Herb Grinders


Out to lunch
Looks like they released an 'upgrade' to fix the grinders that don't have threads on the bottom.
Whether it's an upgrade or not is a matter of opinion. The upgrade piece (2 locking pieces actually) is 'press on', and judging from the amount of pressure it takes (shown in the vid on the site), looks to be permanent. It's also made of a lighter aluminum and lacks the anodized finish. It makes it functionally like all the other screen grinders, and since I have the standard setup with other griders, I chose not to go with the conversion piece.

The magnetized bottom (only on the double and triple screen models) allows for more flexibility. For one, you can grind, processing kief through a screen, easily detach the bottom containing the kief, then upend the grinder and dump the ground herb out without worrying about the kief. Then you can quickly reattach the bottom and load more for grinding. With the detachable screens, the magnetized bottom also makes it quick and easy to remove the screen(s) and process herb with no screen, leaving the bottom on for a large collection chamber, or removing the bottom and grinding over a magazine or something. I sometimes remove the screen for an initial grind, then do a 2nd pass with my small grinder which has 3mm holes, for the finer grind the PD likes, and allowing the 2nd grind to process the kief. Of course the drawback to the non-screw on bottom is it comes off easily, so you have to hold the grinder securely or use it while it's sitting on a flat surface.

The MixnBall designer is determined to come up with the ultimate in flexibility/convenience, but he's finding that one size doesn't fit all and there are tradeoffs. For one, the removeable screens don't offer as much surface area as fixed screens in other grinders. You can load a lot of herb, but it just piles up on the screen. My 1 3/4" mini grinder has a screen that's only 1/16" smaller than the MixnBall (2 5/16" diameter). My 2 1/8" Chromium Crusher offers 1 7/8" of screen diameter (1/2" larger diameter than the MB). The MB is still my favorite though, because of the finish and flexibility. I like having 3 different screen sizes to choose from, or none at all. And if you're paying attention during grinding (and not too fucked up), the magnetized bottom is not a problem.

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
This is long over due...but I really haven't been using the computer much lately, so forgiveness pleaaase. :p

An update on the Mendo Mulcher dilemma. First let me show you what's causing the majority of the problems with my 3" Flat Mendo:

The images are larger than I'd normally make them, so click on the thumbnails for a full size view. Oh, and the coloration on the inside of the Mulcher is just a reflection from me hovering over it to take a picture, there are no interior blemishes besides those carved pathways.

As you can no doubt see in the first picture, my Mendo is shredding itself to pieces. The teeth on both the top and the bottom are digging into the opposite side when the grinder is used, and this creates a lot of wear on the inside of the grinder. Basically the teeth are carving circular "pathways" in the aluminum, and this sheds a lot of flakes. The amount of flakes that you see in that second picture was produced by doing a dry grind for about 1 minute. I should probably note that, due to my profession, I have stronger hands than most...but I really don't think that justifies anything. No grinder which cost as much as this one and which boasts to be top quality should be flaking this much. :mad:

So, I have known that this was an issue for a long time. I stopped using that 3" Flat a long time ago (except for tonight, when I did the dry grind to get some pictures). I should note that in the picture I provided, there were actually a couple of fairly large pieces of flake; they look more like strands than flakes really. That's the first I've ever seen it shed some aluminum pieces that large, but to me all it means is that the more I use it, the more its integrity goes downhill. Not a good investment if you ask me. Anyway, what I was writing is I that I stopped using that particular grinder a long time ago.

I really, really, really love the grind I get with the Mendo, I have mentioned that before. If it weren't for the flakes, I'd be using this thing non stop...the grind is always fine, consistent and even. Soooo...with that in mind, and knowing that these are guaranteed for a lifetime (according to mendomulcherwarehouse.com), I decided to give it another shot. I picked up a second Mendo from the mulcher warehouse, hoping for better luck (this time I got a 3" with the pollen screen). I have been VERY careful not to put any pressure (by this I mean downward pressure, forcing the teeth into the other side of the grinder, etc.) on this grinder. I have treated it very gingerly and only used it a handful of times. I still get flakes. No where near as much as the 3" Flat, and because I have been so soft with it I haven't seen the same "pathways" in this grinder...but it still flakes--whether I am grinding with herb or doing a dry grind...she flakes.

So obviously, I'm done with Mendos. I know there's lots of people who love them, so I'm not going to go as far as saying they're shit (like I said, the grind quality is BEAUTIFUL...), but I am certainly finished. I stopped using the second one a while ago as well, and I've just finished giving them a VERY thorough cleaning with ISO, and I'm going to contact Wes Dixion at the MM warehouse and see what I've got to do to return these bitches. I am just peeved...I mean, that is a serious health concearn in my mind. Sure the Mulcher shreds herb, but I'm more worried about that aluminum shredding the soft tissue of my mouth, throat and lungs...

For a grinder which costs a premium price, this simply should not be happening. I have to admit, when I really inspect the grinder, the aluminum feels very soft...and it has in fact taken a few dents and dings on the outside shell, even though I've never been rough with it. So I don't know. My conclusions are that no amount of flakes are worth a nice grind. There has to be other alternatives.

I am migrating to the other large, well known brand name. I'm going to pick up a Medium 4 piece Titanium Space Case, and hope for the best. I know it's a shit tonne of money to spend on a grinder, but if it is the last one that I buy then it will be worth it (in my mind). I will be sure to let y'all know how all of this turns out.

Now, I actually have a question to add. Spiral (if you're reading this), I have noticed in some of the pictures you posted that your Mendo shows the same signs of wear. Have you ever really inspected your herb for flakes? If so, did you ever find any? I find it hard to believe that those pathways are being carved without shedding flake into the herb...I mean, where else would it go? I am not calling you out specifically dude, I just happen to know you're a Mendo owner and like I said, I saw the same thing in your pictures...so I'm genuinely curious. I know you got yours a long time before I did, so I don't know...maybe the aluminum wasn't as soft?? I dunno, I'd sure love to get your opinion though.
partially veiled,


vapor junkie
Staff member
Wow that's seriously fucked up. What are the odds of you getting 2 defective units? Not a good precedent.

They still haven't responded to your multiple emails about your first defective Mendo? Even worse.

Buyer beware!


mendomulcherwarehouse.com said:
Help our economy by buying US goods instead of the stuff made in China. You know these are made with pride!
We stand by our product because it's the BEST! Your purchase has a lifetime manufacturer's warranty!

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
No vtac, no response as of yet. From the manufacturer that is. Luckily, Mr. Dixion at the MM warehouse has been very helpful. In fact...he told me more or less not to expect a response from the manufacturer. I don't know what's going on there, and I know there was some shiftiness with the Mendo Mulcher makers basically falling off the face of the earth...and then resurfacing...so who the hell knows. I'm really at a loss. All I care about now is whether or not they will honor the lifetime guarantee.

I've asked Wes Dixion about it before, and he said all I have to do is print off my invoice and type up a letter and send that along with the grinder back to the address on the www.mendomulchers.com web page. To be safe I will be e-mailing him again to get the most detail I can about what I should include, how it should be shipped, etc...before I do anything. I will also be e-mailing the manufacturer again, if only to let them know they can expect the return...sort of a safety blanket I guess, in case these somehow get "lost in the mail"...:rolleyes:
partially veiled,


Vapor concierge
That's some crazy shit, veiled. I have a smartstone (?) and have had no problems with it, except that it needs to be cleaned.

Actually, since I got the PD I've been more concerned with a finer grind. Grinders that get it really fine are hard for me to find around here, as my smartstone is already one of the smallest ones.

So yesterday I took someone's advice and got a coffee grinder for $15 and I love it! I can get that shit as fine as I like and it does it quickly. It was especially helpful with some really good sticky stuff I have that hasn't been real good in the PD. After grinding it in the coffee grinder it got nice and small and dried out a little quicker. Best time I've had with the PD yet...the airflow through the stem was great. I highly recommend the coffee grinder.


? & beyond
Damn, that sucks about your lemon Mendos!!! Stuff like that does happen though.... :2c: Who knows if these are even made by the same people... :uhoh:

Now, I actually have a question to add. Spiral (if you're reading this), I have noticed in some of the pictures you posted that your Mendo shows the same signs of wear. Have you ever really inspected your herb for flakes? If so, did you ever find any? I find it hard to believe that those pathways are being carved without shedding flake into the herb...I mean, where else would it go? I am not calling you out specifically dude, I just happen to know you're a Mendo owner and like I said, I saw the same thing in your pictures...so I'm genuinely curious. I know you got yours a long time before I did, so I don't know...maybe the aluminum wasn't as soft?? I dunno, I'd sure love to get your opinion though.
Sure thing. Let me get some coffee and I'll take some pictures of my grinder to show you the skinny. Mine doesn't flake at all. That's really too bad yours didn't work out for you because mine has provided me with nothing but the best grinding experience.


Out to lunch
I will also be e-mailing the manufacturer again, if only to let them know they can expect the return...sort of a safety blanket I guess, in case these somehow get "lost in the mail"...
I'd send it postal and pay the extra (small) amount to get your delivery signed for. Make sure they don't require an RMA # too. Some companies insist on that before they'll accept a return.


? & beyond

I just read you payed 100+ bucks for a Space Case!!! I'm sure you won't want another grinder, ever, (maybe because of how much it cost) but damn. I hope that really works out for you!

Here are some pictures of my Mendo. As you can she (other than being really dirty, hehehe :brow: it's been months and ounces since her last cleaning) she's basically as good as new;

Thanks for that link btw....

I'm actually eyeballing 2 grinders right now.

I've heard good things about Diamond Grinders, and they looks fucking sleek. At 25 bucks, I don't have much to lose, considering I always have friends who will take it off my hands and reimburse me gladly. I was thinking about getting a colored version, but to be honest, I'd just prefer regular.


And the other one is a large Cosmic. At this price, it's a fucking steal.

Probably order these later in the week, write up a review and let you all know.

I love my Mendo to death, but I just want something new.... that and I just like grinders. They are fun. :)


Chief Vapor Officer
OK, just spent a 15 min or so reading this thread, didn't know there was so much to know. I guess without doing too much more research, I am going with the MixnBall classic that radiohead purchased...how's it holding up for you? I never had a grinder that collected keif before so this will definitely be a bonus!


OK, the one I want says its 8 weeks delay, is this the one you bought radiohead? http://store.mixnball.com/cubecart/index.php/classic-screen-pollen-herb-grinder/p_10.html

What's the main difference between that one and this one? http://store.mixnball.com/cubecart/index.php/double-screen-grinder/p_6.html

I know it has a double screen, but is that really necessary having two screens? Worth the extra money? Man, never thought it'd be this hard to decide on a grinder. Spiral, you seem like you have a lot of knowledge here, make it easy for me, give me you top 3 picks...spacecase? mendo? cromium crusher?


? & beyond
Depends, how much you want to spend. More $$$ = quality.

If you just want something that does the job, 20 bucks. Get a Chromium. She ain't the best, but I can't complain and the black is nice. Very fine kief, so if your wanting large yields, look elsewhere.

I would recommend a Mendo over the Spacecase, only because of the price, but hearing about pv's trouble makes me hesitant, so I won't. I ordered mine almost 3 years ago! :o So a lot could change in a small company.... :/ A shame really. I love my grinder to death.

The SpaceCase is basically the Lamborghini. Pricey but your not going to complain. If that is worth it to you, go for it. For the price of one SpaceCase (about 100 bones) you could get 3 nice grinders though.... I think it's a huge price markup because they are well known and I don't like that, one bit.... :(

Other than that, the Cosmic Grinders look really nice. EitherOr posted some stuff on his and he thoroughly enjoys it. I have a friend who owns one and he says he also loves it. Lots of kief. That link I posted above is a really good price for such a high quality grinder, and although I haven't tried one myself, later this week I'm putting in an order. :)

edit/// I saved the comments on the mixnball for max. I know little about them but they do look nice. It seems they are always sold out or awaiting new stock though... probably sell like hot cakes.

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Yeah sticks, I've used a coffee grinder for most of my habit and I've always loved them...even grind every time, huge capacity, quick as hell, but it's very, very easy to over grind. So it's a trade off. Even with the PD it is possible to have bud that's TOO powdery. So be careful! Other than that, it's all good. I don't know why I want a hand grinder so bad...I guess because I'm more into doing my stuff in small batches now, basically daily or several days worth of material. Just trying to keep everything fresh. Anyway...I've paid for it now, so I just hope the SC lives up to it's supposed quality!

Thank you for the tip max. I actually was thinking that already because I've been burned once before with some musical equipment and that whole RMA bullshit...and the company didn't give them out for anythign really, so it was a moot, circular argument. :mad: As I said though, I'll be contacting Wes Dixion at the MM warehouse to hammer out the details before I make any rash moves. Thanks for the concern though.

SpiralArchitect said:
Damn, that sucks about your lemon Mendos!!! Stuff like that does happen though.... :2c: Who knows if these are even made by the same people... :uhoh:
Yes...stuff like this does happen. But two seperate grinders? Together they cost me about 30 bucks more than what I paid for my Space Case, so if the Space Case turns out to be what I've been looking for, assuming I DO get refunded for my faulty Mendos, then I'll just cut my losses and be glad that I shouldn't have to buy another hand grinder...ever...presuming I don't loose it. Which I'm not that bad at, so yeah...we'll think of it as an investment...haha :rolleyes:

Anyway, you say "Who knows if these are even made by the same people..." I gotta be honest...that's exactly what I've been thinking. The Mendo Mulcher makers dissapered for some time, right? The website was gone, you couldn't source them, etc. And then they make a return...so who knows. Is it possible that the name was sold to another interested party, who is now making shittier grinders under the same trademarked name?? I don't know...but I'm not pleased with my experience, so that's enough evidence for me.

Spiral, your grinder seems to have the same "pathways" carved in it, but they look very different from mine. It looks like they were cut into the grinder when it was milled initially? Do you remember if those grooves (on the top part of your Mendo) came with the grinder, or are they a result of wear and tear? I ask because you only have them on the top, whereas mine were on the top and the bottom, and yours REALLY look even and like they were milled intentionally... Perhaps we really do have different "generations" of the Mendo Mulcher...it doesn't help that www.mendomulchers.com and www.mendomulcherwarehouse.com (the only real sources online to buy these things, as far as I can tell) offer very little information about the grinder... I really hope other peoples Mendos dont shed aluminum in the same way that my two grinders have, otherwise that's a serious health concern, and in my mind...criminal misrepresentation. :2c: Oh yeah, I should also mention that my Mendo feels light to the heft, and I was thinking it should be heavier with the "high quality" aluminum they use. Does yours have a good weight to it, Spiral?

Oh and Spiral, isn't that weird with the Cosmics? The same distributor (Garden State Mall) has them listed at two totally different prices through two different store fronts...what the hell is up with that??? Lame. But at least there is a cheaper option...let us know if you pick up something new, you're accumulating quite the collection up there in chilly ole Alaska! :lol: I'll definitely drop some opinions on the Space Case once I receive it. I don't know that it really can be worth 100 bones when a coffee grinder is like a tenth of that and does the job just as adequately...but still...I really did want a quality hand grinder.

Henn I have an Exotic Zombie box, and a Gypsy Nirvana box. I've been meaning to review them but have been busy as hell lately. I will get to that I promise (it'll be in the appropriate thread though). I like the EZ a lot, a lot a lot, but I do have some beefs with it...so I'll extrapolate when I've got time.
partially veiled,

Acolyte of Zinglon

Oh and Spiral, isn't that weird with the Cosmics? The same distributor (Garden State Mall) has them listed at two totally different prices through two different store fronts...what the hell is up with that??? Lame. But at least there is a cheaper option...
i just found the answer for that mystery, the site you linked is their wholesale outlet and their other site is retail, the wholesale site has a minimum order of $200

if my sharpstone ever needs to be replaced, im going for a cosmic
Acolyte of Zinglon,

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Good man, AoZ. Taking steps to cover up my laziness--I wish my real life minions were so productive. Sorry about the confusion, folks. That's what happens when you're surfing the web after being awake for two days straight... Thankfully AoZ is much keener than me. :)
partially veiled,


? & beyond
Yeah thanks for clearing that up AoZ. My friend can still get a better price at a headshop down south.... I'll take that route most likely....

pv said:
Do you remember if those grooves (on the top part of your Mendo) came with the grinder, or are they a result of wear and tear? I ask because you only have them on the top, whereas mine were on the top and the bottom, and yours REALLY look even and like they were milled intentionally... Perhaps we really do have different "generations" of the Mendo Mulcher
Yeah, like I said, it looks exactly like the day I bought it. High quality cuts and aluminum. And yeah, it's heavy as shit. Hard to judge with your hands, but it weighs significantly more than my PD if that helps at all (maybe twice as much?).


Well-Known Member
Hey all. I'm trying to choose between a mixnball classic screen and kelly's cnc grinder (both off of ebay). Both are roughly the same cost. Recommendations? If it helps any, I'll be using it with my purple days....


Well-Known Member
i picked up a space case locally, cost 50$ but you pay for the quality, the grinder busts up ANY bud in 2-3 turns to a perfect vape consistensy


Reindeer, reindeer, reindeer
I've had my grinder for almost 2 years, absolutely LOVE it. I thought it was overpriced at the local headshop when I bought it ($60), but it seemed quality so I ponied up.

Looking at the photos in the picture, I now know it's a Cosmic. Good thing to know if if I ever lose it! Another big thumbs up for Cosmic grinders.


KeepCalm said:
I've had my grinder for almost 2 years, absolutely LOVE it. I thought it was overpriced at the local headshop when I bought it ($60), but it seemed quality so I ponied up.

Looking at the photos in the picture, I now know it's a Cosmic. Good thing to know if if I ever lose it! Another big thumbs up for Cosmic grinders.
buying quality the first time around saves you in the long run...

i need a new grinder...this 2 piece ain't cutting it :doh:



Out to lunch
ballin1 said:
Hey all. I'm trying to choose between a mixnball classic screen and kelly's cnc grinder (both off of ebay). Both are roughly the same cost. Recommendations? If it helps any, I'll be using it with my purple days....
I've got both brands. The anodized MB finish gives it the edge IMO. It's also scratch proof so the looks will last. Kelly's model is quieter during grinding, due to the silicone o-ring on the bottom lip. He calls it an o-ring, but it's not replaceable, at least not easily. The MB is also a few bucks cheaper, so unless you place a high value on silent grinding and a shiny finish, I'd go with MixnBall.

partially veiled

Lo Boob Oscillator
Quick update: I heard back from Wes Dixion today, and he filled me in on all the details. Once again he was very helpful. I don't need an RMA, but I am going to send it in such a way so that it will have to be signed for upon delivery. This was suggested by both max and by Wes, so it is a sound idea. I have the grinders all cleaned and ready to go, so now all I have to do is type up a little letter, print of my invoices, package the shit up and take it to the post office. I will definitely keep you guys updated though. I am going to send Dave at www.mendomulchers.com one more e-mail before I put this in the mail. Just so he knows how freaking dissatisfied I am...if I actually get a response this time, I'll let you know that as well. Anyways...I suppose we'll see what is going to happen. I wonder how much I am actually going to be refunded for, since the purchases we're made in USD and the conversion rates are so variable...oh well.

I will keep you all tuned in. :peace:

Edit: For the sake of easy reference--the total I paid for my two 3" Mendos was 135.98 CAD. This included delivery.
partially veiled,


'Socratic Existentialist, MD'
PV, it is a shame that you have been put through such hassles with your 'metal mulchers' (c'mon, that's not mean after what happened--I didn't even say the companies name :D ) Hopefully you're getting cash back plus shipping ;) .

It seems like you are bright and have been/are crossing your T's/dotting your I's (definitely let us know if something should go awry :cool: ).

I have had a Ti SC for years and a Sweetleaf for decades (it seems to me like a good grinder should outlast its owner...unlostified).

Degrees and all (or not) I jibber-jabber with the best of 'em.

Toke it easy.

"So I removed my liberty cap and sat on the philosophers stone, squeezed the uncertainty aside and left it all alone"--Squint (Recollections of a Vision Hunter)


? & beyond
So my mexican friend was looking at my glass pipes (I'm selling them all... and it's quite the collection) and he asked if I had a grinder for sale. I took my Chromium out of storage and he shouted '40 dollawrs!!'. I laughed and gave it to him for 15... I think I got it for 25 + shipping, but it was kinda scratched and I never use it, so yeah... he absolutely loved it and proceeded to grind up a bunch of his weed and vape me out. Glad it found a good home!!!


I think I'm going to try out Mix N' Ball....

I just have one question, specifically to owners of Mix N' Ball.... how is the kief build up on the edges? My biggest complaint about grinders is all that good kief getting lost in threads/outside edges... The pictures ILoveRadiohead! posted seem to indicate their is very little kief lost.

From page 1:

Vtacs SSV grinder.

See all that kief on the edge? I don't want that.

Most likely I'll be ordering one from an eBay vendor. These aren't 'old' models, are they?


I hope everything works out for you dude. Glad that guy got back to you, I was worried their for a minute. It's a shame you got 2 lemons and I can totally understand your frustration. I'm looking forward to your Spacecase review/pics though. :p :D



You said you could get different size holes from KGP products.... do you just ask him in the request or are they separate auctions? I can't seem to find them. I think I might get a 1.5/2.5 4 piece with the smallest sized holes, which would those be? (I want a super fine grind)
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