How the hell did I miss all this commotion?? A log vapouriser based in the uk for a cracking price what's not to like, I'm not in a position right now to grab one of these off you
@RastaVapa but I can see a very very early Christmas present coming on soon

. I'd like to say personally that I'm truly immensely impressed with how you have made these log vape's for us all to try I say again for a very attractive price. Just love my Milaana and it's always by my side but I'd dig a log to complement my wooden collection (just sold a lotus too, would have been a very fine wood collection if I hadn't but it's wasn't being used now Mi is on the scene, omnivap is another collecting dust because of her.
Ok so has the price changed or is likely to change anytime soon?
What's included in the package, everything that's needed (minus the weed

Is there a catalog of woods to chose from?
I'm a big flavour snob, how does this rate taste wise?
How do we go about ordering? Via pm on here or is there a website?