I also do not understand how the airflow can be so great with the HA when the load is compacted/pressed intentionally to block the air jets? How does the airflow compare to other vapes? How can concentrates be used without ruining the holes?
Love how it vapes better when compacted, not sure how it works I suppose the convection/conduction combo and diffused airflow. The compactness of the load might mean better conduction throughout it? Like the weed conducting upon itself perhaps? All conjecture.
Concentrates used without ruining holes is a concern of mine as well, mainly residue. To combat this I usually put some ground up weed in on the bottom (which could mess things up but hasn't for me at all yet) to catch any residue. And/or use high quality concentrate that won't have much residue. (I use my HA without cruc, and the inside does get dirty, over a longer time than other vapes, but a cotton ball soak of the inside with ISO while upside down + spinning a sponge inside made it clean again.)
I've read alot of this thread, but not all of it yet, lotsa of googling reviews, not a tonne of content on youtube, and i'm still trying to track down videos in this thread, specifically with the TonG since that's the only way i'll be using it.
I need to record some TonG usage videos... though tbh right now I use the stock MP more heh (addicted to "minivap" mode.) TonG is really great though, an amazing accessory. Here is one video:
Is it an issue to let the HA idle with your load, or will it continue to roast too much? I suppose it's not hard to remove between hits?
This was a concern of mine but I've done a few things to mitigate it and am happy with this now. Mainly I make sure to load once its heated, and secondly I use ceramic discs

The discs allow me to space the load away from the heater as much as I want, and also increase the mass of the bowl and disperse the conductive heat around also lessening the conduction effect (what I believe from testing). Right now I am using 8 discs, with weed at 7/8 level, so a lot of ceramic and the load is very far from the heater. I also like the taste better personally (mm ceramic!) This is what I call "minivap" mode cause it makes the HA more convective, and it is a sipping experience, the bowl lasts for a good while, and taste seems better throughout. There is a lot more restriction with that many disc screens though, and it can be hard to pull, especially if overloaded. 8 discs can only handle a small load, 0.05g at the max, anymore and it is not as enjoyable imo. Testing 7 discs with some larger loads tonight.
Going to write a
disc mini guide up later (credit
@McNerdius for discovering these fit in HA). They have been working so well for me, and the fit is quite good. They could be offered as an HA accessory by HA themselves imo.
I really wonder if the HAelite could replace my LSV? I would love to be lazy and just use nugs without stirring ever again! I always toss my ABV, and only vape to light brown so I think the HA will allow me to extract more?
HA will definitely let you extract more. You could load up a whole cruc (or even HA chamber, espresso mode) with your LSV loads and then get some big vape hits later on the HA. I used to do this back when I used both my Nano and HA everyday. I would take one big Nano gong hit, and have a mostly green bowl that I would then throw into the HA chamber, then vape the HA when it was full. TBH I remember getting really high, more high than I would want to get nowadays. Called it my "finishing" vape, and the end result would be well extracted brown AVB.