It's ordered! Buuuuttttt....ack. I missed ordering the extra "heater cover." Is this what is called "Injector Ti" on the site? Sigh. Oh well. Already emailed Seb a bunch because *three* of my credit cards were rejected by the payment processor. Finally got an order through, and now am kicking myself for not reading more carefully. I got an extra 18mm bowl and screens but had I thought it through a little more I would have also gotten a set of the 14mm accessories. Oh well.
What I got: Vaporizer Sphere Ti (no enail), Sherlock body for stand, extras: 18mm bowl, 4 injector O rings, silicone injector sleeve, locking clip (?) and cleaning flask. Cost w/shipping was 490 Euros.
Should have added (?): extra heater cover or 2, 14mm bowls, plug for cleaning? I'll just be super careful with my heater cover.
Does Scott at Vgoodiez usually sell things like the heater covers and bowls as accessories or will I always have to order from overseas? I did not think about how a 10 Euro accessory is going to cost 40 to ship.
I would email Seb to cancel and try to order yet again but I feel silly since I had literally five chances to edit the order.

Stoner life! Thought I had it all dialed in last night when I filled the cart.
Thank you to all on this thread for the vast amount of info and feedback. Can't wait to try it out!