Hi again SecureSwede,
Hardly mistakes for all i can tell, simply different perspectives and i'd like to put this opportunity to good use again. So here it goes!...

At 1st i tend to agree, 18 ~ 24 Vac via a more flexible cable should suffice in the present versions. But ultimately, should the IH scenario become reality i'd prefer to keep the sturdy household power cable as that's likely to prove economic in terms of final implementation. At 300 ~ 500 Watts the present cable would probably suit affordable IH design requirements better while that much power is desirable if the unit is to emulate the mighty power of fire.
Possibly my pipe now holds roughly a third of what i used to fill my HA crucible with, extraction was excellent but that came with what i called "the locomotive effect": e.g. the urge to empty that bag!
Consequently i had started to explore a 2-parts alternative. The IH version would simply provide a thermostatic v2.x compatibility mode and instead offer an option where energy is stored into a wand that is taken out of its pre-heating base conveniently: the IH docking station would remain on a table with its sturdy AC power cable permanently attached, it's the wand that would move around instead.
The HA heat-exchanger assembly would produce pre-heated fresh-air and render it available in a twin-heater setup à la "LavaWand" where the main pre-heat IH coil magnetically "excites" the heat-exchanger with its associated thermocouple (to close a thermostatic control loop) and another IH coil near the top aperture would generate thermostatic heat into the wand's own integrated heat-exchanger core, right before vaporisation. As a bonus the torch flame compatibility of SiC in that optional IH wand would make it possible for guys like me to add self-moisturisation as the final touch.
So, who wouldn't enjoy that sort of prospect?!
That's one reason why i'd stick to the time-tested heat-exchanger bloc and its fresh-air inlet bridge connected directly outside, away from any potential contaminants while supporting the addition of a pump, etc.
The two Wright brothers must have thought the same when they decided to build airplanes...
Good day, have fun!!

I see my mistakes now...
Hardly mistakes for all i can tell, simply different perspectives and i'd like to put this opportunity to good use again. So here it goes!...

...the unit could be knocked over so easily it was a design flaw in my eyes.
At 1st i tend to agree, 18 ~ 24 Vac via a more flexible cable should suffice in the present versions. But ultimately, should the IH scenario become reality i'd prefer to keep the sturdy household power cable as that's likely to prove economic in terms of final implementation. At 300 ~ 500 Watts the present cable would probably suit affordable IH design requirements better while that much power is desirable if the unit is to emulate the mighty power of fire.
...the HA was one of the best at conserving herbs...
Possibly my pipe now holds roughly a third of what i used to fill my HA crucible with, extraction was excellent but that came with what i called "the locomotive effect": e.g. the urge to empty that bag!
Consequently i had started to explore a 2-parts alternative. The IH version would simply provide a thermostatic v2.x compatibility mode and instead offer an option where energy is stored into a wand that is taken out of its pre-heating base conveniently: the IH docking station would remain on a table with its sturdy AC power cable permanently attached, it's the wand that would move around instead.
The HA heat-exchanger assembly would produce pre-heated fresh-air and render it available in a twin-heater setup à la "LavaWand" where the main pre-heat IH coil magnetically "excites" the heat-exchanger with its associated thermocouple (to close a thermostatic control loop) and another IH coil near the top aperture would generate thermostatic heat into the wand's own integrated heat-exchanger core, right before vaporisation. As a bonus the torch flame compatibility of SiC in that optional IH wand would make it possible for guys like me to add self-moisturisation as the final touch.
So, who wouldn't enjoy that sort of prospect?!

...just toss in a nug and have it come out perfectly vaped.
That's one reason why i'd stick to the time-tested heat-exchanger bloc and its fresh-air inlet bridge connected directly outside, away from any potential contaminants while supporting the addition of a pump, etc. thoughts are running out of control a bit...
The two Wright brothers must have thought the same when they decided to build airplanes...
Good day, have fun!!