told me that any 2.1 mm power adaptater will work though (mighty charger works well)

My mini yew seems close to be ready too :brow:
Yea, just check the dc output I use a vacuum charger cord.
Output is 15v dc so i use a dimmer.
Got out the multi meter and marked dimmer with different sweet spots.
Ghetto vvps. Lol
That mini yew is sweeeeet...
Very nice


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@anasrzi I've had no problems doing dry single hits, 0.025g being the smallest, and even tho the ABV looks a sand color there is nothing left when I've loaded the leftovers into my Vapcap.

Had a get together with @Ruta last night and we were running kief/green mixed bowls.
They seemed never ending. Massive thick clouds that just kept coming and coming.

So either micro dosing or multiple hit lung busters HomeGrown delivers.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Just a quick one for anyone worried about not hearing back from @RastaVapa, you're right it's a one man operation and having spoken to him I know he has been a busy man getting together new logs and dealing with the normal day to day stuff, he will get back to you if he hasn't already, just hang in there.

Spent yesterday afternoon with @Ruta over at @priestsmiler's place. Very nice time was had by all.
Smiler had his first go with a log of any kind, and I think the green/kief mix took him by surprise.

I sat and got mashed on my first bowl of the day. Green/kief mix's just seem to be endless, non stop lovely, tasty vapor. Really good extraction of all the goodies.

Again, if you've placed or want to place an order be patient when your HGL arrives it will have been well worth it.


Well-Known Member
Can confirm I spock to ed on Wednesday concerning a order, he's got to send me some wood sample ideas and then get it made up thereafter which he sates should be a month or so at his current rate of creating from scratch, it's good to see he's busy and has many orders to fill.

Ed will get back to you guys I was worried he wouldn't but he's snowed under clearly keeping us all happy :)


Well-Known Member
After meeting & spending some time speaking to both @Ruta and @phattpiggie I can confirm phattpiggie seems a professional yet down to earth guy and I can only commend the work that he does. Very similar to ed from eds tnt they both enjoy and take a pride in their work; for them and many others it really is artwork. Also must say it was a pleasure to play host to 2 fellow fc members. As a note to mods: Maybe we should hold a conference where other fellow members could meet as it was agreed by myself ruta and phattpiggie that there are not enough members in each local areas, especially in the uk.:)
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