So I just had my second session with the herbalaire 2.2 and I'm not sure what to say
about it.
This is my first plug in vaporizer (tried the plenty a few times)
It medicates me in a different way, it creeps on me, just when I start to think man
it doesn't medicate enough, I start to notice that I am even beyond what I intended.
I think 200°C is just a little bit too low for my needs, I mainly use the pax and the ascent, both
on highest setting and they give me more vapor and a faster high, but with the HA it feels
harder, much harder in a different way, maybe it's the effects of vaping at a lower than usual temp?
I like the HA already a bit but I need to test her potential some more.
I noticed the oven staying hot for a long time, does this affect the next session lenght by overheating
faster thus shutting down faster with back to back sessions?
I just ground my herbs, took two good spoons with the pipe tool and tamped it
down very hard with a bigger screen on top of it to hold it tight and put the HA on highest
temp setting and it blew real big clouds ! so grinding and tamping down will be my recipe for the HA
Belgianvapor, don't be misled into thinking thicker, more visible vapour is better vapour, it isn't, it's just different. Just like there isn't a best vape, there isn't a best vape method, it comes down to personal preference.
Yes, the higher temps give a different cannabinoid ratio, but they also singe the outer plant material more, releasing more particulates into the vapour path, giving more surface area for condensation to occur., hence more visible vapour. It's the same thing with grinding, which isn't really necessary with the HA, since it penetrates/extracts better than most any vape on the market. Grinding is necessary for most vapes, since they only use heat to extract the goodies, and don't penetrate the surface of the bud very well, but it also releases far more particles into the vapour path, hence much more condensation.
It's only now that vape manufacturers are beginning to realize that there's much more than just heating involved in extracting the goodies with vaping. Altering the flow/pressure/vacuum and changing the aerodynamics can drastically improve the extracting capabilities. HA has done this for ~ 10 yrs now, and why it doesn't require grinding. I'd like to see more vapes use this combination of techniques in the future.
Nice review, mrweed, thanks.
I owned and used the HA and EQ as my only home vapes for years. Both are good overall multimode vapes, but imo, the HA is superior at more of the required functionality factors, like heat retention, tighter temp control, build, ruggedness, extraction and simplicity of use, than the EQ. In fact, I gave my EQ to a friend, who is a med user in need.