Healthy Rips Rogue

Jill NYC

Portable Hoarder
I don't agree, which 'shows to go ya' how confusing this can be. Timing has a lot to do with it I think. It's easy for reporting rising temperatures to 'take a jump' depending on when the heat was turned on? There is also a 'masking' issue, it's common practice to 'round up' to a set temperature when you get close or when you momentarily drop in temperature with a big hit. And it's also common to report falling temperatures as we wait for normal losses to draw down the actual temperature. Internally, the program has to accurately sense temperatures or it would fail to regulate as well as it evidently does.

And, what's important, the load temperature, is something else entirely......time related to the sensor and oven temperatures by the rate heat is conducted into the load (and even then the part of the load 'closest to the fire' is going to be hotter than the other parts of the load?

All 'effects' I'd expect. For sure the laws of Physics are still in play, the temperature of the oven sensor (not necessirlily the real temperature of the actual oven ATT) can only change so fast with the limited power we can apply. And cooling can only happen as heat is otherwise conducted away, we can only add extra heat.

I wouldn't stress over these sorts of things, rather to enjoy the unit for the fine device it is. No need to look for issues, IMO you're doing OK?

Regards to all.

See, this is why I should always wait for you @OF to speak up about electronics parts before saying anything….

I just re-looked at the videos and the C threw me off. Since there are far fewer numbers for C than F , it was just crazy to see it go up and down in even faster motion than (my) normal F. And if it’s already warm, the temp reading syncs pretty quickly. I even mentioned it in my review!

So, I retract my above post @aron91 - listen to @OF , not me! As long as you are getting good hits and can temp step, it looks normal.

Healthy Rips Team
Company Rep
Hi, I have a new HR Rogue. Is this how the device should work?
HI! Thank you for sharing your concern! Your device seems to be operating normally as @OF has stated (probably better than we could have):
Timing has a lot to do with it I think. It's easy for reporting rising temperatures to 'take a jump' depending on when the heat was turned on? There is also a 'masking' issue, it's common practice to 'round up' to a set temperature when you get close or when you momentarily drop in temperature with a big hit. And it's also common to report falling temperatures as we wait for normal losses to draw down the actual temperature. Internally, the program has to accurately sense temperatures or it would fail to regulate as well as it evidently does.

And, what's important, the load temperature, is something else entirely......time related to the sensor and oven temperatures by the rate heat is conducted into the load (and even then the part of the load 'closest to the fire' is going to be hotter than the other parts of the load?

All 'effects' I'd expect. For sure the laws of Physics are still in play, the temperature of the oven sensor (not necessirlily the real temperature of the actual oven ATT) can only change so fast with the limited power we can apply. And cooling can only happen as heat is otherwise conducted away, we can only add extra heat.

I wouldn't stress over these sorts of things, rather to enjoy the unit for the fine device it is. No need to look for issues, IMO you're doing OK?
We will add just for simplicity: Once you turn on your device and it reaches the set temperature, then you start changing the set temperature up and down rapidly, the device (and/or thermal sensor) will be constantly trying to self regulate and sync in order to display the most accurate temperature of the actual load.

As @Jill NYC has stated, as long as you are getting good hits and can temp step, it looks normal:
if it’s already warm, the temp reading syncs pretty quickly. I even mentioned it in my review!
As long as you are getting good hits and can temp step, it looks normal.

Thank you both for your invaluable input!

Healthy Rips Team


Waistband Optimizer
Staff member
Really digging this vape much more than the Fury 2, Edge, and Fierce. The larger bowl, the very fast heat up time. This is the only vape so far that I've liked the capsules. They aren't hard for me to use, they don't bend up. The taste is better to me than the previous HR vapes.

Super bummed I have this protect 08 error tonight. This was going to be my Champs vape in a couple weeks with the small convenient size. I'm going to have to pick something else from my collection. On the other hand I am hopeful to get lucky and get this resolved before the 27th gets here.

Fast tasty vape, lets get er fixed!

Healthy Rips Team
Company Rep
Really digging this vape much more than the Fury 2, Edge, and Fierce. The larger bowl, the very fast heat up time. This is the only vape so far that I've liked the capsules. They aren't hard for me to use, they don't bend up. The taste is better to me than the previous HR vapes.

Super bummed I have this protect 08 error tonight. This was going to be my Champs vape in a couple weeks with the small convenient size. I'm going to have to pick something else from my collection. On the other hand I am hopeful to get lucky and get this resolved before the 27th gets here.

Fast tasty vape, lets get er fixed!
Hi! We are so bummed for you! We have had a few ROGUEs from our first production run go into protect mode. Not as many as you might think, but we wish there were none at all. Get in touch with us right away and we should have your warranty replacement by Champs. If it looks like we're cutting it close, we will bring one to Champs and meet up there. Please PM us and contact us here:

That being said - so great to hear that you are digging the ROGUE!

All the Best!
Healthy Rips Team
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Well-Known Member

:zzz::leaf::leaf:I’m waiting till HR drops a deal on the Rogue… really they should on FC considering the number of error first runs being reported here… and the fact they are active here….


Cognitive Dissonance D 5 +
The good folks at HR said early on that the Edge dosing caps would work just fine in the Roque. It's nice to be able to use another Edge accessory in this unit.

Hi - great to hear that you are pleased with your FURY EDGE! Yes, we will have ROGUE specific dosing capsules available simultaneous to our ROGUE launch. Our team has been testing the FURY EDGE dosing capsules in our ROGUE and they are getting good results as well. For the best results, we would recommend the ROGUE dosing capsules for our ROGUE device - but it is certainly worth trying the FURY EDGE capsules first :).

Healthy Rips Team


Active Member
I have my edge caps packed away with my edge, if you guys really want I'll fish them out and see how they go in the Rogue.

Edit: Ok went and tested anyway. Edge Capsule loose full pack of hemp flower since I don't wanna get baked right now (lol). Pictures speak for themselves imo. Max temp dry through a bubbler. Extraction took a little longer (I crush caps in under 2 minutes usually), but cooked it up nicely. I probably could've gotten it darker if I sucked on it for a bit, but yeah hemp flower and was a quick experiment.
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Well-Known Member
I have my edge caps packed away with my edge, if you guys really want I'll fish them out and see how they go in the Rogue.

Edit: Ok went and tested anyway. Edge Capsule loose full pack of hemp flower since I don't wanna get baked right now (lol). Pictures speak for themselves imo. Max temp dry through a bubbler. Extraction took a little longer (I crush caps in under 2 minutes usually), but cooked it up nicely. I probably could've gotten it darker if I sucked on it for a bit, but yeah hemp flower and was a quick experiment.
Yep. I’ve had my Rogue capsules for a few days now. Thanks vapenorth :tup: I much prefer the quicker extraction with the Rogue capsules. A more satisfying experience especially at lower temps💨


Well-Known Member
Yep. I’ve had my Rogue capsules for a few days now. Thanks vapenorth :tup: I much prefer the quicker extraction with the Rogue capsules. A more satisfying experience especially at lower temps💨
Yep, not only quicker but since the capsules are larger it's not only 'easier to get to' (since you have more herb 'working') but there's also more total THC. The larger capsules designed for Rogue have clear advantages.

Regards to all.


Mr. Shrute

Just wanted to revise my criticisms on the last page. While I stand by all of my descriptions of device durability issues I have experienced, I was able to have follow up communication with HR where they patiently listened to my individual frustrations and applied a suitable solution to the point where I am once again 100% satisfied. These guys make great vapes which made the error messages that much more frustrating as my favorite device had suffered an untimely demise. I am thoroughly convinced they will stand by their products in a fair and honest manner.
Thanks to HR and especially to this community for providing a forum to air my grievance in a way that led to a great outcome. The only other way I would have been able to make such a commotion would have been to be more confrontational with the customer service folks which is not something I would ever do.


Active Member
New to the forum... lurker for a short while though.

So I bought my first vape after digging through these forums... a S&B Mighty. It's amazing, and I love it. That is my only experience vaping besides dabs (DTV4 w/ ArcticFox).

I use the Mighty so much that I was charging it all the time. Instead of being smart, and buying a log like an Enano or UD/AD, I bought another portable, the HR Rogue...

This thing heats up fast... like double or triple the Mighty it seems like. You can almost use it as an "on-demand" vape if you have ~8-10 seconds of patience, and take a couple pulls during cool down.

Flavor is good to, though admittedly I'm not a connoisseur by any means. There is a small gap between the glass stem and the silicone screen retainer, some may not like that. It doesn't bother me at all. I like both the glass stem and the form fitted one as well. No problems in a small water pipe. I also have a bunch of the accessories:

Clouds are great... seems to never run out of vapor. The dosing capsules are very nice... looks like they are made on a swiss lathe, not stamped... and they better be at that price. I agree with what I've seen elsewhere, the capsules make the flavor pop more (more conduction?). You can turn the temp up and hit the thing until every once out of your ABV (I usually stop when I can't stand the flavor, this thing keeps tempting me to push more...)

As you can see, you can completely torch your medicine if for some reason you so desire. I tend to vape around 185c, and only push a couple hits at higher temps to finish off, continuing while it cools.

The screen is basically impossible to see in sunlight... normal for these types of oled screens. You can read it if you shield it with your hand, and it is flippable 180 degrees. The auto-off timer is adjustable from 3-8 mins according to the manual, I have mine set for 420sec, but I usually just do a few hits, turn it off, and do a few more pulls as it cools (unless I'm in a mood for a session).

USB C charge cable, but no brick. I'm good with that.... The bummer was I can't charge and use at the same time. Hitting a butting while charging displays an OLED test.

Size and weight are great, especially since I'm used to the Mighty. I think the Mighty is a better vape overall, with the caveat that if heat time is vitally important then the nod goes to the Rogue. All of this comparison is leaving out customer service and other services that buying from any given manufacturer may offer.

The HR Rogue is the better bang for the buck, and the better value maybe someday if it proves serviceable and supported (it seems like HR are pretty active about support, so I wasn't trying to make any comments to that).

Side note... I use the Mighty daily, and I have a fairly good tolerance. I often add a little bit of concentrate (wax or shatter) to a dosing capsule full of flower on my Mighty. After my Rogue was finished charging, I loaded a capsule up with flower only, let it rip, and was fairly well stoned after finishing the session. I was typically going through 2-3 capsules on the Mighty to hit my target medication level, or 1 capsule and a bit of concentrate. My partner was also stoned off one toke (lightweight). FWIW.
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Active Member
I just got Rogue last night. I'm really liking it. Using with dosing caps and blue 3d stem. This thing rips! I just tried the WPA and Mega Globe and the clouds. The heat up time is insane especially compared to the Mighty. Feels solid too. Mighty going to shelf I prefer the taste and clouds of Rogue. Im thinking of trying the bubbler, has anyone tried with Rogue? This has become my go to when Bowle is charging.

I got the bubbler. It's pretty light duty... When doing sessions, I have been vaping the Rogue at lower temps and bumping it up. I usually finish with the bubbler to make the vapor more tolerable, and it is enough to do that.

I actually bought a mini silicone trays to make tiny ice cubes to drop in the bubbler, pipes, tongue, etc... That works too well (cough due to volume).

I use the atttachment adapter with the glass stem instead of the form fitted unit so it is easy to swap to the bubbler. It actually isn't that hard to swap the whole mouth piece, even easier with dosing capsules. I think the form-fitted unit cools the vapor better though, got a 3d stem coming to test.


As other have noted, the temperature scale seems shifted compared to the Mighty. I'm getting vapor at 150c and I normally get that same type of vapor on the mighty around 160c-170c. It is very repeatable though, so I don't see any issue, and have no idea which is correct (probably the Mighty, it's sensor/heater cartridge is cool). Definitely start at lower temps and see... so nice to vape the spectrum.

Somethings I forgot, the air intake on the bottom is easy to cover with your pinky with the OLED screen oriented towards your chin, better to flip it towards your nose (if you hold the device like I do).

The draw resistance is pretty low, but the draw has slightly more resistance compared to the Mighty.
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New Member
Just moved from 510 carts to the rogue. Just curious, how many puffs do you get out one bowl until the herb is completely done? And how long is each puff? I feel like the bowl gets done orrery quick. Unless I’m doing something wrong.


Well-Known Member
Just moved from 510 carts to the rogue. Just curious, how many puffs do you get out one bowl until the herb is completely done? And how long is each puff? I feel like the bowl gets done orrery quick. Unless I’m doing something wrong.
I generally hit it 8-15 times for 15-20 sec each over the course of 5 min. By then it starts it taste like there’s not much left, and the vapor production is fizzling out. It depends on the flower being put in too. Some vape much faster than others.


Active Member
Just moved from 510 carts to the rogue. Just curious, how many puffs do you get out one bowl until the herb is completely done? And how long is each puff? I feel like the bowl gets done orrery quick. Unless I’m doing something wrong.

Yup, the Rogue extracts fast. On max temp through glass I usually get two big main hits, third and fourth visibile and then some quicker whispy hits as I cash it. I usually finish a capsule in under 90 seconds unless I've packed it hard or the bud is super sticky (freshly ground etc).


New Member
Yup, the Rogue extracts fast. On max temp through glass I usually get two big main hits, third and fourth visibile and then some quicker whispy hits as I cash it. I usually finish a capsule in under 90 seconds unless I've packed it hard or the bud is super sticky (freshly ground etc).
So for the capsules is it ok to pack super tight? Or will that mess up the air flow?


Well-Known Member
Still absolutely loving the rogue such a killer and easy vape. Here are my notes of improvement potential though:

1)The screen is invisible in sunlight, like wildly invisible, not end of the world by any means and at least it doesn’t die in sunlight you just temporarily can’t see it.
2) I wish it would turn back on to lowest temp not last temp, I’m assuming most people might too if you temp step, sometimes I forget and just get two massive rips at max temp but it kills the bowl so fast I like starting at 165c and moving up to max slowly.
3) This isn’t really a critique of the current vape but I’d like to see a cooling/dimple stem set inside the protected plastic mouthpiece, it would be a sweet combo of protected and cooling.

that’s really it this thing sings with the dosing caps. Between this and my Enano my Vas is in remission, there’s no cure but the relief is solid for now.


Well-Known Member
Still absolutely loving the rogue such a killer and easy vape. Here are my notes of improvement potential though:

1)The screen is invisible in sunlight, like wildly invisible, not end of the world by any means and at least it doesn’t die in sunlight you just temporarily can’t see it.
2) I wish it would turn back on to lowest temp not last temp, I’m assuming most people might too if you temp step, sometimes I forget and just get two massive rips at max temp but it kills the bowl so fast I like starting at 165c and moving up to max slowly.
3) This isn’t really a critique of the current vape but I’d like to see a cooling/dimple stem set inside the protected plastic mouthpiece, it would be a sweet combo of protected and cooling.

that’s really it this thing sings with the dosing caps. Between this and my Enano my Vas is in remission, there’s no cure but the relief is solid for now.
FWIW, you can fill the standard mouthpiece with glass beads to help with cooling. I find the vapor too hot / harsh out of the standard mouthpiece otherwise (I mostly use the standard mouthpiece if I'm leaving home with it so I can use the cover and don't have to worry about carrying a glass stem).


Well-Known Member
FWIW, you can fill the standard mouthpiece with glass beads to help with cooling. I find the vapor too hot / harsh out of the standard mouthpiece otherwise (I mostly use the standard mouthpiece if I'm leaving home with it so I can use the cover and don't have to worry about carrying a glass stem).
I’ve wanted to put balls in mine. Does the silicone gasket ever come out on accident, and spill hot balls? I’m worried about that. The gasket sometimes falls off of the accessory attachment when I take the mouthpiece off.


Well-Known Member
I’ve wanted to put balls in mine. Does the silicone gasket ever come out on accident, and spill hot balls? I’m worried about that. The gasket sometimes falls off of the accessory attachment when I take the mouthpiece off.
I've only had mine for a little bit and I haven't had any problems with spilling hot balls all over the place, but I can see it potentially being an issue. I avoided using the looser-fitting of the gaskets that came with the device on the standard moutpiece due to concerns over hot ball spillage, and I'm pretty careful when I take the mouthpiece off.


Well-Known Member
Good idea to use balls, I was thinking with the 3d stem it might be really nice, but definitely prone to hot ball spillage lol, because sometimes my gasket thing gets gunky and sticks as I take the accessory attachment off.

I guess you could just clean that part before it gets too sticky.

To ultimately, prevent hot ball spillage.


It's good to be back 🤗


New Member
I performed a burn off for an entire battery. I've run several bowls. My thoughts:

Nice form factor.
Very light weight.
Feels like cheap plastic (not saying it is - saying it FEELS like it).
Heats up very very fast.
Medicates well.
Replaceable battery makes me happy.
Nice sized oven.
Screen is small but very legible.
Price point is great.
Wish the stem was longer as the device can get "warm" on the lips (may try a whip if it doesn't add much air restriction).
Haven't had it long enough to determine reliability.

Overall, IMHO, it performs as well (and in some cases better) than some much more expensive vaporizers.
At this time I'm very happy with the device.

How do I dismantle the mouthpiece for cleaning?
Battery is not replaceable.
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