max said:
The SSV tubing is a size larger than standard whip tubing. A size larger would be 1/2" ID. The easy answer, if the SSV tubing does fit when heated, is to sacrifice a main mouthpiece to whip use only, and just keep the tubing installed.
Yeah I'd considered doing that, whether i try stretching ssv hosing over it or i get some more appropriately-sized soft sili... I just need to get around to ordering another mouthpiece soon is all lol. But really, for my usage habits, there HA usually doesnt get used for anything but bags, the WDZ is a large majority of my direct inhale usage. not that it isnt good at it, it's powerful as hell and kicks my ass. i just end up going through more herb and getting too stoned and wasting the buzz on a nap lol i think its because of the little bit of vapor that wisps out of the mouthpiece/hosing that makes me want to just hurry up and vape the shit out of the stuff... its like a beerbong.
robert denby said:
i dont know. i mean i have had some nice static shocks in the past and this, to me, exceeded it by quite a bit.
it was one of those shocks where you like blink and you may have been standing there for 1-2 seconds without realizing it. keeping in mind that i spend most hours of every day vaked, i feel i didnt exaggerate the shock in my mind. i didnt recall throwing the crucible but there it was, 12 feet away.
i wasnt like smoking or technically "unconscious" so to speak, but it was a big ol mean shock!
also i was on a cement basement floor, with 2 rubber mats on it (for glass piece protection).
but jeez louise mr. dickey! i feel embarrassed for not thinking of something so obvious!
ill get on that tonite and report back.
aside from this one incident, i have been very happy with the unit and most of the thanks for that researched choice goes to this forum and very page!
lol, man, you have the worst luck with the HA that i've ever heard of. cause until you i dont think i've ever heard of anyone getting one faulty unit let alone two in a row... and if you got any sort of shock while properly loading the crucible, even if you ARE exaggerating a bit, it's faulty, there has to be a short somewhere that's putting current where it doesnt belong. I've never even heard of such a problem til now. I'd def return it, it's a ~$200 vaporizer, not a damn toaster. But i can understand you probably dont want to be without it for that long... but understand that whatever wiring problem that caused the shock will more than likely effect the lifespan of the unit, at least thatd be my guess.
so i'd at least send it in at some point within the warranty period, maybe after you add a diff vape to your collection to help hold you over while your HA gets replaced

cause i dunno if you own any other vapes other than the HA, but give it time and you will

happens to us all. at least you started off with the vape that took me 2 other models to settle on (sold dbv for ssv, and then ssv for HA, def like it best of the 3). If do plan on getting a second vape, i'd look at the log vapes cause they're a great mate to put with the HA, for those times you want to really conserve and want to just pick up a simple, always on unit, and then you can revape the ABV in HA too. just a suggestion
anyway good luck, i'd try getting a hold of HA (the manufacturer) via email and tell them of your problems and see what they have to say, it might be a problem that they're familiar with and it could be an easy fix for someone semi-adept at soldering... still its so hard to believe that anyone would have to go to that extent to make this vape function properly lol. If you do end up taking it apart, definitely post some pics of the guts of the HA, cause i know i'm not the only one who's been dying to see what it looks like on the inside. But def talk to HA first before attempting that cause it will def void warranty im sure... in fact, forget the idea altogether, i dont want the death of a HA and its warranty on my head... i wouldnt be able to sleep at night.