PeteYpuFF said:
I have to disagree with Max. I love my trueblendz I have a 3inch 4 piece. I have a half a dozen friends who all love there trueblends(assorted models). Did you grinder come with the washer? I have found if you try to use it with out the washer the top teeth do grind. As far as the New Mix n Ball grinders go well... I talked a buddy into buying one and He did and was nothing but unhappy. He got a 2 or 2.5 inch triple screen, the bottom that holds the pollen is not threaded on and is just held by two little magnets. Everyone who has picked it up and I do mean EVERYONE has knocked the bottom off. I don't know what the older ones were like I think they were threaded so I don't know why they changed the design but I will say that It is the worst design I have seen in a Grinder. I regret talking a friend into buying one. I will say that the Finish On them are really nice. Very anti stick.
You disagree that my TrueBlendz was defective?

Seriously, you think I took a knife or screwdriver and ripped off the poly cushion that's between the top and bottom grinding sections? That thing is permanent. Without even applying pressure (I NEVER USED IT AT ALL TO GRIND ANYTHING) the top teeth stripped the finish off the floor of the bottom section. Even one of the owners at TrueBlendz told me 'it happens sometimes'. My attitude is 'screw a manufacturer that won't even stand behind a DOA product'. I didn't say all TrueBlendz products were bad, I just said mine was and I wouldn't think of ever buying another. They charged me a restocking fee for a defective DOA grinder. That should piss anyone off.
You want to hear about some good service? The kind TrueBlendz should have provided? Bought a $14 four piece grinder from Kelly's Great Products on eBay with $4.50 shipping. It was 2 3/8" diameter instead of the advertised 2.5", with slightly fewer than advertised # of teeth. He took it back, refunded my return shipping, and sent me a $40 all CNC made 2.5" grinder that's as well made as the Mendo I bought, and with a better screen/thread design (it also has a money back satisfaction guarantee). My other option was a full refund, including return shipping. Either choice-excellent service.
As for the bottom section on the Double and Triple Screen MixnBall grinders, the owner has given in to popular demand and will be getting (in about 2 weeks he says) screw on bottom pieces that will be available for only $5, just to cover shipping. If you use the current version (magnets on the bottom part) flat on a table there's no problem, but holding the grinder in your hand (which apparently a lot of people do) does make the bottom come off easily. This is one reason I said the Classic Screen, at $30, was a great deal. It has the screw on bottom, and most people are fine with a typical 285 micron screen. By the way, I've got the Triple Screen and have never knocked the bottom section off. You just have to be careful how you hold it (difficult for a stoned person I know), or use it with it sitting on something.
Tell your friend to watch the MixnBall site for the new screw on bottoms. Hell, I'll announce it on this thread when they're available. It's too good a grinder to toss away or give away in lieu of paying another $5. If he doesn't want to pay the fin for the new piece, ask him how much he wants for the grinder. I may buy it from him if the price is right.