I will have to change my thoughts on this one.....It is VERY fine.... but not the tiny "fleck-of weed" grind of the MFLB finishing grinder.
@EverythingsHazy @biohacker @Mr.Sifter Electric grinders is where I draw the line, plastic teeth is too much for my taste.It really worries me to see those ground plastic teeth.
But many people seem happy with them?
To each their own; ...
I just can't fathom why anyone would want an electric grinder, aside from those with specific special needs.
but please, you may suggest me a nice grinder with the s&B grind results that is good to clean and most importantly, collects my kief.
Kannastor Gr8tr.
Not the best picture but, it’s a very fine and consistent grind. About as fine as you would want without a major amount of particles coming through vapourizer screens.can you show me the grind ?
Perfect size IMO, choice of grind consistency (on the finer side of coarse - even the coarse plate), and you still get a smaller storage puck out of it if you desire.
this thing is huuuuge and you have to turn so long to take the segements
Would like to have kief, though
I use my space case as a keif sifter if I want it. Keif is often thought of as something from nothing but it’s not.I like to have the choice of "robbing" some kief to have a lighter bowl (like in the morning) and adding it later to have a stronger one.
That said if I had to choose just one grinder I'd go for a three pieces one.
A high quality metal grinder will last you far longer and not drop plastic dust into your herb. Just my thoughts.
Aluminum doesn’t vapourize at the temperatures we vape at. Plastic on the other hand does.do you really thing the plastic S&B grinder will emit plastic particles into the grind?
Has this happened to you with a S&B product ?
I worry about alluminium shavings from a metal grinder more.
You don’t have to get a GR8TR if it’s going to starve you. There’s other grinders out there that cost less.Ah ok, did not know that about the temperatures.
but really ?
gr8tr ?
50EUR is my budget.
and this is what I spend in a week for my groceries
interchangeable screens are a must
wear and tear, i think
never had a kief collector before
Yeah but doesn't 19% get taxed onto everything regardless of where it comes from upon entry? I mean yeah, shipping is one thing, but it's my understanding from when I lived in the EU that 19% is basically marked into everything.Not here in the EU.
We have cheapo garbage and high end only.
All those cool things like cali crusher, mulcher, weapon2 have to imported.
that means 19% on top plus expensive shipping.