Thanks. Everybody is different as to what they like.
The last thing I want is an extra piece (dish). The 3 piece base is the self contained dish and storage compartment and grind inspection area. The holes don't bother me at all. If I inspect and the grind is still too coarse, I just tip it upside down and grind some more. Different herbs require more or less grinding so this allows one to inspect, and even push it around to inspect even better.
Since getting my 3 piece, my 4 piece just serves as a storage vessel for one strain.
I'd only buy a 2 piece as a travel, on the go grinder, to save space.
If you have too much herb on your dish, do you then pour it back into the grinder to store?
Like I said, the addition of the dish only adds the one thing I frankly want to get rid of. If I was cool with the system the 3 piece had, I might as well just stick with the 4 piece. I dont really have travel hangups/issues, and the reason I don't want to stick with the 4 piece is because I want to get the grind consistency I want without, say, turning it upside down or having to dump it back in (it gets messy).
Now, I "may" consider a two piece Santa Cruz, given a lot of people have reccomended that, and I already own a Space Case product, but yeah, I really dont see the point of a 3 piece, I have long since had a dish I dump my stuff into anyway. What do I do when I have a little more than I need? dump it into something else I guess? I don't personally feel it's terribly hard to put the proper amount in at this rate, I kind of just start to know how much I need.